226 research outputs found

    Oxidative Stress and Down Syndrome: A Route toward Alzheimer-Like Dementia

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    Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most frequent genetic abnormalities characterized by multiple pathological phenotypes. Indeed, currently life expectancy and quality of life for DS patients have improved, although with increasing age pathological dysfunctions are exacerbated and intellectual disability may lead to the development of Alzheimer's type dementia (AD). The neuropathology of DS is complex and includes the development of AD by middle age, altered free radical metabolism, and impaired mitochondrial function, both of which contribute to neuronal degeneration. Understanding the molecular basis that drives the development of AD is an intense field of research. Our laboratories are interested in understanding the role of oxidative stress as link between DS and AD. This review examines the current literature that showed oxidative damage in DS by identifying putative molecular pathways that play a central role in the neurodegenerative processes. In addition, considering the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegenerative phenomena, results demonstrating the involvement of impaired mitochondria in DS pathology could contribute a direct link between normal aging and development of AD-like dementia in DS patients

    oxidative stress and proteostasis network culprit and casualty of alzheimer s like neurodegeneration

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    Free radical-mediated damage to proteins is particularly important in aging and age-related neurodegenerative diseases, because in the majority of cases it is a non-reversible phenomenon that requires clearance systems for removal. Major consequences of protein oxidation are loss of protein function and the formation of large protein aggregates, which are often toxic to cells if allowed to accumulate. Deposition of aggregated, misfolded, and oxidized proteins may also result from the impairment of protein quality control (PQC) system, including protein unfolded response, proteasome, and autophagy. Perturbations of such components of the proteostasis network that provides a critical protective role against stress conditions are emerging as relevant factor in triggering neuronal death. In this outlook paper, we discuss the role of protein oxidation as a major contributing factor for the impairment of the PQC regulating protein folding, surveillance, and degradation. Recent studies from our group and from others aim to better understand the link between Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease neuropathology. We propose oxidative stress and alteration of proteostasis network as a possible unifying mechanism triggering neurodegeneration

    Proteomic Analysis of Protein Expression and Oxidative Modification in R6/2 Transgenic Mice A Model of Huntington Disease

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    Huntington disease (HD) is a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor, psychiatric, and cognitive symptoms. The genetic defect responsible for the onset of the disease, expansion of CAG repeats in exon 1 of the gene that codes for huntingtin on chromosome 4, has been unambiguously identified. On the other hand, the mechanisms by which the mutation causes the disease are not completely understood yet. However, defects in energy metabolism of affected cells may cause oxidative damage, which has been proposed as one of the underlying molecular mechanisms that participate in the etiology of the disease. In our effort to investigate the extent of oxidative damage occurring at the protein level, we used a parallel proteomic approach to identify proteins potentially involved in processes upstream or downstream of the disease-causing huntingtin in a well established HD mouse model (R6/2 transgenic mice). We have demonstrated that the expression levels of dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase and aspartate aminotransferase increase consistently over the course of disease (10-week-old mice). In contrast, pyruvate dehydrogenase expression levels were found to be decreased in 10-week-old HD transgenic mice compared with young (4-week-old) mice. Our experimental approach also led to the identification of oxidatively modified proteins. Six proteins were found to be significantly oxidized in old R6/2 transgenic mice compared with either young transgenic mice or non-transgenic mice. These proteins are alpha-enolase, gamma-enolase (neuron-specific enolase), aconitase, the voltage-dependent anion channel 1, heat shock protein 90, and creatine kinase. Because oxidative damage has proved to play an important role in the pathogenesis and the progression of Huntington disease, our results for the first time identify specific oxidatively modified proteins that potentially contribute to the pathogenesis of Huntington disease

    The BACH1/Nrf2 axis in brain in down syndrome and transition to alzheimer disease-like neuropathology and dementia

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    Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability that is associated with an increased risk to develop early-onset Alzheimer-like dementia (AD). The brain neuropathological features include alteration of redox homeostasis, mitochondrial deficits, inflammation, accumulation of both amyloid beta-peptide oligomers and senile plaques, as well as aggregated hyperphosphorylated tau protein-containing neurofibrillary tangles, among others. It is worth mentioning that some of the triplicated genes encoded are likely to cause increased oxidative stress (OS) conditions that are also associated with reduced cellular responses. Published studies from our laboratories propose that increased oxidative damage occurs early in life in DS population and contributes to age-dependent neurodegeneration. This is the result of damaged, oxidized proteins that belong to degradative systems, antioxidant defense system, neuronal trafficking. and energy metabolism. This review focuses on a key element that regulates redox homeostasis, the transcription factor Nrf2, which is negatively regulated by BACH1, encoded on chromosome 21. The role of the Nrf2/BACH1 axis in DS is under investigation, and the effects of triplicated BACH1 on the transcriptional regulation of Nrf2 are still unknown. In this review, we discuss the physiological relevance of BACH1/Nrf2 signaling in the brain and how the dysfunction of this system affects the redox homeostasis in DS neurons and how this axis may contribute to the transition of DS into DS with AD neuropathology and dementia. Further, some of the evidence collected in AD regarding the potential contribution of BACH1 to neurodegeneration in DS are also discussed

    The BACH1/Nrf2 Axis in Brain in Down Syndrome and Transition to Alzheimer Disease-Like Neuropathology and Dementia

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    Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability that is associated with an increased risk to develop early-onset Alzheimer-like dementia (AD). The brain neuropathological features include alteration of redox homeostasis, mitochondrial deficits, inflammation, accumulation of both amyloid beta-peptide oligomers and senile plaques, as well as aggregated hyperphosphorylated tau protein-containing neurofibrillary tangles, among others. It is worth mentioning that some of the triplicated genes encoded are likely to cause increased oxidative stress (OS) conditions that are also associated with reduced cellular responses. Published studies from our laboratories propose that increased oxidative damage occurs early in life in DS population and contributes to age-dependent neurodegeneration. This is the result of damaged, oxidized proteins that belong to degradative systems, antioxidant defense system, neuronal trafficking. and energy metabolism. This review focuses on a key element that regulates redox homeostasis, the transcription factor Nrf2, which is negatively regulated by BACH1, encoded on chromosome 21. The role of the Nrf2/BACH1 axis in DS is under investigation, and the effects of triplicated BACH1 on the transcriptional regulation of Nrf2 are still unknown. In this review, we discuss the physiological relevance of BACH1/Nrf2 signaling in the brain and how the dysfunction of this system affects the redox homeostasis in DS neurons and how this axis may contribute to the transition of DS into DS with AD neuropathology and dementia. Further, some of the evidence collected in AD regarding the potential contribution of BACH1 to neurodegeneration in DS are also discussed

    Disturbance of Redox Homeostasis in Down Syndrome: Role of Iron Dysmetabolism

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    Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic form of intellectual disability that leads in the majority of cases to development of early-onset Alzheimer-like dementia (AD). The neuropathology of DS has several common features with AD including alteration of redox homeostasis, mitochondrial deficits, and inflammation among others. Interestingly, some of the genes encoded by chromosome 21 are responsible of increased oxidative stress (OS) conditions that are further exacerbated by decreased antioxidant defense. Previous studies from our groups showed that accumulation of oxidative damage is an early event in DS neurodegeneration and that oxidative modifications of selected proteins affects the integrity of the protein degradative systems, antioxidant response, neuronal integrity and energy metabolism. In particular, the current review elaborates recent findings demonstrating the accumulation of oxidative damage in DS and we focus attention on specific deregulation of iron metabolism, which affects both the central nervous system and the periphery. Iron dysmetabolism is a well-recognized factor that contributes to neurodegeneration; thus we opine that better understanding how and to what extent the concerted loss of iron dyshomestastis and increased OS occur in DS could provide novel insights for the development of therapeutic strategies for the treatment of Alzheimer-like dementia

    Disturbance of Redox Homeostasis in Down Syndrome: Role of Iron Dysmetabolism

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    Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic form of intellectual disability that leads in the majority of cases to development of early-onset Alzheimer-like dementia (AD). The neuropathology of DS has several common features with AD including alteration of redox homeostasis, mitochondrial deficits, and inflammation among others. Interestingly, some of the genes encoded by chromosome 21 are responsible of increased oxidative stress (OS) conditions that are further exacerbated by decreased antioxidant defense. Previous studies from our groups showed that accumulation of oxidative damage is an early event in DS neurodegeneration and that oxidative modifications of selected proteins affects the integrity of the protein degradative systems, antioxidant response, neuronal integrity and energy metabolism. In particular, the current review elaborates recent findings demonstrating the accumulation of oxidative damage in DS and we focus attention on specific deregulation of iron metabolism, which affects both the central nervous system and the periphery. Iron dysmetabolism is a well-recognized factor that contributes to neurodegeneration; thus we opine that better understanding how and to what extent the concerted loss of iron dyshomestastis and increased OS occur in DS could provide novel insights for the development of therapeutic strategies for the treatment of Alzheimer-like dementia

    It Is All About (U)biquitin: Role of Altered Ubiquitin-Proteasome System and UCHL1 in Alzheimer Disease

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    Free radical-mediated damage to macromolecules and the resulting oxidative modification of different cellular components are a common feature of aging, and this process becomes much more pronounced in age-associated pathologies, including Alzheimer disease (AD). In particular, proteins are particularly sensitive to oxidative stress-induced damage and these irreversible modifications lead to the alteration of protein structure and function. In order to maintain cell homeostasis, these oxidized/damaged proteins have to be removed in order to prevent their toxic accumulation. It is generally accepted that the age-related accumulation of “aberrant” proteins results from both the increased occurrence of damage and the decreased efficiency of degradative systems. One of the most important cellular proteolytic systems responsible for the removal of oxidized proteins in the cytosol and in the nucleus is the proteasomal system. Several studies have demonstrated the impairment of the proteasome in AD thus suggesting a direct link between accumulation of oxidized/misfolded proteins and reduction of this clearance system. In this review we discuss the impairment of the proteasome system as a consequence of oxidative stress and how this contributes to AD neuropathology. Further, we focus the attention on the oxidative modifications of a key component of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, UCHL1, which lead to the impairment of its activity

    Intranasal rapamycin ameliorates Alzheimer-like cognitive decline in a mouse model of Down syndrome

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    Background: Down syndrome (DS) individuals, by the age of 40s, are at increased risk to develop Alzheimer-like dementia, with deposition in brain of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Our laboratory recently demonstrated the disturbance of PI3K/AKT/mTOR axis in DS brain, prior and after the development of Alzheimer Disease (AD). The aberrant modulation of the mTOR signalling in DS and AD age-related cognitive decline affects crucial neuronal pathways, including insulin signaling and autophagy, involved in pathology onset and progression. Within this context, the therapeutic use of mTOR-inhibitors may prevent/attenuate the neurodegenerative phenomena. By our work we aimed to rescue mTOR signalling in DS mice by a novel rapamycin intranasal administration protocol (InRapa) that maximizes brain delivery and reduce systemic side effects. Methods: Ts65Dn mice were administered with InRapa for 12 weeks, starting at 6 months of age demonstrating, at the end of the treatment by radial arms maze and novel object recognition testing, rescued cognition. Results: The analysis of mTOR signalling, after InRapa, demonstrated in Ts65Dn mice hippocampus the inhibition of mTOR (reduced to physiological levels), which led, through the rescue of autophagy and insulin signalling, to reduced APP levels, APP processing and APP metabolites production, as well as, to reduced tau hyperphosphorylation. In addition, a reduction of oxidative stress markers was also observed. Discussion: These findings demonstrate that chronic InRapa administration is able to exert a neuroprotective effect on Ts65Dn hippocampus by reducing AD pathological hallmarks and by restoring protein homeostasis, thus ultimately resulting in improved cognition. Results are discussed in term of a potential novel targeted therapeutic approach to reduce cognitive decline and AD-like neuropathology in DS individuals