11 research outputs found

    Penerapan Geostatistik Dalam Analisis Spasi Lubang Bor Bagi Perencana Eksplorasi Tambang

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    Currently, in planning for mineral and coal exploration drilling, there are still many questions about how to determine the optimal borehole distance for resource classification, because the determination of the number of drill holes will be highly correlated with the expenditure of exploration funds. The solution to answer these questions is to increase the knowledge and understanding of exploration planners regarding borehole distance analysis for resource classification, especially by using geostatistical methods. In this case, the technique used is global estimation variance. The implementation of community service in the form of workshops is carried out in various stages, including the planning stage, workshops and activity evaluation. The results of this activity can increase the understanding and knowledge of the participants about the concept of geostatistics and determining the optimal number of drill holes. The conclusion of the workshop that was carried out was that almost all participants were able to receive the material presented, it was seen from the very intensive discussion at the end of the event and at the end of the event the participants wanted further training by increasing practice.Saat ini dalam perencanaan  pemboran eksplorasi mineral dan batubara  masih banyak pertanyaan tentang bagaimana menentukan jarak lubang bor yang optimal untuk klasifikasi sumberdaya, kareana penentuan jumlah lubang bor akan sangat berkorelasi denggan pengeluaran dana eksplorasi. Solusi untuk menjawab pertanyaan permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman perencana  eksplorasi mengenai analisis jarak lubang bor untuk klasifikasi sumberdaya, khususnya dengan menggunakan metode geostatistik. Dalam hal ini teknik yang digunakan adalah varians estimasi global. Pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa worksop dilakukan dengan berbegai tahap, meliputi tahap perencanaan, workshop dan evalusi kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan ini  dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan para peserta tentang konsep geostatistik dan penenetuan jumlah lubang bor yang optimal. Kesimpulan dari workshop yang dilaksanakan yaitu hampir seluruh peserta dapat menerima materi yang disajikan, terlihat dari saat pelaksanaan diskusi yang sangat intensif dan diakhir acara peserta menginginkan adanya pelatihan lanjutan dengan memperbanyak praktek


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    This article aims to present the application of acetic acid and sulfuric acid for lead (Pb) extraction from galena concentrate applying roasting (600oC and 60 min.) and peroxide oxidant (0.5 M) for 60 min. leaching process. Nowadays, lead has been broadly applied for batteries, besides for PVC tubes, chemicals, paint color, and alloys for joint.  The peroxide increases the percentage of Pb extraction. This study shows the effect of acid concentrations (1.0 M, 1.5 M, and 2.0 M), temperatures (30, 50, and 70oC), and stirring speed (200, 400, and 600 rpm) on Pb extraction from galena. A particle size of galena ≤ 200 mesh after roasting has been used for leaching process. AAS has been used to determine Pb concentration in solution after leaching process. This study shows that acetic acid is a better leaching agent rather than sulfuric acid due to lead sulfate precipitation. Optimization result shows leaching with acetic acid achieved 35.64 ppm Pb extraction using 2.0 M acetic acid, 50oC, and stirring speed of 200 rpm. The beneficiation of low cost acids as leaching agent is a potential technique for Pb leaching that will be developed for industrial purpose due to its economic reason, simplicity, and fast process. 


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    ABSTRAK PT. X memiliki disain rencana tambang (pit plan) tahun 2020, yang memerlukan analisis kestabilan lereng guna mengoptimasi cadangan batubara tertambang dan keselamatan operasi penambangan. Pada penelitian ini, analisis kestabilan lereng menggunakan metode elemen hingga (MEH) 3 dimensi. Di samping itu juga dilakukan analisis probabilistik guna memvalidasi hasil perhitungan MEH 3 dimensi. Kompleksitas lapisan batuan yang cukup banyak pada tambang MIP memberikan kesulitan dalam memodelkan dalam analisis 3D menggunakan MEH. Oleh sebab itu digunakan pendekatan pembobotan parameter karakteristik batuan dalam menelaah keakurasian hasil perhitungan faktor keamanan (FK) dan penentuan lokasi lereng kritis. Secara praktis pendekatan pembobotan ini sudah diterapkan di sejumlah tambang batubara di Indonesia, namun terbatas pada analisis 2D. Oleh sebab itu hasil penelitian ini menjadi suatu pencapaian penting yang dapat disosialisasikan dan diaplikasikan oleh para praktisi geoteknik tambang di Indonesia 

    Three Dimensional Slope Stability Analysis of Open Pit Mine

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    The 3-dimensional slope stability analysis has been developing rapidly since the last decade, and currently a number of geomechanical researchers in the world have put forward ideas for optimization of slope design related to the economics and safety of mining operations. The 3-dimensional slope stability analysis methods has answered the assumption of spatial parameters in determining safety factors and the failure probability, thus the volume of failed material and the location of the most critical slopes can be determined. This chapter discusses two methods of 3-dimensional slope stability analysis, namely the limit equilibrium method (LEM) and finite element method (FEM). LEM 3D requires an assumption of failure type with the variable of analysis are the maximum number of columns, the amount of grid points, increment radius, and type of slip surface. On the other hand, FEM 3D requires an assumption of convergence type, absolute force and energy, with the variable of analysis are mesh type and maximum number of iterations. LEM 3D shows that the cuckoo algorithm is reliable in obtaining position and shape of slip surface. Meanwhile FEM 3D, the optimum iteration number needs to be considered to improve analysis efficiency and preserving accuracy

    Induced roll magnetic separator applied for high grade ilmenite separation from mining tailing

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    This article aimed to separate ilmenite (FeTiO3) mineral from tin tailing applying a single splitter IRMS (Induced Roll Magnetic Separator). Ilmenite mineral is the substantial main source for TiO2. This work used air table middling for feeding. The mineral components of middling feeding from air table using grain counting analysis were found as follows: cassiterite (48.61%), ilmenite (21.36%), monazite (18.56%), pyrite (4.60%), zircon (5.85%), quartz (0.71%), anatase (0.27%), and tourmaline (0.02%), It was found that electrical current and opening of single splitter affected the degree of separation addressing to ilmenite recovery and ilmenite grade. The finding showed that current of 15 Ampere and single splitter with opening 4.25 cm yielded ilmenite recovery more than 74%. The high grade ilmenite (90.46 %) and recovery of 29.38% was obtained using 5 Ampere  with single splitter opening of 1.0 cm. Up to date, the study on ilmenite separation from tailing only focused on the effect of current, however, the effect of single splitter magnetic separator  to enhance ilmenite recovery from other paramagnetic minerals such as monazite, siderite, xenotime and tourmaline has not yet been reported.

    Pengaruh Fraksi Ukuran dan pH Pada Flotasi Mineral Sulfida

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    The ore used in this study is galena ore (PbS) which is a type of sulfide mineral. In this experiment, several variations of important variables were carried out. The variables that were varied namely: feed size fraction with a range of 140 - 325 mesh (105 - 44 microns), pulp pH between 7 – 11, and retention time between 3 - 8 minutes. The experimental results show that the smaller the feed size, the Pb content (%) tends to increase, For the pH of the pulp, the best Pb content was at pH 9.5. The higher the pH the bubbles formed tended to be stable so that the material was perfectly lifted to the surface. The best flotation time was obtained at 6.5 minutes. Retention time greatly affects the effectiveness of the reagents used in the flotation process. Best on experiments, The best condition is at the size of -200 + 230 mesh, pH of the pulp 9,5 with retention time 6,5 minutes with a Pb content of 27%.

    Analisis Penurunan Konsentrasi Gas Karbon Monoksida (CO) Pada Saluran Ventilasi di Area Belokan Menggunakan Model Fisik Terowongan Skala Laboratorium

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    Carbon monoxide (CO) gas is one of the harmful and toxic gases derived from the residue of blasting and incomplete combustion of mining equipment machines in underground mines. CO gas dilution is carried out with the intention of unsafe conditions in the mining area. The purpose of this study was to determine the decrease in CO gas based on the value of the diffusion coefficient and by making a 1:10 scale tunnel model with a 90° turning vent duct flow direction using an elbow according to the actual situation. XC 13 B and XC 13 NRTH in the Cikoneng block, PT Cibaliung Sumberdaya is used as a reference for the tunnel model. The study was carried out with variations in the position of the vent duct to determine the speed of decrease in the CO concentration tested. This study was conducted using secondary and primary data which is expected to get the results of the influence of the concentration of CO gas itself and the influence of vent duct placement on the direction of flow on the decrease in CO gas concentration