3 research outputs found

    Pemilihan Lokasi Lahan Perkebunan Tanaman Kakao Menggunakan Metode WP dan TOPSIS

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    Perkebunan merupakan sektor penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia, salah satunya yaitu perkebunan kakao. Dalam membudidayakan tanaman kakao ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan diantaranya aspek pemilihan lahan. Kesalahan dalam memilih lokasi lahan perkebunan kakao dapat menyebabkan rendahnya hasil produksi kakao. Penelitian ini mebangun sistem pemilihan lokasi lahan kakao menggunakan metode Weighted Product (WP) untuk menghitung normalisasi bobot setiap kriteria dan metode Technique for Others Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) untuk pemeringkatan altenatif lokasi terbaik. Kriteria yang digunakan yaitu kemiringan lereng, kedalaman solum tanah, pH tanah, tekstur tanah, dan kelembapan udara. Alternatif pada penelitian ini berjumlah delapan wilayah perkebunan kakao di provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian diharapkan dapat membantu memberikan rekomendasi lokasi lahan yang sesuai untuk perkebunan kakao. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, metode WP dan TOPSIS berhasil diterapkan di dalam sistem pendukung keputusan pemilihan lokasi lahan perkebunan kakao dengan hasil rekomendasi tertinggi yaitu Desa Datah Bilang Ilir dengan nilai sebesar 0.689898

    Penerapan Model Prototype Untuk Pembangunan Sistem Point of Sale (POS) Pada Toko Ritel

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    Point of Sale (POS) system in the business field, especially in the field of sales in retail stores is needed. This is because POS can replace business processes from conventional to systemized using electronic devices, namely computers. Toko Kafindra currently has not implemented a computerized business process. Therefore, this research implements a POS that can help Toko Kafindra in facilitating the management of business processes so that the retail store business can grow rapidly. This research uses a prototype model to facilitate the identification of user needs for the system to be built. The results showed that the Kafindra Store POS not only made it easier for the owner to know the outgoing goods but also could make it easier for the owner to know the incoming goods using the system of purchasing goods to suppliers. In addition, based on the results of the blackbox test on the system, the test results are valid and the system functions properl

    Sistem Pakar Pemilihan Serum Wajah Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor (Studi Kasus Produk Avoskin)

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    More and more people are aware of the importance of caring for facial skin, resulting in skincare production proliferating. Various kinds of skincare products are on the market, including facial serum. Facial serum is superior because it contains higher levels of active substances than other skincare products. The content and composition of a facial serum varies greatly and has different functions because the skin types and problems experienced are different. This means that users cannot use facial serum carelessly. Through this research, an expert system was created by applying the Certainty Factor method to identify facial serums, especially Avoskin products, which are expected to help the public determine facial serums that suit the type and skin problems they are experiencing. This study used 21 data on facial skin symptoms with eight types of Avoskin Your Skin Bae serum products. Based on the test results using the system accuracy percentage method, an accuracy of 85% was obtained so that the expert system created could run well