16 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pestisida Sevin -85s, Diazinon -60ec Dan Gammexane -26dp Terhadap Perkembangan Embriologi, Kematian Telur, Penetasan Telur Dan Kematian Burayak Ikan Mas Cyprinus Carpio L

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    Penggunaan pestisida di Indonesia, seperti juga di negara lain yang mengetrapkan teknologi baru, mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting terutaraa untuk menanggulangi hama dan penyakit tanaman.Di Indonesia, pemakaian pestisida yang meningkat telah menimbulkan pengaruh samping terhadap kelangsungan hidup hewan air tawar baik tanaman ataupun binatangnya (Soekaidi 1974). Berbagai penelitian telah merabuktikan bahwa residu pestisida mengakibatkan berjuta-juta ikan mati, bahkan 50 - 100% telur ikan mas mati akibat pestisida Diazinon, Endrin dan DDT dengan kadar 5 ppm(Johnson dalam Edwards 1973). Ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio L) adalah ikan yang paling banyak dipelihara orang terutama di daerah Jawa Barat. Untuk membudidayakan ikan mas ini perlu penyediaan benih yang baik, artinya benih yang sehat, bebas dari hama dan penyakit agai mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan

    Keong Hama Pomacea Di Indonesia: Karakter Morfologi Dan Sebarannya(mollusca, Gastropoda: Ampullariidae) [Snail Pest of Pomacea in Indonesia: Morphology and Its Distribution (Mollusca, Gastropoda: Ampullariidae)]

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    The golden apple snail Pomacea is an invasive species not only in Indonesia but mostly in Southeast Asia. The snail caused serious damaged on more than thousands hectares of rice-fields. The study was based on the specimens deposited at the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense (MZB)aimed to evaluate the occurrence of Pomacea and its distribution in Indonesia.Based on the shell characters there are four species recognized which are P. canaliculata, P.insularum, P. scalaris, P.paludosa that found from many places, and noted that P. canaliculata has wider distribution from Sumatra to Papua. The description of each species was presented at this paper as well as the map of the occurrence of Pomacea in Indonesia

    Tinjauan Keanekaragaman Moluska Air Tawar Di Beberapa Situ Di DAS Ciliwung - Cisadane [Study on the Freshwater Mollusc Diversity of the Small Lakes Along Ciliwung and Cisadane Rivers]

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    The freshwater molluscs (snails and bivalves) can be found in many type of water course either flowing or stagnant water. Some of them have survived living in bad condition such as polluted water. There are 199 situ (small lakes) in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) have been reported but only 20 % were in good condition, even 12% have dissapeared that caused by silting up of the situ. The aim of the study was to evaluate the diversity of the molluscs as well as to know the condition of on 36 situ along Ciliwung River and Cisadane River. Based on the collected samples, there were 13 species of snails and three species of bivalves. The freshwater snails Filopaludina javanica, Melanoides tuberculata, Pomacea canaliculata always occur in these situ but the bivalves Anodonta woodiana, Pilsbryoconcha exilis and Corbicula javanica only occur in situ Ciranji and Kemuning along Cisadane and Ciliwung rivers, respectively. The decreasing of the mollusc diversity was about 38% in Ciliwung River and 73% in Cisadane River, caused by polluted and silting up of the situ

    Occurrence of Idiosepius (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in Indonesian Waters

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    Jenis Idiosepius (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) di perairan Indonesia. Informasi dan penelitiantentang sotong mini “pygmy squid” marga Idiosepius yang ada di Indonesia sangat kurang,meskipun pernah dilaporkan setidaknya ada tiga jenis dijumpai di Ambon, Ternate, Banda,Balikpapan, Sibolga dan Lombok. Dalam tulisan ini diuraikan karakter morfologi, habitat dandistribusi empat jenis sotong mini jenis I. picteti, I. pygmaeus, I. biserialis dan I. pygmaeusherbereri. Karena ukurannya yang sangat kecil, jenis sotong ini tidak diminati oleh paranelayan, sehingga hanya sedikit data yang diketahui mengenai pertumbuhan, reproduksi dansiklus hidupnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran ringkas tentangsistematik, habitat, siklus hidup dan distribusi Idiosepius. Hasil studi ini mencatat lokasi baru(new record) ditemukannya sotong mini jenis I. biserialis dan I. pygmaeus khusus dari perairanpantai di Lombok. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa beberapa jenis Idiosepiusmemiliki sebaran yang luas di perairan Indonesia kecuali jenis I. picteti hingga saat ini hanyadijumpai di Ambon. Hasil studi diharapakan menambah khasanah pengetahuan tentang sotongmungil ini sekaligus memacu para peneliti untuk lebih memperhatikan genus ini


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    The freshwater molluscs (snails and bivalves) can be found in many type of water course either flowing or stagnant water. Some of them have survived living in bad condition such as polluted water. There are 199 situ (small lakes) in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) have been reported but only 20 % were in good condition, even 12% have dissapeared that caused by silting up of the situ. The aim of the study was to evaluate the diversity of the molluscs as well as to know the condition of on 36 situ along Ciliwung River and Cisadane River. Based on the collected samples, there were 13 species of snails and three species of bivalves. The freshwater snails Filopaludina javanica, Melanoides tuberculata, Pomacea canaliculata always occur in these situ but the bivalves Anodonta woodiana, Pilsbryoconcha exilis and Corbicula javanica only occur in situ Ciranji and Kemuning along Cisadane and Ciliwung rivers, respectively. The decreasing of the mollusc diversity was about 38% in Ciliwung River and 73% in Cisadane River, caused by polluted and silting up of the situ

    Keong air tawar endemik marga Tylomelania Sarasin & Sarasin, 1897 (Moluska, Gastropoda, Pachychilidae) dari kawasan karst Maros, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Keong air tawar Tylomelania Sarasin & Sarasin, 1897 merupakan marga endemik Sulawesi, umumnya hidup di sungai dan danau. Kawasan karst di Maros sangat luas dengan puluhan guaguayang umumnya dialiri sungai-sungai baik yang mengalir dari dalam gua atau dari luar gua. Telahdikoleksi keong Tylomelania dari sungai-sungai yang mengalir di 12 gua di Kabupaten Maros, tigadiantaranya telah diidentifikasi yakni jenis T. perfecta, T. robusta, T. wallacei dan dua jenis didugamerupakan jenis baru yakni Tylomelania sp. 1 dan Tylomelania sp. 2. Karakter morfologi setiap jenis yangdijumpai dipertelakan demikian pula habitat serta sebarannya


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    The freshwater snails and have been reported as importantinvasive species causing damage to crops and predominantly wetland rice in Asia. These snailsare known as “Golden Apple Snail†(GAS), an introduced species from Argentina.or known as “keong mas, keongmurbei†was introduced in Indonesia around 1983,and after more than 20 years, it now can be found very abundant at various habitats such asmarshes, ponds, irrigations, lakes and rice fields in almost all places in Indonesia.Based on the collections of these snails deposited in the MZB (Museum ZoologicumBogoriense, Research Center for Biology) and secondary data (references), the distributionof these two snails was studied. is widely distributed, while only found at Lake Semayang and Lake Balikpapan in Kalimantan. The distribution map ispresented and will be useful as a basic information to manage these invasive snails