294 research outputs found

    BFKL at NNLO

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    We present a recent determination of an approximate expression for the O(alpha_s^3) contribution chi_2 to the kernel of the BFKL equation. This includes all collinear and anticollinear singular contributions and is derived using duality relations between the GLAP and BFKL kernels.Comment: 8 pages. Talk presented at 12th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering: Forward Physics and QCD, Hamburg, DESY, Germany, 21-25 May 200

    Higgs production in gluon fusion at next-to-next-to-leading order QCD for finite top mass

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    The inclusive Higgs production cross section from gluon fusion is calculated through NNLO QCD, including its top quark mass dependence. This is achieved through a matching of the 1/mtop expansion of the partonic cross sections to the exact large s-hat limits which are derived from k_T-factorization. The accuracy of this procedure is estimated to be better than 1% for the hadronic cross section. The final result is shown to be within 1% of the commonly used effective theory approach, thus confirming earlier findings.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figure

    Data-driven modeling of long temperature time-series to capture the thermal behavior of bridges for SHM purposes

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    Bridges experience complex heat propagation phenomena that are governed by external thermal loads, such as solar radiation and air convection, as well as internal factors, such as thermal inertia and geometrical properties of the various components. This dynamics produces internal temperature distributions which cause changes in some measurable structural responses that often surpass those produced by any other load acting on the structure or by the insurgence or growth of damage. This article advocates the use of regression models that are capable of capturing the dynamics buried within long sequences of temperature measurements and of relating that to some measured structural response, such as strain as in the test structure used in this study. Two such models are proposed, namely the multiple linear regression (MLR) and a deep learning (DL) method based on one-dimensional causal dilated convolutional neural networks, and their ability to predict strain is evaluated in terms of the coefficient of determination R 2. Simple linear regression (LR), which only uses a single temperature reading to predict the structural response, is also tested and used as a benchmark. It is shown that both MLR and the DL method largely outperform LR, with the DL method providing the best results overall, though at a higher computational cost. These findings confirm the need to consider the evolution of temperature if one wishes to setup a temperature-based data-driven strategy for the SHM of large structures such as bridges, an example of which is given and discussed towards the end of the article.</p

    Proceedings of the workshop "Standard Model at the LHC" University College London 30 March - 1 April 2009

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    Proceedings from a 3-day discussion on Standard Model discoveries with the first LHC dataComment: 9 contributions to the proceedings of the LHC Standard Model worksho

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of new natural phenolic (2E,4E,6E)-Octa-2,4,6-trienoic esters

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    In the present study the esterification of the OH groups of resveratrol, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, and -sitosterol with an antioxidant polyconjugated fatty acid, (2E,4E,6E)-octa-2,4,6-trienoic acid, was achieved. As the selective esterification of OH groups of natural compounds can affect their biological activity, a selective esterification of resveratrol and caffeic acid was performed by an enzymatic approach. The new resulting compounds were characterized spectroscopically (FT-IR, NMR mono, and bidimensional techniques); when necessary the experimental data were integrated by quantum chemical calculations. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and proliferative activity was evaluated. The good results encourage the use of these molecules as antioxidant and/or anti-inflammatory agents in dermocosmetic application

    Small x resummation in collinear factorisation

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    The summation of the small x-corrections to hard-scattering QCD amplitudes by collinear factorisation method is reconsidered and the K-factor is derived in leading ln x approximation with a result differing from the corresponding expression by Catani and Hautmann (Nucl. Phys. B 427, 475, 1994). The significance of the difference is demonstrated in the examples of structure function F_L and of exclusive vector meson electroproduction. The formulation covers the channels of non-vanishing conformal spin n paving the way for new applications.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figure

    On the NLO QCD corrections to the production of the heaviest neutral Higgs scalar in the MSSM

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    We present a calculation of the two-loop top-stop-gluino contributions to Higgs production via gluon fusion in the MSSM. By means of an asymptotic expansion in the heavy particle masses, we obtain explicit and compact analytic formulae that are valid when the Higgs and the top quark are lighter than stops and gluino, without assuming a specific hierarchy between the Higgs mass and the top mass. Being applicable to the heaviest Higgs scalar in a significant region of the MSSM parameter space, our results complement earlier ones obtained with a Taylor expansion in the Higgs mass, and can be easily implemented in computer codes to provide an efficient and accurate determination of the Higgs production cross section.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Une méthode pour le prétraitement et le calcul de matrices de crosstalk pour des images couleur issues d'une caméra tri-CCD

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    - Ce travail s'inscrit comme outil dans le cadre de la reconstruction 3D à l'aide d'une projection de lumière structurée couplée à une caméra 3CCD. Le principe est simple : il faut disposer une caméra 3CCD et un vidéo-projecteur comme un système de stéréovision classique, devant la scène à étudier. L'utilisation d'une lumière structurée lève beaucoup d'ambiguïtés par rapport à un système de stéréovision à deux caméras. Par contre, l'utilisation de la couleur pour coder la projection réduit le champ d'action du système aux objets blancs ou pâles. Pour pouvoir déterminer la couleur en même temps que la reconstruction 3D de l'objet, il faut avoir des images couleurs parfaitement nettoyées. Nous allons donc décrire une méthode de prétraitements des images couleurs issues de la caméra 3CCD utilisée. Les images ainsi traitées peuvent être utilisées dans le modèle couleur que nous suivrons pour remonter aux informations de couleur de l'éclairage structuré pour lever les ambiguïtés de mise en correspondance, ainsi qu 'à la couleur de la scène aux points considérés

    NLO QCD bottom corrections to Higgs boson production in the MSSM

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    We present a calculation of the two-loop bottom-sbottom-gluino contributions to Higgs boson production via gluon fusion in the MSSM. The calculation is based on an asymptotic expansion in the masses of the supersymmetric particles, which are assumed to be much heavier than the bottom quark and the Higgs bosons. We obtain explicit analytic results that allow for a straightforward identification of the dominant contributions in the NLO bottom corrections. We emphasize the interplay between the calculations of the masses and the production cross sections of the Higgs bosons, discussing sensible choices of renormalization scheme for the parameters in the bottom/sbottom sector.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures. v2: references and two figures added, version published in JHE

    Probing the low transverse momentum domain of Z production with novel variables

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    The measurement of the low transverse momentum region of vector boson production in Drell-Yan processes has long been invaluable to testing our knowledge of QCD dynamics both beyond fixed-order in perturbation theory as well as in the non-perturbative region. Recently the D\O\ collaboration have introduced novel variables which lead to improved measurements compared to the case of the standard QT variable. To complement this improvement on the experimental side, we develop here a complete phenomenological study dedicated in particular to the new \phi* variable. We compare our study, which contains the state-of-the-art next-to-next-to-leading resummation of large logarithms and a smooth matching to the full next-to-leading order result, to the experimental data and find excellent agreement over essentially the entire range of \phi*, even without direct inclusion of non-perturbative effects. We comment on our findings and on the potential for future studies to constrain non-perturbative behaviour.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. Version accepted for publication in JHEP. A figure with comparison to RESBOS has been adde
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