33 research outputs found

    Platelet-Rich Plasma in Regenerative Medicine: Possible Applications in Management of Burns and Post-Burn Scars: A Review

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    Contribution of platelets in tissue regeneration and their possible application in regenerative medicine, which is primarilymediated via secretion of granular components following platelet activation, has been well established in the recent decades.Therefore, platelet rich plasma (PRP), as a portion of plasma with higher concentrations of platelets than the baseline level,is now an attractive therapeutic option in various medical fields mainly for tissue repair and regeneration following injuries.Burn injuries are devastating trauma with high rate of morbidities affecting several aspects of the patient’s life. They requirea long-time medical care and high costs. However, even following the best treatment procedures, post-burn scars areinevitable consequence of burn healing process. Therefore, development of new treatment modalities for both burn healingand prevention of post-burn scar establishment seems to be necessary. Regarding the well-known role of PRP in woundhealing, here we aimed to provide a comprehensive insight in the possible application of PRP as an adjuvant therapy forthe management of burn injuries and subsequent scars. In terms of the following keywords (individually or in combination),original/review articles were searched in PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases from 2009 to 2021: platelet richplasma, PRP therapy, platelet biology, platelet function, burn healing, burn scar, scar formation, burn management, woundhealing, regenerative medicine. All type of articles or book chapters in English language and relevant data were included inthis review. This review initially focused on PRP, its mechanisms of action, preparation methods, and available sources. Then,pathophysiology of burns and subsequent scars were discussed. Finally, their current conventional therapeutic modalities andimplication of PRP in their healing process were highlighted

    Epigenetic modification does not determine the time of POU5F1 transcription activation in cloned bovine embryos.

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    Purpose To investigate the effect of epigenetic modification on pattern, time and capacity of transcription activation of POU5F1, the key marker of pluripotency, in cloned bovine embryos. Methods Bovine fibroblasts were stably transfected with POU5F1 promoter-driven enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). This provided a visible marker to investigate the effect of post-activation treatment of cloned bovine embryos with trichostatin A (TSA) on time and capacity of POU5F1 expression and its subsequent effect on in vitro development of cloned bovine embryos. Results Irrespective of TSA treatment, POU5F1 expression was not detected until 8–16 cell stage, but was detected in both inner cell mass and trophectoderm at the blastocyst stage. TSA treatment significantly increased POU5F1 expression, and the yield and quality of cloned embryo development compared to control. Conclusion The POU5F1 expression of cloned embryos is strictly controlled by the stage of embryo development and may not be altered by TSA-mediated changes occur in DNA-methylation and histone-acetylation of the genome

    Review on Kidney-Liver Crosstalk: Pathophysiology of Their Disorders

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    Kidney-liver crosstalk plays a crucial role in normal and certain pathological conditions. In pathologic states, bothrenal-induced liver damage and liver-induced kidney diseases may happen through these kidney-liver interactions.This bidirectional crosstalk takes place through the systemic conditions that mutually influence both the liver andkidneys. Ischemia and reperfusion, cytokine release and pro-inflammatory signaling pathways, metabolic acidosis,oxidative stress, and altered enzyme activity and metabolic pathways establish the base of this interaction betweenthe kidneys and liver. In these concomitant kidney-liver diseases, the survival rates strongly correlate with earlyintervention and treatment of organ dysfunction. Proper care of a nephrologist and hepatologist and the identificationof pathological conditions using biomarkers at early stages are necessary to prevent the complications induced by thiscomplex and potentially vicious cycle. Therefore, understanding the characteristics of this crosstalk is essential forbetter management. In this review, we discussed the available literature concerning the detrimental effects of kidneyfailure on liver functions and liver-induced kidney diseases

    The Sera miRNA Pattern in Patients Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease comprising Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis presents with periods of flares and remission. Many reports have identified different dysregulated miRNAs in patients with IBD. Finding new biomarkers in IBD patients can help to launch a novel non-invasive approach for diagnosis and prognosis for patients with UC and CD. This study aimed to evaluate the plasma expression pattern of the miRNAs panel in IBD patients compared to healthy individuals. 73 plasma samples were included; 58 patients with IBD (33 individuals in flare and 25 in remission phase) and 15 healthy controls were enrolled in the study. The miRNA expression was measured by qRT-PCR using miScript SYBR Green PCR Kit (QIAGEN). Our results showed the expression level of miR-16-5P was significantly increased in the active phase compared to the inactive phase (P=0.0138) and in CD patients compared to UC patients (P=0.0216). There was a significant difference in the expression of miR-29a in Crohn's patients compared to healthy subjects (P=0.04). Measuring the expression of mir-106a; a significant increase was observed compared to healthy individuals (P=0.03) and patients with CD (P=0.0143) in proportion of UC patients’ group. The miR-126 expression significantly increased in patients with active disease compared to patients in the inactive phase (P=0.0413) and healthy controls (P=0.0492). This study showed evidence for differential expression levels of plasma panel of miR-16, miR-29a, miR-106a, and miR-126 in IBD patients compare to healthy individuals. We illustrate that miRNAs in plasma correlate with disease activity and can be used as a practical and non-invasive biomarker for early diagnosis and monitoring of the treatment protocol

    Subcutaneous Injection of Allogeneic Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Psoriasis Plaques: Clinical Trial Phase I

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    Objective: Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) play immunomodulatory role in various autoimmune diseases. Previouspre-clinical and clinical studies have shown that MSCs could be a therapeutic modality for psoriasis. However, themechanisms of treatment and its possible side effects are under investigation. In this study, the safety and probableefficacy of injecting allogeneic adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (ADSCs) in psoriatic patients were evaluated.Materials and Methods: In this phase I clinical study with six months of follow-up, total number of 1×106 or 3×106cells/cm2 of ADSCs were injected into the subcutaneous tissue of each plaque as a single dose in three males and twofemales (3M/2F) with a mean age of 32.8 ± 8.18. The primary outcome was safety. Changes in clinical and histologicalindexes, the number of B and T lymphocytes in local and peripheral blood, and serum levels of inflammatory cytokineswere assessed. Paired t test was used to compare variables at two time points (baseline and six months after injection)and repeated measures ANOVA test was utilized for variables at three time points in follow-up visits.Results: No major adverse effects such as burning, pain, itching, or any systemic side effects were observed followingADSCs injection, and the lesions showed slight to considerable improvement after injection. The mRNA expressionlevels of pro-inflammatory factors were reduced in the dermis of the patients after injection. The increased expressionlevel of Foxp3 transcription factor in the patient blood samples suggested modulation of inflammation after ADMSCsadministration. Six months after the intervention, no major side effects were reported, but skin thickness, erythema, andscaling of the plaques, as well as the PASI score, were decreased in majority of patients.Conclusion: Our study suggested that ADSC injection could be considered as a safe and effective therapeuticapproach for psoriatic plaques (registration number: IRCT20080728001031N24)

    Usporedba djelovanja blokatora kalcijevih kanala, blokatora autonomnoga živčanog sustava te inhibitora slobodnih radikala na hiposekreciju inzulin iz izolirnih langerhansovih otočića štakora uzrokovanu diazinonom

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    Hyperglycaemia has been observed with exposure to organophosphate insecticides. This study was designed to compare the effects of calcium channel blockers, alpha-adrenergic, beta-adrenergic, and muscarinic receptor blockers, and of free radical scavengers on insulin secretion from diazinon-treated islets of Langerhans isolated from the pancreas of rats using standard collagenase digestion, separation by centrifugation, and hand-picking technique. The islets were then cultured in an incubator at 37 °C and 5 % CO2. In each experimental set 1 mL of 8 mmol L-1 glucose plus 125 µg mL-1 or 625 µg mL-1 of diazinon were added, except for the control group, which received 8 mmol L-1 glucose alone. The cultures were then treated with one of the following: 30 µmol L-1 atropine, 100 µmol L-1 ACh + 10 µmol L-1 neostigmine, 0.1 µmol L-1 propranolol, 2 µmol L-1 nifedipine, 50 µmol L-1 phenoxybenzamine, or 10 µmol L-1 alphatocopherol. In all experiments, diazinon significantly reduced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion at both doses, showing no dose dependency, as the average inhibition for the lower dose was 62.20 % and for the higher dose 64.38 %. Acetylcholine and alpha-tocopherol restored, whereas atropine potentiated diazinoninduced hyposecretion of insulin. Alpha-, beta- and calcium channel blockers did not change diazinoninduced effects. These findings suggest that diazinon affects insulin secretion mainly by disturbing the balance between free radicals and antioxidants in the islets of Langerhans and by inducing toxic stress.U osoba izloženih organofosfatnim insekticidima zamijećen je nastanak hiperglikemije. Svrha je ovo istraživanja bila usporediti djelovanje blokatora kalcijevih kanala, alfa i beta-adrenergičkih i muskarinskih receptora te inhibicije slobodnih radikala na lučenje inzulina iz Langerhansovih otočića izoliranih iz štakora tretiranih diazinonom. Otočići su izolirani iz gušterače štakora s pomoću standardnog postupka digestije kolagenazom, odvajanja centrifugiranjem i metodom ručnog probira (engl. hand-picking) te su kultivirani u inkubatoru pri 37 °C i 5 % CO2. Pokusne su kulture inkubirane s 1 mL glukoze u koncentraciji od 8 mmol L-1 te diazinonom u dozi od 125 μg mL-1, odnosno 625 μg mL-1. U kontrolu je dodana samo glukoza u koncentraciji od 8 mmol L-1. Nakon toga je u kulture dodan jedan od sljedećih agenasa: 30 µmol L-1 atropin, 100 µmol L-1 ACh + 10 µmol L-1 neostigmin, 0,1 µmol L-1 propranolol, 2 µmol L-1 nifedipin, 50 µmol L-1 fenoksibenzamin, odnosno 10 µmol L-1 alfa-tokoferol. U svim je pokusima diazinon značajno smanjio lučenje inzulina, s time da je doza od 125 μg mL-1 dovela do 62,2 %-tne inhibicije, a doza od 625 μg mL-1 do 64,38 %-tne inhibicije lučenja inzulina, što upućuje na djelovanje neovisno o dozi. Acetilkolin i alfa-tokoferol su ponovno potaknuli lučenje inzulina, za razliku od atropina koji ga je dodatno smanjio. Primjena blokatora alfa i beta-adrenergičkih receptora te blokatora kalcijevih kanala nije utjecala na djelovanje diazinona. Autori zaključuju da diazinon utječe na lučenje inzulina ponajviše narušavanjem ravnoteže između slobodnih radikala i antioksidansa u Langerhansovim otočićima te dovodi do toksičnoga stresa

    The predictive power of data: machine learning analysis for Covid-19 mortality based on personal, clinical, preclinical, and laboratory variables in a case–control study

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    Abstract Background and purpose The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented public health challenges worldwide. Understanding the factors contributing to COVID-19 mortality is critical for effective management and intervention strategies. This study aims to unlock the predictive power of data collected from personal, clinical, preclinical, and laboratory variables through machine learning (ML) analyses. Methods A retrospective study was conducted in 2022 in a large hospital in Abadan, Iran. Data were collected and categorized into demographic, clinical, comorbid, treatment, initial vital signs, symptoms, and laboratory test groups. The collected data were subjected to ML analysis to identify predictive factors associated with COVID-19 mortality. Five algorithms were used to analyze the data set and derive the latent predictive power of the variables by the shapely additive explanation values. Results Results highlight key factors associated with COVID-19 mortality, including age, comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes), specific treatments (antibiotics, remdesivir, favipiravir, vitamin zinc), and clinical indicators (heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature). Notably, specific symptoms (productive cough, dyspnea, delirium) and laboratory values (D-dimer, ESR) also play a critical role in predicting outcomes. This study highlights the importance of feature selection and the impact of data quantity and quality on model performance. Conclusion This study highlights the potential of ML analysis to improve the accuracy of COVID-19 mortality prediction and emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach that considers multiple feature categories. It highlights the critical role of data quality and quantity in improving model performance and contributes to our understanding of the multifaceted factors that influence COVID-19 outcomes

    Interference-free Determination of Carbamazepine in Human Serum Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography: A Comprehensive Research with Three-way Calibration Methods

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    Abstract In the present study, a comprehensive and systematic strategy was described to evaluate the performance of several three-way calibration methods on a bio-analytical problem. Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC), alternating trilinear decomposition (ATLD), self-weighted alternating trilinear decomposition (SWATLD), alternating penalty trilinear decomposition (APTLD), and unfolded partial least squares combined with the residual bilinearization procedure (U-PLS/RBL) were applied on high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode-array detection (HPLC-DAD) data to quantify carbamazepine (CBZ) in different serum samples. Using the proposed approach, successfully quantification of CBZ in human plasma, even in the presence of diverse uncalibrated serious interfering components was achieved. Moreover, the accuracy and precision of each algorithm for analyzing CBZ in serum samples were compared using root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP), the recovery values and figures of merits and reproducibility of the analysis. Satisfying recovery values for the analyte of interest were obtained by HPLC-DAD on a Bonus-RP column using an isocratic mode of elution with acetonitrile/K2HPO4 (pH = 7.5) buffer solution (45:55) coupled with second-order calibrations. Decreas of the analysis time and less solvent consumption are some of the pluses of this method. The analysis of real samples showed that the modeling of complex chromatographic profiles containing CBZ as the target drug using any of the mentioned algorithms can be potentially benefit drug monitoring in therapeutic research

    Outcome of isolated fetal choroid plexus cyst detected in prenatal sonography among infertile patients referred to Royan Institute: A 3-year study

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    Background: Several studies have assessed the correlation of fetal choroid plexus cyst (CPC) and the risk of congenital anomalies, but few ones have discussed isolated CPC (with no other abnormal sonographic finding). Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the outcome of isolated fetal choroid plexus cyst and to specify its clinical significance. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out at Royan Institute in Tehran, Iran, between April 2009 and December 2012. All prenatal sonographies in this period of time were assessed using a computerized database and fetuses who had isolated CPC were recruited in the study. Sonography reports, mother serum screening test results, fetal echocardiography and amniocentesis were evaluated until birth. A follow-up phone call was made to all individuals to learn about the neonatal outcomes. Results: Overall, 6240 prenatal sonographies were performed in this setting during this period. Isolated CPC was detected in 64 fetuses. The results of double test (N=30), triple test (N=5) and fetal echocardiography (N =24) were normal. Quadruple test result showed 3 abnormal out of 29 cases that all had normal karyotypes. Four samples were dropped out due to premature rupture of membranes (N=3) and intrauterine fetal death (N=1). It was found that the outcomes of all remaining fetuses (N=60) were normal and no anomaly ones were seen until birth. Conclusion: Isolated CPC is a benign regressive condition with no clinical significance