12 research outputs found

    Application of the oxycodone templated molecular imprinted polymer in adsorption of the drug from human blood plasma as the real biological environment; a joint experimental and density functional theory study

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    In this project, we have synthesized and used a molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) for adsorption of oxycodone residue from the biological samples. Indeed, this study aims to develop a suitable method for determination of oxycodone drug residue in the human plasma using the common analysis methods. Therefore, the MIP was used for the solid phase extraction (MIP-SPE) approach in order to collect the oxycodone opioid and to concentrate it in the blood plasma samples. The extraction parameters such as adsorption time, pH, and the amount of sorbent in blood plasma were optimized and the capacity of loading amount (LA) for adsorbing it was determined. Moreover, a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-UV detector method was validated and used for analyzing of the mentioned opioid extracted from plasma. The results showed that the limit of detection (LOD), and the limit of quantization (LOQ) for the developed MIP-SPE method were 1.24 ppb, and 3.76 ppb, respectively. Moreover, both of the MIP-, and non-imprinted polymers (NIP)-drug complexes were designed and were then optimized by the density functional theory (DFT) method. The results showed that the theoretical calculations supported the experimental data, confirming the favorability of adsorption of the drug by MIP compared to NIP

    A survey on the fatty acid composition of cow’s milk in different production systems in Khorramabad, Iran with respect to ω-6:ω-3 ratio

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           The ratio of ω-6: ω-3 is connected to the higher risk of non-communicable diseases, thus this ratio is becoming more important than quantity of ω-6 and ω-3 in human nutrition. In countries like Iran, cow’s milk is mainly produced in rural area and less in conventional systems. The lactating cows reared in rural and conventional farms are different in terms of nutrition, daily yields, and proportion of concentrate to forage that these might affect milk fatty acid profiles. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the ratio of ω-6: ω-3 in cow’s milk produced in conventional and rural dairy farms in west of Iran, Khorramabad. Twenty bulk milk samples (rural and conventional) were collected from the conventional dairy farms and local milk collection centers. Fatty acid profiles were determined and results showed that conventional milk had higher ω-6 (2.1± 0.4) and lower ω-3 (0.16 ± 0.03) in comparison with rural milk. The ratio of ω-6:ω-3 in rural milk was significantly lower (8:1) than that in conventional milk (13:1) (p<0.01). In conclusion, milk produced in rural dairy farms had better ratio of ω-6:ω-3, thus rural milk could be healthier for human nutrition in terms of ω-3 fatty acids

    Sensitive Detection of Melamine in Infant Milk and Coffee Mate by a Buffer Mediated Extraction and HPLC-PDA Analytical Method

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    Melamine is a potentially hazardous compound and one of the major concerns especially in dairy products and pet foods. In the present study a sensitive, simple and reliable method for extraction and determination of melamine in infant milk and coffee mate has been developed. This method consists of an initial extraction in buffer media prepared by formic acid and sodium formate, followed by protein precipitation by acetonitrile and dichloromethane. The chromatographic separation was carried out on a 100-Nucleosil -NH2 column with an optimized acetonitrile-water (80:20 v/v) as a mobile phase and with a photodiode-array detector. The analytical method was validated according to the validation parameters, such as, selectivity, linearity (0.08-10 µg/mL, with r2= 0.9998 and 0.05-10 µg/mL with r2= 0.9997), precision (intra-day 0.52-2.66%, 0.78-1.20; inter-day 2.96-4.20%, 2.80-3.00%) and accuracy (92-102%, 92-100%) for powdered milk and coffee mates respectively. The limits of detection and quantization were 0.02, 0.08 µg/mL for powdered milk and 0.01, 0.05 µg/mL for coffee mate, respectively

    Determination and Comparision of Hydroxymethylfurfural in Industrial and Traditional Date Syrup Products

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    Background: Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is a common Maillard reaction product directly formed from dehydration of sugars under acidic conditions during heating and storage in carbohydrate rich foods. The aim of the present study was to detect and quantify the amount of HMF in date syrup by HPLC method. In addition, the amount of HMF in date syrup produced by traditional and industrial methods were compared. Methods: A HPLC method for determination of HMF in date syrup was developed and validated. The amount of HMF in date syrup products produced by the traditional and industrial methods was compared. In addition, to determine whether HMF was produced during storage in date syrup, its amount was measured in fresh and old samples. Results: The HMF content of fresh traditional products varied between 1000 to 2675 mg⁄kg and in the old products varied between 2580 to 6450 mg⁄kg. The HMF concentration of the fresh industrial products varied between 12 to 456 mg⁄kg and 611 to 943 mg⁄kg in the old ones. The HMF concentration of the traditionally produced products was significantly higher than industrial products (P<0.001). Moreover, the HMF content in old products significantly was more than fresh ones (P<0.001). Wide variation was found in HMF content of the traditionally produced products. Conclusion: HMF was produced in date syrup during preparation and storage. Because HMF is recognized as an indicator of quality deterioration in a wide range of foods and is still under investigation for possible toxic effects, it is recommended that the amount of HMF is measured in date syrup and considered as an indicator of the quality control of this product

    The Effects of Plant Age and Harvesting Time on Chicoric and Caftaric Acids Content of E. purpurea (L.) Moench: Chicoric and caftaric acids content of E. purpurea

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    Plants of Asteraceae are used in traditional medicine and phytotherapy. The two main caffeic acid derivatives, chicoric and caftaric acid which are found in many genus of Asteraceae including Echinacea exhibit important biological activities. The level of these acids in E. purpurea is affected by many factors such as growing situations, extraction methods, storage conditions and plant age. In this investigation,chicoric acid and caftaric acid content in aerial parts and roots of E. purpurea harvested in spring and summer from 1-, 2- and 3-years old plants cultivated in Iran were determined by using HPLC method. The results revealed that maximum level of chicoric acid achieved in aerial parts of 1- and 2-years old plants beside 2-years old roots collected in spring. Aerial parts of 1- and 2-years old plants harvested inspring had maximum content of caftaric acid as well. It is concluded that total parts of 2-years old E. purpurea harvested in spring can be a good source of caffeic acid derivatives and used for preparation of the plant products

    Effect of Workability Characteristics on the Hardened Performance of FRSCCMs

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    In the design theory of fiber reinforced mixture, it is assumed that well fiber distribution and orientation are attained in the composite. In practice, non uniform distribution of fibers tends to degrade as well as introduce undesirable variability into the mechanical properties of this material. The fiber distribution mainly depends upon workability properties of mixture as well as the volume fraction and aspect ratio of fibers in the mixture. The objective of this paper is to optimize the mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced self-consolidating cementitious material (FRSCCM) through workability properties during processing. Based on the obtained results, critical and dense fiber factors have defined to show the variability of workability and mechanical properties of suspension including glass fibers. For fiber factor between critical and dense fiber factor, significant improvement in hardened properties was gained and the mixture was still workable enough to flow under its own weight and no signs of instability and fiber balling were observed. On the other hand, for mixture with fiber factor above the dense fiber factor, non uniform distribution and clumping of fibers occurred, leading to a poor mechanical behavior of mixtures. According to the obtained results, the critical and dense fiber factors were 30 and 450, respectively. In addition, for fiber factor lower than 30 the system could be considered as dilute suspension and fibers were far apart from one another and so the effect of fibers on mechanical properties was negligible

    Hirschsprung's Disease: a Clinical and Pathologic Study in Iranian Constipated Children

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    Objective: Hirschsprung's disease (HD) is a complex disorder resulting from absence of ganglion cells in the bowel wall leading to functional obstruction and bowel dilatation proximal to the affected segment. The aim of our study was to evaluate rectal biopsies from constipated children in different age groups to see in which age it is more likely to encounter HD to avoid unnecessary rectal biopsy. Methods: Records of all children with chronic constipation undergoing a rectal biopsy to exclude HD were obtained from the files of Children's Medical Center in Tehran, Iran. A detailed retrospective demographic review, including age of beginning of signs and symptoms was made of all cases. Findings: Totally, 172 biopsies were taken from 168 children in a five year period, of which 127 cases (75%) had HD. The mean age of constipated patients at biopsy was 39 months and the mean age of patients with proven HD was 18 months. Males were affected more than females. Congenital anomalies associated with HD were found in 9.6%. In 85 (91%) cases constipation had begun in neonatal period. Conclusion: Our data supports previous studies that if constipation begins after the neonatal period, the child is unlikely to have HD. In neonates delay in meconium passage is the most important clinical sign of HD