70 research outputs found

    Pengujian Kisaran Inang Nematoda Bentuk Ginjal (Rotylenchulus Reniformis Linford Dan Oliveira)

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    . Marwoto, B. 2009. Study of Host Range of Reniform Nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis Linfordand Oliveira ). Rotylenchulus reniformis is one of the most important semiendoparasitic nematode attacking differentspecies of horticultural crops and weeds in Indonesia. The nematode can be found in the lowland and highland areasin Indonesia. One of the most reliable control measures of the nematode in the field is by applying crop rotation anderadicating alternative hosts. Before applying those control measures, a research on the host status of different cropsand weed species to the nematode is necessarily to be done. This study was conducted on April 2002 to January2003 at the Greenhouse and Nematology Laboratory of The Research Institute for Ornamental Crops, Cianjur, WestJava (1,100 asl.). A completely randomized design with 5 replications was used in this study. A total of 84 speciesand varieties of vegetables, ornamental crops, and weeds were used as treatments. Every variety of the crops and theweeds were inoculated with 1,000 nematode population, comprised of larvae, male, and pre-adult female. Host statuswas determined by the following criteria reproductive factor: >1=host plant and reproductive factor; and <1=non-hostplant; where reproductive factor was ratio between initial population and final population. The results showed that ofthe 41 species and varieties of vegetable crops tested, 24 species were determined as non-host of R. reniformis. Amongthem were Chili pepper, carrot, shallots, and garlic. Seven weed species were categorized as host of R. reniformis.Monocot weeds were mostly proven as non-host of R. reniformis. Population of R. reniformis could not grow onTagetes patula and T. erecta hibryds, Crotalaria USAramoensis, and Ricinus communi

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Pengelolaan Agroekosistem Tanaman Terhadap Struktur Komunitas Serangga Pada Pertanaman Kedelai Di Ngale, Kabupaten Ngawi, Jawa Timur

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    Effect of different agroecosystem management on community structure of insects in soybean crop in Ngale, Ngawi District, East Java. Insect community structures in agroecosystem may always change. Agroecosystem management techniques affect insect community structure. The aim of this study was to determine the diversity and composition of insects on soybean plants under different pest management systems and varieties. The experiment design was split plot with varieties (Anjasmoro and Wilis) as the main plots and pest management systems (Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Non-Chemical Management (P-NK), Chemical Management (P-K), and Control) as the sub plots. There were ten insect sampling sessions for each plot. Samplings were done in June until September 2013 using pitfall traps, sticky traps, sweep net, and yellow pan traps. Statistically the results of experiment showed that varieties and pest management had no significant differences to the insects diversity. Herbivore and beneficial insect in soybean crop had differences composition between varieties Anjasmoro and Wilis. In both soybean Anjasmoro and Wilis varieties, herbivore populations tend to be higher in the control plots compared to the IPM plots. Abundance of decomposers, parasitoids, and predators tend to be higher in the control and P-NK plots which were without the use of synthetic insecticides compared to the IPM and P-K plots which were given the treatment of synthetic pesticides. This indicates that the use of pesticides causes decrease in the beneficial insect populations such as pollinator, parasitoids, and predators

    Prospek Penggunaan Mikroba Antagonis sebagai Agens Pengendali Hayati Penyakit Utama pada Tanaman Hias dan Sayuran

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    Cultivation of ornamental plants and vegetables faces various problems that inhibit efforts to increase plant production. One of the most important constraints is disease incidences, i.e. wilt disease (Fusarium spp.) on carnation, damping off (Rhizoctonia spp.) on chrysanthemum, bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) on Solanaceae, and club root (Plasmodiophora brassicae) on Barssicaceae. One of environmentally-friendly control methods is application of antagonistic microorganisms. The purpose of this paper is to inform prospects of the use of microbial antagonists as biological control agents of major diseases on ornamental plants and vegetables. Antagonistic microbes are the bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes or virus that can suppress other microbes. Antagonistic bacteria (Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens), antagonistic fungi (Trichoderma harzianum, Gliocladium sp., and non-pathogenic Fusarium), actinomycetes (Streptomyces spp.), and virus (Carna-5 vaccine) are known to be effective as biological control agents. Their use as a biological control agent is proven to be prospective since their isolation techniques, propagation and biopesticide formulation are well known by inventors in Indonesia. Nowdays, the microbes have been formulated by various research institutes as microbial pesticides and licenced to private company and commercialized widely to the domestic market. This indicates that prospect of application of antagonistic microbe is very bright to control major diseases of ornamental plants and vegetables

    Isolasi, Identifikasi, Dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Asam Laktat Dari Dadih Susu Kerbau

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    Dadih is one of the traditional fermented milk products of West Sumatera. Dadih contain a lot of lactic acid bacteria that acts as a coagulant and preservative. Some lactic acid bacteria also act as a probiotic agent because of characteristics that are resistant to acidic conditions. Some of the main requirements of microbes that can be used as probiotic microbes were resistant to low pH, bile salts, able to colonize, and having antimicrobial activity. Each species of the genus Lactobacillus havedifferent characteristics. This characteristic are influenced by the environment in which the bacteria live. Isolation, identification and characterization of lactic acid bacteria derived from buffalo milk were done. The results of isolated lactic acid bacteria was Lactobacillus plantarum. The characterization of Lactobacillus plantarum indicated that these isolates were able to survive in a concentration of medium containing 0.5% bile salts, resistant to acidic media until pH 2, have antimicrobial activity (inhibit Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis)

    Evaluasi Daya Hasil Dan Adaptasi Klon- Klon Harapan Krisan

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    . Fiveteen promising clones of chrysanthemum were planted at three locations with eleva- tion 700, 900, and 1,200 m. above sea level. A randomized design with three replications, and conducted from October 2000 to March 2001. The objective of this experiments was to evaluate the potential yield and adaptation of breeder promising clones related to selection method on chrysanthemum breeding program for releasing varieties. The results showed that five clones of chrysanthemum possesed superior characteristics i.e high yielding potential and adaptive that should be recommended for releasing varieties

    Pengaruh Berbagai Sumber Arang Dalam Me Dia Kul Tur in VI Tro Terhadap Pertumbuhan Plantlet Oncidium

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh berbagai macam sumber arang terhadap pertumbuhan plantlet anggrekOncidium. Anggrek Oncidium merupakan salah satu jenis anggrek yang disukai konsumen. Budidaya anggrekumumnya menggunakan bibit yang berasal dari kul tur in vi tro. Optimasi me dia dalam kul tur in vi tro sangatdiperlukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan multiplikasi dan kualitas bibit. Salah satu cara untuk mengoptimasi me -dia in vi tro yaitu dengan pemberian sumber arang aktif. Bahan penelitian yang digunakan adalah plantlet anggrekOncidium Goldiana yang ditumbuhkan dalam me dia Vacin dan Went padat dengan penambahan air kelapa 150 ml/l,sukrosa 20 g/l, dan bubur pisang 50 g/l. Perlakuan disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan lima perlakuandan lima ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas pemberian sumber arang ke dalam me dia kul tur, yaitu: tanpa arang (kontrol),arang aktif proanalisis 2 g/l, arang aktif teknis 2 g/l, norit 2 g/l, dan arang kayu 2 g/l. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa pemberian arang aktif proanalisis 2 g/l atau norit 2 g/l ke dalam me dia kul tur dapat meningkatkanpertumbuhan tinggi plantlet, luas daun, jumlah tu nas anakan, dan jumlah akar.The ef fect of var i ous char coal sources in in vi tro cul tureme dia on the growth of Oncidium plantlet. The aim of this ex per i ment was to de ter mine ef fect of var i ous char coalsources on the growth of Oncidium plantlet. Oncidium in one of the fa vour ite or chid gen era. The or chid plan ta tiongen er ally used or chid seed lings from in vi tro cul ture. Me dia op ti mi za tion is a crit i cal to im prove the ca pac ity of seed -ling mul ti pli ca tion and qual ity. One of the meth ods to en rich the me dium was by the use of a char coal. The ma te ri alsused in this re search were Oncidium or chid plantlet that were cul ti vated in VW me dium with the ad di tion of 150 ml/l ofco co nut wa ter, 20 g/l su crose and 50 g/l ba nana pulp. The treat ments were laid in a ran dom ized block de sign with fivetreat ments and five rep li ca tions. The treat ments were the ad di tion of char coal sources into the cul ture me dium, i.e.with out char coal (con trol), 2 g/l proanalisa char coal, 2 g/l tech nic char coal, 2 g/l norit, and 2 g/l wood char coal. The re -sult showed that the use of 2 g/l proanalisa char coal or 2 g/l norit in the cul ture me dia sig nif i cantly in creased growth ofplant height, leaf size, num ber of shoot, and num ber of roots

    Pengujian Keefektifan Gliokompos Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Tanaman Krisan

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    . The objective of this experiment was to evaluate effective- ness of gliocompost as soil sterillant on the cutting production and healthiness. Experiment was conducted at Indone- sian Ornamental Research Institute Segunung from September 1999 to January 2000. A factorial randomized block design with three replications was used in this experiment. Eight medium compositions described by volume ratio of gliocompost, chicken manure, and soil, were notated as first factor. Three varieties, namely saraswati, retno dumilah and dewi sartika, were used as second factor. Data collected were plant growth and healthiness as well as flower pro- duction. Based on the available data, concluded that the best plant growth performance and flowers production were showed by retno dumilah, followed by saraswati and dewi sartika. The use of chicken manure as a planting medium tended reduce plant resistance to soil borne diseases. Inversely, the use of gliocompost as planting medium increased plant resistance and flower production.

    Pengujian Keefektivan Gliokompos Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Tanaman Krisan

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    . The objective of this experiment was to evaluate effectiveness of gliocompost as soil sterillant on the cutting production and healthiness. Experiment was conducted at Indonesian Or- namental Research Institute Segunung from September 1999 to January 2000. A factorial randomized block design with three replications was used in this experiment. Eight medium compositions described by volume ratio of gliocompost, chicken manure and soil, were notated as first factor. Three varieties, namely saraswati, retno dumilah and dewi sartika, were used as second factor. Data collected were plant growth and healthiness as well as flower pro- duction. Based on the available data, concluded that the best plant growth performance and flowers production were showed by retno dumilah, followed by saraswati and dewi sartika. The use of chicken manure as a planting medium tended reduce plant resistance to soil borne diseases. Inversely, the use of gliocompost as planting medium increased plant resistance and flower production

    Induksi Resistensi Tanaman Krisan Terhadap Puccinia Horiana P. Henn. Dengan Menggunakan Ekstrak Tanaman Elisitor

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    Karat putih yang disebabkan oleh Puccinia horiana P. Henn merupakan penyakit yang paling penting pada tanaman krisan (Dendrathema grandiflora Tzvelev.). Serangan pada tanaman ini dapat menurunkan nilai komersial bunga hingga 100%. Induksi resistensi merupakan salah satu strategi untuk mengendalikan penyakit ini. Beberapa jenis tanaman elisitor, terbukti efektif meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman terhadap serangan beberapa patogen. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah memperoleh minimal 2 (dua) spesies ekstrak tanaman yang efektif untuk menginduksi ketahanan tanaman krisan terhadap P. horiana, dan mendapatkan informasi kandungan asam salisilat pada tanaman krisan yang telah terinduksi oleh tanaman elisitor. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua tahapan, yaitu di laboratorium dan rumah kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias yang dilakukan pada Januari hingga Desember 2013. Tujuh tanaman elisitor yang duji ialah : daun tanaman Ivy (Hedera helix), batang tanaman wilow (Salix sp.), daun bunga pukul empat (M. jalapa), daun Phytholacca americana (anti viral), daun Kucubung (Datura suaveolens), daun pagoda (Clerodendron sp.), dan daun Laja (Alpinia galanga) yang masing-masing diencerkan 50% (100 g bagian bahan tananam digerus menggunakan mortal sampai halus, kemudian ditambah 100 ml bagian 0,01 M fosfat buffer pH 7,0). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak batang Salix sp., dan daun C. japonicum efektif menginduksi ketahanan tanaman krisan terhadap P. horiana dengan persentase penekanan masing-masing mencapai 80,20 dan 75,46%. Kandungan asam salisilat pada tanaman krisan yang terinduksi efektif oleh tanaman elisitor pada krisan, masing-masing bervariasi antara 1853,93 - 3767,55 ppm

    Membangun Industri Bunga Krisan yang Berdaya Saing melalui Pemuliaan Mutasi

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    Industri bunga krisan berkembang pesat sejak dua dekade terakhir yang ditandai dengan peningkatan luas area tanam, produksi, produktivitas, nilai ekspor, dan jumlah petani. Dalam rangka menghadapi persaingan global, khususnya memasuki era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN, perlu upaya peningkatan daya saing agar industri krisan di dalam negeri tetap berkembang. Kegiatan pemuliaan merupakan langkah strategis untuk me-ningkatkan daya saing dengan menciptakan varietas unggul krisan yang adaptif terhadap Perubahan iklim, tahan terhadap hama/penyakit, dan sesuai dengan preferensi konsumen. Pemu-liaan mutasi yang dikombinasikan dengan teknologi kultur jaringan dapat diandalkan untuk menghasilkan varietas unggul krisan, mengingat teknik ini dapat memperbaiki satu atau lebih karakter tanpa mengubah karakter dasar varietas asal. Pera-kitan varietas melalui induksi mutasi terdiri atas dua kegiatan utama, yaitu induksi keragaman melalui aplikasi mutagen dan seleksi secara sistematis terhadap populasi hasil induksi mutasi untuk mendapatkan individu dengan karakter yang diinginkan. Pengembangan varietas krisan mutan perlu dilaksanakan secara berkelanjutan yang diikuti pengembangan industri benihnya. Benih pemulia (BS) berupa planlet diaklimatisasi pada media sekam bakar dengan kondisi lingkungan yang optimal (cahaya rendah dan lembap). Hasil aklimatisasi digunakan sebagai tanaman induk yang akan menghasilkan setek pucuk sebagai benih dasar (FS). Benih dasar (FS) diturunkan menjadi benih pokok (SS) dan benih sebar (ES) untuk dimanfaatkan petani guna mendukung pengembangan agribisnis krisan
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