115 research outputs found

    Pemberian Infusa Kulit Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) terhadap Produktivitas Ayam Broiler

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    Broiler chicken is a type of livestock that has a short maintenance time ranging from 28-35 days this causes many farmers to cultivate broiler. Broiler chickens have high stress level that can interfere with broiler productivity, therefore it is necessary to minimize stress levels in broilers by providing antioxidants that can inhibit the oxidation process in livestock. Red dragon fruit peel contains antioxidant such as flavonoid, terpenoid, vitamin C, saponin and tannin which are sources of natural antioxidant. This study aims to analyze the benefit of red dragon fruit peel on broiler productivity. The material used is 100 DOC and red dragon fruit peel which is processed into infusion. Analysis of the data used in this study is statistical analysis paired until T-test with a confidence level of 5% and two treatments P0 as a control and P1 administration of red dragon fruit peel infusion at a level of 12%. The variables observed in the study were ration consumption, body weight gain, conversion ration, mortality and income over feed cost. The result showed that there was a significant difference in the productivity of broiler chicken for giving red dragon fruit peel infusion at a level of 12%.Ayam broiler merupakan jenis ternak yang memiliki waktu pemeliharaan singkat berkisar 28-35 hari, hal tersebut menyebabkan banyak peternak yang membudidayakan broiler. Ayam broiler memiliki resiko tingkat stres tinggi yang dapat mengganggu produktivitas broiler, oleh karena itu perlu meminimalisir tingkat stres pada broiler dengan pemberian antioksidan yang dapat menghambat proses oksidasi pada ternak. Kulit buah naga merah mengandung antioksidan seperti flavonoid, terpenoid, vitamin C, saponin dan tanin yang dapat menjadi sumber antioksidan alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis manfaat kulit buah naga merah terhadap produktivitas broiler. Materi yang digunakan yaitu 100 ekor DOC dan kulit buah naga merah yang diolah menjadi infusa. Analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah analisis statistika paired sampe T-test dengan tingkat kepercayaan 5% dan dua perlakuan P0 sebagai kontrol dan P1 pemberian infusa kulit buah naga merah taraf 12%. Variabel yang diamati dalam peneilitan ini yaitu konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi ransum, mortalitas dan income over feed cost. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan nyata terhadap produktivitas ayam broiler dengan pemberian infusa kulit buah naga merah taraf 12%

    Efektifitas Penambahan Curd Kefir terhadap Mutu Sabun dan Daya Hambat Pertumbuhan Escherichia coli pada Sabun Alami Berbahan Dasar Tallow

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    The ban on using triclosan as an antiseptic in bath soap in various countries has given rise to new ideas to apply natural ingredients as an alternative. Curd kefir, as a natural ingredient, can be used as an alternative antiseptic. In this study, the manufacturing of tallow-based soap has been developed by adding kefir curd as an antiseptic to improve the soap's quality and inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli. The results showed no significant difference in the soap's free alkali content, saponification number, and hardness. The inhibition of the growth of Escherichia coli increased with the rise of kefir curd concentration.The ban on using triclosan as an antiseptic in bath soap in various countries has given rise to new ideas to apply natural ingredients as an alternative. Curd kefir, as a natural ingredient, can be used as an alternative antiseptic. In this study, the manufacturing of tallow-based soap has been developed by adding kefir curd as an antiseptic to improve the soap's quality and inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli. The results showed no significant difference in the soap's free alkali content, saponification number, and hardness. The inhibition of the growth of Escherichia coli increased with the rise of kefir curd concentration

    Produktifitas Broiler yang Diberikan Ekstrak Kulit Manggis dan Ekstrak Daun Sirsak Via Air Minum

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    Broiler are chickens that are genetically developed to achieve high body weight gain quickly. Rapid growth requires feed that has the right nutritional content to meet and support broiler chickens. This research aims to evaluate supplements from soursop leaf extract and mangosteen peel extract in broiler activity. This study used Complete Randomized Design (CRD) 5x4, namely 5 types of treatment and 4 replications. P0 = without the addition of soursop leaf extract and mangosteen peel extract; P1 = addition of 2 mg/KgBW soursop leaf extract + 2 mg/KgBW mangosteen peel extract; P2 = addition of 4 mg/KgBW soursop leaf extract + 4 mg/KgBW mangosteen peel extract; P3 = Addition of 6 mg/KgBW soursop leaf extract + 6 mg/KgBW mangosteen peel; P4= Addition of 8 mg/KgBW soursop leaf extract + 4 mg/KgBW mangosteen peel. The observed variables included consumption of broiler, body weight gain, feed consumption ratio, and mortality. The results showed that the addition of mangosteen peel extract and soursop leaf extract at a level of 2 mg/KgBW was able to increase body weight gain and reduce feed conversionBroiler are chickens that are genetically developed to achieve high body weight gain quickly. Rapid growth requires feed that has the right nutritional content to meet and support broiler chickens. This research aims to evaluate supplements from soursop leaf extract and mangosteen peel extract in broiler activity. This study used Complete Randomized Design (CRD) 5x4, namely 5 types of treatment and 4 replications. P0 = without the addition of soursop leaf extract and mangosteen peel extract; P1 = addition of 2 mg/KgBW soursop leaf extract + 2 mg/KgBW mangosteen peel extract; P2 = addition of 4 mg/KgBW soursop leaf extract + 4 mg/KgBW mangosteen peel extract; P3 = Addition of 6 mg/KgBW soursop leaf extract + 6 mg/KgBW mangosteen peel; P4= Addition of 8 mg/KgBW soursop leaf extract + 4 mg/KgBW mangosteen peel. The observed variables included consumption of broiler, body weight gain, feed consumption ratio, and mortality. The results showed that the addition of mangosteen peel extract and soursop leaf extract at a level of 2 mg/KgBW was able to increase body weight gain and reduce feed conversio

    Uji Daya Simpan Inokulum dan Ketahanan Lactobacillus plantarum terhadap pH Rendah sebagai Agensia Direct Fed Microbials untuk Ternak Ruminansia

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    Direct Fed microbials (DFM) is a product of non-pathogenic live microorganisms that is beneficial when given to humans or livestock to improve livestock health, feed conversion efficiency and perfomance by suppressing pathogenic microorganisms in the digestive tract and influencing the balance of intestinal microbes. This study aims to provide information about the potential of Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0020 as a DFM agent. This study used a descriptive experimental method. Parameters observed included resistance tests to acid pH (5, 3, 2), pH 7 were also tested to determine resistance to neutral pH. The ability of Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0020 to survive at room temperature with different incubation times (5, 7, 10 days) were also tested to determine the storability of Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0020 inoculum at room temperature.. The results showed that Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0020 had resistance to the lowest pH (2) and also survived at neutral pH (7) with a total colony of 2.25 x 108 and .3 x 107 CFU mL-1, respectively. Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0020 inoculum can be stored at room temperature for up to 10 days and still has a total colony of 3.8 x 107 CFU mL-1.Direct Fed microbials (DFM) merupakan suatu produk mikroorganisme hidup non patogen yang menguntungkan jika diberikan pada manusia atau ternak untuk memperbaiki kesehatan ternak, efesiensi konversi ransum dan laju pertumbuhan dengan cara menekan mikroorganisme patogen dalam saluran pencernaan dan mempengaruhi keseimbangan mikroba usus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang potensi Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0020 sebagai agensia DFM. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode eksperimen secara deskriptif. Parameter yang diamati meliputi uji ketahanan terhadap pH asam ( 5, 3, 2), pH 7 juga turut diujikan untuk mengetahui ketahanan pada pH netral. Kemampuan Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0020 bertahan pada suhu ruang dengan lama waktu inkubasi berbeda (5, 7, 10 hari) juga diuji untuk mengetahui daya simpan inokulum Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0020 pada suhu ruang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0020 memiliki ketahanan terhadap pH terendah (2) dan masih bertahan pula pada pH netral (7) dengan total koloni 2.25 x 108, dan 1.3 x 107 CFU mL-1 secara berturut – turut. Inokulum Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0020 dapat disimpan pada suhu ruang hinga 10 hari masih memiliki total koloni 3,8 x 107 CFU mL-1

    Outcomes associated with bacteremia in the setting of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia: A retrospective cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) remains an important pathogen in pneumonia. Bacteremia may secondarily complicate MRSA pneumonia. The epidemiology and outcomes associated with bacteremia in the setting of MRSA pneumonia are unknown. We sought to describe the prevalence of bacteremia in MRSA pneumonia and its impact on hospital mortality and length of stay (LOS). METHODS: We conducted a single-center retrospective cohort study (2008–2013) including adult patients hospitalized with pneumonia caused by MRSA. We defined pneumonia based on clinical criteria and all cases were culture confirmed. MRSA bacteremia was identified based on positive blood cultures. Pneumonia was categorized as either community-onset (CO, occurring at presentation or within 2 days of admission) or hospital-onset (HO, occurring > 2 days after admission). We compared bacteremic and non-bacteremic groups with respect to their demographic and clinical characteristics and outcomes. A logistic regression and a generalized linear model (GLM) were constructed to examine the impact of bacteremia on hospital mortality and post-pneumonia onset LOS, respectively. RESULTS: Among the 765 patients with MRSA pneumonia (33.1 % CO), 93 (12.2 %) had concurrent bacteremia (37.6 % CO). Patients with bacteremia were similar to non-bacteremic subjects based on demographic and clinical characteristics with the exception of frequency of a hospitalization within prior 180 days (48.4 % bacteremic and 37.7 % non-bacteremic, p = 0.047), prevalence of chronic liver disease (17.2 % vs. 9.5 %, p = 0.030), and the mean APACHE II score at the onset of pneumonia (17.5 ± 6.0 vs. 16.1 ± 6.0, p = 0.045). Both unadjusted mortality (33.7 % vs. 23.8 %, p = 0.067) and median post-pneumonia LOS (18.2 vs. 12.2 days, p < 0.001) were greater in the bacteremic than the non-bacteremic group. In a logistic regression, bacteremia showed a trend toward an association with increased mortality (odds ratio 1.56, 95 % confidence interval 0.93 to 2.61). Concomitant bacteremia was independently associated with a 10.3-day increase in the post-pneumonia hospital LOS (95 % confidence interval 6.7 to 13.9 days). CONCLUSIONS: Concurrent bacteremia occurred with moderate frequency in the setting of hospitalization with MRSA pneumonia. Although bacteremia did not appear to independently impact mortality, this was likely due to our study’s limited sample size. However, bacteremia complicating MRSA pneumonia added between 1 and 2 weeks to the hospital LOS

    Anemia, costs and mortality in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about cost implications of anemia and its association with mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This claims analysis addresses these questions. METHODS: Using the the US Medicare claims database (1997–2001), this study identified Medicare enrollees with an ICD-9 diagnosis of COPD. Concomitant anemia was identified based on ICD-9 codes or receipt of transfusions. Persons with anemia secondary to another disease state, a nutritional deficiency or a hereditary disease were excluded. Medicare claims and payments, resource utilization and mortality were compared between COPD patients with and without anemia. RESULTS: Of the 132,424 enrollees with a COPD diagnosis, 21% (n = 27,932) had concomitant anemia. At baseline, anemic patients were older, had more co-morbidities and higher rates of health care resource use than non-anemic individuals with COPD. In a univariate analysis annual Medicare payments for persons with anemia were more than double for those without anemia (1,466vs.1,466 vs. 649, p < 0.001), the direction maintained in all categories of payments. Adjusting for demographics, co-morbidities, and other markers of disease severity revealed that anemia was independently associated with 3,582incrementalincreaseperpatient(953,582 incremental increase per patient (95% CI: 3,299 to $3,865) in Medicare annual reimbursements. The mortality rate among COPD patients with anemia was 262 vs. 133 deaths per 1,000 person-years among those without anemia (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Anemia was present in 21% of COPD patients. Although more prevalent in more severely ill COPD patients, anemia significantly and independently contributes to the costs of care for COPD and is associated with increased mortality

    Inappropriate empiric antifungal therapy for candidemia in the ICU and hospital resource utilization: a retrospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Candida represents the most common cause of invasive fungal disease, and candidal blood stream infections (CBSI) are prevalent in the ICU. Inappropriate antifungal therapy (IAT) is known to increase a patient's risk for death. We hypothesized that in an ICU cohort it would also adversely affect resource utilization.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively identified all patients with candidemia on or before hospital day 14 and requiring an ICU stay at Barnes-Jewish Hospital between 2004 and 2007. Hospital length of stay following culture-proven onset of CBSI (post-CBSI HLOS) was primary and hospital costs secondary endpoints. IAT was defined as treatment delay of ≥24 hours from candidemia onset or inadequate dose of antifungal agent active against the pathogen. We developed generalized linear models (GLM) to assess independent impact of inappropriate therapy on LOS and costs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Ninety patients met inclusion criteria. IAT was frequent (88.9%). In the IAT group antifungal delay ≥24 hours occurred in 95.0% and inappropriate dosage in 26.3%. Unadjusted hospital mortality was greater among IAT (28.8%) than non-IAT (0%) patients, p = 0.059. Both crude post-CBSI HLOS (18.4 ± 17.0 vs. 10.7 ± 9.4, p = 0.062) and total costs (66,584±66,584 ± 49,120 vs. 33,526±33,526 ± 27,244, p = 0.006) were higher in IAT than in non-IAT. In GLMs adjusting for confounders IAT-attributable excess post-CBSI HLOS was 7.7 days (95% CI 0.6-13.5) and attributable total costs were 13,398(9513,398 (95% CI 1,060-$26,736).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>IAT of CBSI, such as delays and incorrect dosing, occurs commonly. In addition to its adverse impact on clinical outcomes, IAT results in substantial prolongation of hospital LOS and increase in hospital costs. Efforts to enhance rates of appropriate therapy for candidemia may improve resource use.</p

    Azithromycin and survival in Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia: A retrospective study

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    OBJECTIVE: Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) represents a major pathogen in pneumonia. The impact of azithromycin on mortality in SP pneumonia remains unclear. Recent safety concerns regarding azithromycin have raised alarm about this agent's role with pneumonia. We sought to clarify the relationship between survival and azithromycin use in SP pneumonia. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort. SETTING: Urban academic hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Adults with a diagnosis of SP pneumonia (January–December 2010). The diagnosis of pneumonia required a compatible clinical syndrome and radiographic evidence of an infiltrate. INTERVENTION: None. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Hospital mortality served as the primary endpoint, and we compared patients given azithromycin with those not treated with this. Covariates of interest included demographics, severity of illness, comorbidities and infection-related characteristics (eg, appropriateness of initial treatment, bacteraemia). We employed logistic regression to assess the independent impact of azithromycin on hospital mortality. RESULTS: The cohort included 187 patients (mean age: 67.0±8.2 years, 50.3% men, 5.9% admitted to the intensive care unit). The most frequently utilised non-macrolide antibiotics included: ceftriaxone (n=111), cefepime (n=31) and moxifloxacin (n=22). Approximately two-thirds of the cohort received azithromycin. Crude mortality was lower in persons given azithromycin (5.6% vs 23.6%, p<0.01). The final survival model included four variables: age, need for mechanical ventilation, initial appropriate therapy and azithromycin use. The adjusted OR for mortality associated with azithromycin equalled 0.26 (95% CI 0.08 to 0.80, p=0.018). CONCLUSIONS: SP pneumonia generally remains associated with substantial mortality while azithromycin treatment is associated with significantly higher survival rates. The impact of azithromycin is independent of multiple potential confounders
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