14 research outputs found

    Kekerabatan Maxomys Surifer (Miller 1900) Asal Sumatra, Jawa Dan Kalimantan Berdasarkan Variasi Morfologinya Relationship Between Maxomys Surifer (Miller 1900) From Sumatra, Jawa and Kalimantan Maxomys Surifer on the Based of Morphological Variation

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    Examination of morphological variation on Maxomys surifer from Sumatra, Jawa and Kalimantan were conducted using 60 adult specimens.Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses of 20 skull and four external characters showed that Maxomys surifer was not sexually dimorphic (P >0.05). The discriminant analysis based on skull characters indicated that Sumatran population had two distinct group; north (Ketambe and Tapanuli) and South to Central Sumatra, the north of Sumatra form was closer to Kalimantan and Jawa


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    The morphological variation in the ebony and silver leaf monkeys (Trachypithecus auratus and T. cristatus) from Southeast Asia; Thailand, Malaya, Bintan, Sumatra, Serasan-Natuna, Kalimantan and Java were studied using multivariate analysis approaches. The results showed that clinal variation in skull; dental and dentary morphology was found in Java. The skull; dental and dentary characters showed an increase from West to East with Central Java as an intermediate fonn. Consequently, in Java there should be only one subspecies, T. a. auratus. Meanwhile, there are fourmorpholgical groups of Trachipithecus cristatus, those are of Thailand, Malaya-Sumatra-Kalimantan, Bintan and Natuna. The Malayan population, presumably is the same as Bintan population while Sumatra-Kalimantan forms an intermediate

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Dan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Oleh Kelelawar Sub Ordo Megachiroptera Di Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Meja Manokwari, Papua Barat

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    Bats utilizing resources together will differ morphologically, ecologically, and behaviorally. This study aimed to measurespecies diversity and to investigate resource use by Megachiropteran bats. Data were analyzed using Principal ComponentAnalysis (PCA), Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), Correspondence Analysis (CA), euclidean distance, chisquare, Anova, and niche overlap index. The result showed seven bat species were captured in three habitat types. Plant asfood identified from pollen comprised 55 species from 29 families and 11 types of corolla. Dobsonia magna and Rousettusamplexicaudatus preferred mixed fruit plantation, whilst other bat species tended to choose primary forest. Dobsonia minortended to have high niche overlap against Macroglossus minimus and Nyctemene aello. According to similarity of foodresource niche, Dobsonia magna, Dobsonia minor, and Macroglossus minimus tended to closely associate, in contrast,Rousettus amplexicaudatus, Nyctemene albiventer, Nyctemene aello, and Syconicteris australis were groupedcorrespondingly. Niche overlap index of food resource among bat species were overall less than 50%. This indicated thatthere was no interspecies competition to food resource. Coronoid process height (CPH), maximum zygomatic breadth(MZB), and condyle to canine bite point (CC) were craniodental morphology variables which did not describe certaincorolla types

    Variasi Aktivitas Harian Hylobates Moloch (Audebert, 1798) Menurut Kelas Umur Di Tn Gunung Halimun, Jawa Barat*[variation in Daily Activites of Hylobates Molloch (Audebert, 1778) Due to Age Classification in Gunung Halimun National Park]

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    The study of daily activity of (Hylobates moloch Audebert 1798) was conducted in Cikaniki. Ciawitali and Pasir Bivak TN Gunung Halimun for two months from June to July 1999.Commontly the daily activity for Jawan Gibbon are resting 39.1%, feeding 30.3%, moving 24.1% and other social activity 6.5% in average.Based on the meaning of activity category, the most for feeding;activity used by subadult (45%), moving for juvenile (33%), resting for infant (82%) and social for juvenile (15.72%).The least social activity was done by subadult category (0.4%). The space area for Jawan Gibbon activity was done at 5-15 meter (23%), 16-25 meter (43%), 26-35 meter (30%) and upper or top canopy at 35 meter from ground (4%).On this study also indicated that this gibbon turn down until to 1.5 meter from ground at lepus (Ammonium pseudopoetens) vegetation

    Kelelawar Pemakan Buah Sebagai Polinator Yang Diidentifikasi Melalui Polen Yang Digunakan Sebagai Sumber Pakannya Di Kawasan Sektor Linggarjati, Taman Nasional Ciremai Jawa Barat

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    Pollinator Bat Identification Based on Pollen as Feed Resources at LinggarjatiDistrict-Ciremai National Park, West Jawa. Pollen identification that used for feedresources by six species of frugivorous bats from Ciremai National Park was identifiedunder microscope. The results shown that are known 21 species as important plants forbats and in the contrast possibly for bats as pollinator. By the principle componentanalysis and cluster grouping based on Euclidian distance indicated that Aethalops alecto,Chironax melanocephalus as important polinator role in primary forest and high in elevationlevel, C. brachyotis and Macroglossus sobrinus in secondary or fragmented forest andMegaerops kusnotoi in lower primary forest and Cynopterus tittacheilus is important rolefor intermediate area between primary and secondary forest and at lower elevation range.On the niche overlaps analysis indicated that the highest overlaps were known in C.brachyotis and M. sobrinus (0.881) but the lowest in niche overlaps between M. sobrinusand C. melanocephalus (0.288

    Pergerakan Lutung Jawa Trachypithecus Auratus (E. Geoffroy 1812) Pada Fragmen Habitat Terisolasi Di Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Pancar (Twagp) Bogor [the Movement of Javan Langur Trachypithecus Auratus (E. Geoffroy 1812) in Isolated Habitat Fragment in Twagp Bogor]

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    Javan langur is protected spesies of primates that highly threatened. Habitat degradation as a major threat causes javan langur Trachypithecus auratus (E. Geoffroy 1812) populations living in isolated habitat fragments. The research was carried out to determine the daily movement of javan langur in TWAGP as form of adaptation in isolated habitat fragments. The study was conducted in May-June 2012 by using focal animal sampling method. Vegetation analysis was performed with a point centered quarter method. The results showed that there were three major land cover types used by the Javan langur, i.e. forest, transitional forest-cultivation and cultivation. The dominant activity occurred in transisional forest-cultivation habitat (48.19%). The highest proportion of activity wass resting (33.65%) followed by feeding (30.68%), moving (27.08%) and social activities (8.60%). Based on the variations of vegetation strata, the dominant activity performed at stratum C(4-20 meters) accounted for 80.07%

    Komunikasi Pendek*tikus Pada Tipe Habitat Yang Berbeda [Rats in Different Types of Habitat].

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    Tidak kurang ada 160 an jenis tikus yang menempati berbagai macam tipe habitat yang secara tidak langsung merapakan penciri perbedaan keragaman jenis satwa.Keragaman tersebut penyebab utamanya karena perbedaan atau Perubahan lingkungan fisik (Krebs, J.C. 1972.Ecology: the experimental analysis of distribution and abundance. Harper & Row Publisher, New York.654pp.).Sebagai contoh areal persawahan yang berbatasan dengan hutan sekunder/primer atau persawahan kering di Sumatra dan Kalimantan akan lebih mudah menemui jenis tikus Maxomys whiteaheadi.Tetapi di persawahan basah yang jauh dari hutan akan lebih mudah menemui Rattus argentiventer (Boeadi, A.Soeyanto dan S. Adi Soemarto