124 research outputs found


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    Petrography of Yamato 984028 lherzolitic shergottite and its melt vein: Implications for its shock metamorphism and origin of the vein

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    AbstractYamato 984028 (Y984028) is a newly identified lherzolitic shergottite, recovered from the Yamato Mountains, Antarctica, in 1999. As part of a consortium study, we conducted petrographic observations of Y984028 and its melt vein in order to investigate its shock metamorphism. The rock displays the typical non-poikilitic texture of lherzolitic shergottite, characterized by a framework of olivine, minor pyroxene (pigeonite and augite), and interstitial maskelynite. Shock metamorphic features include irregular fractures in olivine and pyroxene, shock-induced twin-lamellae in pyroxene, and the complete conversion of plagioclase to maskelynite, features consistent with those found in other lherzolitic shergottites. The melt vein is composed of coarse mineral fragments (mainly olivine) entrained in a matrix of fine-grained euhedral olivine (with several modes of compositional zoning) and interstitial glassy material. Some coarse olivine fragments consist of an assemblage of fine-grained euhedral to subhedral olivine crystals, suggesting shock-induced fragmentation, recrystallization, and/or a process of sintering. The implication is that the fine-grained olivine crystals in the matrix of the melt vein represent complicated crystallization environments and histories

    Atg9a deficiency causes axon-specific lesions including neuronal circuit dysgenesis

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    Conditional knockout mice for Atg9a, specifically in brain tissue, were generated to understand the roles of ATG9A in the neural tissue cells. The mice were born normally, but half of them died within one wk, and none lived beyond 4 wk of age. SQSTM1/p62 and NBR1, receptor proteins for selective autophagy, together with ubiquitin, accumulated in Atg9a-deficient neurosoma at postnatal d 15 (P15), indicating an inhibition of autophagy, whereas these proteins were significantly decreased at P28, as evidenced by immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and western blot. Conversely, degenerative changes such as spongiosis of nerve fiber tracts proceeded in axons and their terminals that were occupied with aberrant membrane structures and amorphous materials at P28, although no clear-cut degenerative change was detected in neuronal cell bodies. Different from autophagy, diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging and histological observations revealed Atg9a-deficiency-induced dysgenesis of the corpus callosum and anterior commissure. As for the neurite extensions of primary cultured neurons, the neurite outgrowth after 3 d culturing was significantly impaired in primary neurons from atg9a-KO mouse brains, but not in those from atg7-KO and atg16l1-KO brains. Moreover, this tendency was also confirmed in Atg9a-knockdown neurons under an atg7-KO background, indicating the role of ATG9A in the regulation of neurite outgrowth that is independent of autophagy. These results suggest that Atg9a deficiency causes progressive degeneration in the axons and their terminals, but not in neuronal cell bodies, where the degradations of SQSTM1/p62 and NBR1 were insufficiently suppressed. Moreover, the deletion of Atg9a impaired nerve fiber tract formation

    Isochemical breakdown of garnet in orogenic garnet peridotite and its implication to reaction kinetics

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    An isochemical kelyphite (orthopyroxene+spinel+plagioclase) that has nearly the same bulk chemical composition as the precursor garnet was found within a matrix of ordinary kelyphites (orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene+spinel±amphibole) in garnet peridotites from the Czech part of the Moldanubian Zone. It was shown that the kelyphitization of garnet took place in three stages: (1) the garnet-olivine reaction, accompanied by a long-range material transfer across the reaction zone, and (2) the isochemical breakdown of garnet, essentially in a chemically-closed system, and finally, (3) an open-system hydration reaction producing a thin hydrous zone (amphibole+spinel+plagioclase), which is located between the isochemical kelyphite and relict garnet. The presence of relict garnet suggests that this breakdown reaction of the second stage did not proceed to a completion probably being hindered by the formation of the hydrous zone at the reaction front. It was found by electron back-scattered diffraction method that orthopyroxene and spinel do not show any topotaxic relationship in the first type of kelyphite; whereas they show locally topotaxic relationship in the isochemical kelyphite. The transition from the first type to the second type of kelyphite is discussed on the basis of the detailed observations in the transition zone between the two kelyphites. More widespread occurrence of isochemical kelyphite is expected to occur in orogenic peridotites as well as from xenoliths brought by volcanics