125 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Teknik Sintesis Terhadap Kualitas Produk Fattyamina Sekunder

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    Secondary fattyamines has been synthesized by reacting primary fatty amines with acylchlorides and continued with reducing the corresponding secondary fattyamides formed to secondary fattyamines using LiAIH<I'Fatty amines are raw material of natural-based surfactants that can be derived from fatty acids, olefins, or alcohols, of which can be synthesized from natural sources such as palm oil. Conversion of secondary fatty amides to secondary fatty amines was evaluated through the quality of FTIR spectra on wave number of 1639-1645 em' (C=O vibration) and 1544-1555 em" (vibrations of C-H and of secondary amine N-H). Method of synthesis by using closed reflux syncore reactor was better than those of using microwave teflon tubes, and open reflux. The yield of 9 different secondary fatty amines obtainedfrom 5 to 27 replicates by the closed reflux syncore reactor method varied from 17%to 96%

    Advanced Trace Pattern For Computer Intrusion Discovery

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    The number of crime committed based on the malware intrusion is never ending as the number of malware variants is growing tremendously and the usage of internet is expanding globally. Malicious codes easily obtained and use as one of weapon to gain their objective illegally. Hence, in this research, diverse logs from different OSI layer are explored to identify the traces left on the attacker and victim logs in order to establish worm trace pattern to defending against the attack and help revealing true attacker or victim. For the purpose of this paper, it focused on malware intrusion and traditional worm namely sasser worm variants. The concept of trace pattern is created by fusing the attacker’s and victim’s perspective. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to propose a general worm trace pattern for attacker’s, victim’s and multi-step (attacker/victim)’s by combining both perspectives. These three proposed worm trace patterns can be extended into research areas in alert correlation and computer forensic investigation

    Performance Enhancements in IEEE 802.11 DCF MANET through Variation of SIFS Values in Distance Vector Routing Environment

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    This paper describes and investigates the performance enhancement techniques used in IEEE 802.11g MANET in AODV and DSDV routing environment. Through variation of Short Interframe Space (SIFS) values, a better scheme to enhance the wireless network performance can be achieved. This is important especially to assign high priority network nodes that carry time sensitive data to reach the intended receiver in a timely manner. Using NS-2, network simulations are done and the findings are presented. It is showed that nodes using the variated SIFS values can achieve higher throughput compared to nodes using the default SIFS values

    Generic Taxonomy of Social Engineering Attack

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    Social engineering is a type of attack that allows unauthorized access to a system to achieve specific objective. Commonly, the purpose is to obtain information for social engineers. Some successful social engineering attacks get victims’ information via human based retrieval approach, example technique terms as dumpster diving or shoulder surfing attack to get access to password. Alternatively, victims’ information also can be stolen using technical-based method such as from pop-up windows, email or web sites to get the password or other sensitive information. This research performed a preliminary analysis on social engineering attack taxonomy that emphasized on types of technical-based social engineering attack. Results from the analysis become a guideline in proposing a new generic taxonomy of Social Engineering Attack (SEA)

    Recognizing P2P Botnets Characteristic Through TCP Distinctive Behaviour

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    Botnet has been identified as one of the most emerging threats to the Internet users. It has been attracted much attention and gives a big threat in network security. Through the year a number of Botnet variants have been introduced and the most lethal variants are known as peerto- peer (P2P) botnets which able to camouflaging itself as the benign P2P application. This evolution of Botnet variants has made it harder to detect and shut down. Alike any network connection, p2p similarly using TCP to initialize the communication between two parties. Based on this reason, this paper investigates the network traffic characteristics of normal P2P connection and P2P botnets through the TCP connection initialize or received between the bot to the bot master. The proposed mechanism detects and classifies the P2P botnet TCP connection behaviour from the normal P2P network traffic. This can be used for early warning of P2P botnet activities in the network and prevention mechanism

    Threshold Verification Technique for Network Intrusion Detection System

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    Internet has played a vital role in this modern world, the possibilities and opportunities offered are limitless. Despite all the hype, Internet services are liable to intrusion attack that could tamper the confidentiality and integrity of important information. An attack started with gathering the information of the attack target, this gathering of information activity can be done as either fast or slow attack. The defensive measure network administrator can take to overcome this liability is by introducing Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) in their network. IDS have the capabilities to analyze the network traffic and recognize incoming and on-going intrusion. Unfortunately the combination of both modules in real time network traffic slowed down the detection process. In real time network, early detection of fast attack can prevent any further attack and reduce the unauthorized access on the targeted machine. The suitable set of feature selection and the correct threshold value, add an extra advantage for IDS to detect anomalies in the network. Therefore this paper discusses a new technique for selecting static threshold value from a minimum standard features in detecting fast attack from the victim perspective. In order to increase the confidence of the threshold value the result is verified using Statistical Process Control (SPC). The implementation of this approach shows that the threshold selected is suitable for identifying the fast attack in real tim

    Enhanced Alert Correlation Framework for Heterogeneous Log

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    Management of intrusion alarms particularly in identifying malware attack is becoming more demanding due to large amount of alert produced by low-level detectors. Alert correlation can provide high-level view of intrusion alerts but incapable of handling large amount of alarm. This paper proposes an enhanced Alert Correlation Framework for sensors and heterogeneous log. It can reduce the large amount of false alarm and identify the perspective of the attack. This framework is mainly focusing on the alert correlation module which consists of Alarm Thread Reconstruction, Log Thread Reconstruction, Attack Session Reconstruction, Alarm Merging and Attack Pattern Identification module. It is evaluated using metric for effectiveness that shows high correlation rate, reduction rate, identification rate and low misclassification rate. Meanwhile in statistical validation it has highly significance result with p < 0.05. This enhanced Alert Correlation Framework can be extended into research areas in alert correlation and computer forensic investigation

    Modelling of electroluminescence in polymeric material using dimensional analysis method: effect of applied voltage and frequency.

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    Electroluminescence (EL) method has been used by several researchers to observe the behaviour of an aged polymeric material. EL is a phenomenon that occurs when the atoms of a material are being excited due to the application of and external high electrical stresses. The changes in the energy level of these excitation states can be used as an indicator for the initiation of electrical ageing. There are several factors that affect the behaviour of EL emission such as, among others, applied voltage, applied frequency, ageing of material and types of materials and gases used are discussed in this paper. A mathematical approach relating these factors and the intensity of EL is proposed through the aid of Dimensional Analysis method. A close relationship is obtained between experimental and simulation that suggests this mathematical approach can be utilized as a tool to predict electrical ageing of insulation material

    Implementation of IPv6 network testbed: Intrusion detection system on transition mechanism

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    The potential of internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) cannot be denied as compared to the current network protocol (IPv4). The IPv6 ability which is offering huge amount of IP addresses has makes it being awaited by the Internet user. To make the IPv6 implementation successfully, a transition mechanism is needed to simplify the migration process between IPv4 to IPv6. The transition mechanism is created to support the joint operation between these protocols. However, after several years of implementation, it is believed that this mechanism has become an alternative route for intruders and attackers to penetrate the existing network. The problem kept remains without even being detected by any detection tools. Based on this problem, this study proposed an IPv6 network testbed for dealing with designation and implementation of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) on transition mechanism environment. All the equipments, tools and network are configured based on real process of transmitting IPv6 packets over IPv4 network. With fully functional operation for handling basic transition between IPv6 clients over IPv4 networks and equipped with intrusion detection tools, the testbed is used for investigating the intrusion activities behavior on the transition mechanism in the real environment. The result obtained from the testing phase shows the efficiency and the functionality of all hardware and software used. Moreover, the implementation of the testbed is expected to contribute to the realization of IPv6. © 2011 Asian Network for Scientific Information

    Tracing Technique for Blaster Attack

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    Blaster worm of 2003 is still persistent, the infection appears to have successfully transitioned to new hosts as the original systems are cleaned or shut off, suggesting that the Blaster worm, and other similar worms, will remain significant Internet threats for many years after their initial release. This paper is to propose technique on tracing the Blaster attack from various logs in different OSI layers based on fingerprint of Blaster attack on victim logs, attacker logs and IDS alert log. The researchers intended to do a preliminary investigation upon this particular attack so that it can be used for further research in alert correlation and computer forensic investigation
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