11 research outputs found

    First-order dissipative phase transition in an exciton-polariton condensate

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    We investigate the phase diagram of a two-dimensional driven-dissipative system of polaritons coupled to an excitonic reservoir. We find that two critical points exists. The first corresponds to the quasicondensation and the second to a first-order phase transition from the nonuniform state with spatially modulated density to a uniform state. The latter is related to the modulational instability of a homogeneous state due to the repulsive interactions with the noncondensed reservoir. The first-order character of the transition is evidenced by a discontinuity in the density and the correlation length as well as the phase coexistence and metastability. Moreover, we show that a signature of a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless-like transition can be observed in the nonuniform phase

    Macroscopic two-dimensional polariton condensates

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    We report a record-size, two-dimensional polariton condensate of a fraction of a millimeter radius free from the presence of an exciton reservoir. This macroscopically occupied state is formed by the ballistically expanding polariton flow that relaxes and condenses over a large area outside of the excitation spot. The density of this trap-free condensate is <1 polariton /μm2, reducing the phase noise induced by the interaction energy. Moreover, the backflow effect, recently predicted for the nonparabolic polariton dispersion, is observed here for the first time in the fast-expanding wave packet

    Conventional character of the BCS-BEC cross-over in ultra-cold gases of 40K

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    We use the standard fermionic and boson-fermion Hamiltonians to study the BCS-BEC cross-over near the 202 G resonance in a two-component mixture of fermionic 40K atoms employed in the experiment of C.A. Regal et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 040403 (2004). Our mean-field analysis of many-body equilibrium quantities shows virtually no differences between the predictions of the two approaches, provided they are both implemented in a manner that properly includes the effect of the highest excited bound state of the background scattering potential, rather than just the magnetic-field dependence of the scattering length. Consequently, we rule out the macroscopic occupation of the molecular field as a mechanism behind the fermionic pair condensation and show that the BCS-BEC cross-over in ultra-cold 40K gases can be analysed and understood on the same basis as in the conventional systems of solid state physics.Comment: 16 pages, 10 eps figures; final versio

    Topological order and thermal equilibrium in polariton condensates

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    We report the observation of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition for a 2D gas of exciton-polaritons, and through the joint measurement of the first-order coherence both in space and time we bring compelling evidence of a thermodynamic equilibrium phase transition in an otherwise open driven/dissipative system. This is made possible thanks to long polariton lifetimes in high-quality samples with small disorder and in a reservoir-free region far away from the excitation spot, that allow topological ordering to prevail. The observed quasi-ordered phase, characteristic for an equilibrium 2D bosonic gas, with a decay of coherence in both spatial and temporal domains with the same algebraic exponent, is reproduced with numerical solutions of stochastic dynamics, proving that the mechanism of pairing of the topological defects (vortices) is responsible for the transition to the algebraic order. Finally, measurements in the weak-coupling regime confirm that polariton condensates are fundamentally different from photon lasers and constitute genuine quantum degenerate macroscopic states


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