742 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Kriminologi merupakan ilmu tentang kejahatan.pelakunya dapat dijerat hukuman sesuai hukum undang-undang yang berlaku. kriminalitas merupakan perbuatan atau tingkah laku yang dilakukan oleh manusia. kejahatan dilakukan  dari semua kalangan yang efeknya merugikan diri sendiri bahkan orang lain.kejahatan dalam pengertian hukum yaitu tingkah laku yang melanggar hukum pidana.kriminologi bukan hal yang baru diteliti, tetapi dijadikan hubungan dan acuan baru sebagai dasar-dasar kriminologi. tujuan dari penelitian tersebut untuk mendeskripsikan  kejahatan yang ada di dalam komik paradise lost karya john milton. kejahatan di dalam komik ini dilakukan oleh dua tokoh.yaitu, Nick Brady dan Eikichi Onizuka.teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kriminologi.metode yang digunakan deskriptif –kualitatif.pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah naratif kriminologi.sumber dari berasal dari Komik Paradise Lost karya John Milton.teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pustaka, dan analisis data menggunakan deskriptif-analisis.hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada lima  kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh Nick Brady. yakni, (1) penipuan, (2) penculikan, (3) pemerkosaan, (4) kekerasan, dan (5)  penyiksaan. kejahatan yang  dilakukan oleh onizuka ada tiga.yaitu, (1) penipuan, (2) pembunuhan, dan (3) perkelahian. Kata kunci : kriminologi, komik paradise lost, wanita &nbsp

    Naltrexone Removal from Aqueous Media by Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    Background: Extensive researches with different techniques are being carried out for removal of pharmaceuticals from aqueous media. The aim of this study was to use multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) to remove naltrexone as a pollutant of the aquatic environment and to investigate the mechanism of absorption and factors affecting it. Methods: In this experimental study, different amounts of MWCNTs were added to different concentrations (200 to 400 mg/L) of naltrexone and adsorption at various conditions including temperature, pH, and time of adsorption was studied. Adsorption on multi-walled carbon nanotubes was adopted on isotherm model equations to estimate the adsorption mechanism. Results: Optimum conditions to remove 90% of naltrexone from 20 ml of its 400mg/ml solution were at adsorbent amount of 0.1g and time of 20 to 30 minutes. Temperature and pH had no effect on adsorption in the examined ranges. The drug can be absorbed as one layer and according to the Langmuir isotherm, on carbon nanotubes. Conclusion: Naltrexone removal by MWCNTs, due to higher surface area and therefore more efficient adsorption properties, is more efficient than by activated carbon and requires no specific conditions in regard to pH, temperature, and concentration. Substances with similar structures, like morphine, compete with naltrexone on adsorption

    The State of Social Justice in Academia in Quebec: A Literature-Based Exploratory Examination

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    This literature-based thesis presents some of the various aspects of social justice related to academia, especially the higher education sector. The domain of this research consists of the academic institutions of Quebec. Although Quebec’s education system has made efforts to implement social justice criteria in institutions, there are still some gaps including discrimination, racism, leadership issues, and funding problems that must be accurately addressed and remedied. Next comes information about these gaps, followed by their examination, one by one, through a given educational social justice framework. Some suggestions for the learning goals of individuals and groups follow. The role of administration and faculty in achieving the goal of social justice is highlighted as well. Additionally, the thesis underlines the important roles of government organizations related directly to education for facilitating learning in an inclusive and safe environment for all. Finally, the benefits for society in implementing social justice criteria in educational institutions are discussed

    Journey to the Loss and Fixation of Western Identity in Bernardo Bertullocci’s Movie Adaptation of Sheltering Sky

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    Bertullocci in his film adaptation of Sheltering Sky portrays Kit, Port, and Tunner who make a journey to Morocco to escape dehumanizing ambience of post war America. In this movie, Port and Kit’s identities undergo drastic change while the Tunner does not. As a professional writer and the devotee of travel himself, Port immerses himself in traditional Oriental space and gradually melts in it, and his death is the culmination of this process. His wife, Kit who is initially unable to understand the depth of his relation the Orient, later succumbs to it, and this finds its full expression in her love of the young Belquassim, her psychosis, and her final decline of returning to American Embassy. By contrast, Tunner’s identity remains unchanged because his main object of travel has been winning Kit’s heart rather than seeking philosophical solutions for his soul in the traversed world. Accordingly the current article argues that travel is interconnected to the concept of identity, depending on the characters’ participation and response to the source culture and its environment. Thus, Port and Kit’s identities experience metamorphosis albeit violently for their receptiveness and deep involvement with the alien culture while Tunner’s disengagement and obsession to retrieve Kit from the Orient does not lead to his identity transition
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