18 research outputs found

    A useful inequality of inverse hyperbolic tangent

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    We prove an inequality related to arctanh, resolving a conjecture of Gu and Polyanskiy [arXiv:2303.14689].Comment: 3 page

    Classical algorithms and quantum limitations for maximum cut on high-girth graphs

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    We study the performance of local quantum algorithms such as the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) for the maximum cut problem, and their relationship to that of classical algorithms. (1) We prove that every (quantum or classical) one-local algorithm achieves on DD-regular graphs of girth >5> 5 a maximum cut of at most 1/2+C/D1/2 + C/\sqrt{D} for C=1/2β‰ˆ0.7071C=1/\sqrt{2} \approx 0.7071. This is the first such result showing that one-local algorithms achieve a value bounded away from the true optimum for random graphs, which is 1/2+Pβˆ—/D+o(1/D)1/2 + P_*/\sqrt{D} + o(1/\sqrt{D}) for Pβˆ—β‰ˆ0.7632P_* \approx 0.7632. (2) We show that there is a classical kk-local algorithm that achieves a value of 1/2+C/Dβˆ’O(1/k)1/2 + C/\sqrt{D} - O(1/\sqrt{k}) for DD-regular graphs of girth >2k+1> 2k+1, where C=2/Ο€β‰ˆ0.6366C = 2/\pi \approx 0.6366. This is an algorithmic version of the existential bound of Lyons and is related to the algorithm of Aizenman, Lebowitz, and Ruelle (ALR) for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. This bound is better than that achieved by the one-local and two-local versions of QAOA on high-girth graphs. (3) Through computational experiments, we give evidence that the ALR algorithm achieves better performance than constant-locality QAOA for random DD-regular graphs, as well as other natural instances, including graphs that do have short cycles. Our experimental work suggests that it could be possible to extend beyond our theoretical constraints. This points at the tantalizing possibility that O(1)O(1)-local quantum maximum-cut algorithms might be *pointwise dominated* by polynomial-time classical algorithms, in the sense that there is a classical algorithm outputting cuts of equal or better quality *on every possible instance*. This is in contrast to the evidence that polynomial-time algorithms cannot simulate the probability distributions induced by local quantum algorithms.Comment: 1+20 pages, 2 figures, code online at https://tiny.cc/QAOAvsAL

    On the Power of Nonstandard Quantum Oracles

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    We study how the choices made when designing an oracle affect the complexity of quantum property testing problems defined relative to this oracle. We encode a regular graph of even degree as an invertible function f, and present f in different oracle models. We first give a one-query QMA protocol to test if a graph encoded in f has a small disconnected subset. We then use representation theory to show that no classical witness can help a quantum verifier efficiently decide this problem relative to an in-place oracle. Perhaps surprisingly, a simple modification to the standard oracle prevents a quantum verifier from efficiently deciding this problem, even with access to an unbounded witness

    Quantum Merlin-Arthur and proofs without relative phase

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    We study a variant of QMA where quantum proofs have no relative phase (i.e. non-negative amplitudes, up to a global phase). If only completeness is modified, this class is equal to QMA [arXiv:1410.2882]; but if both completeness and soundness are modified, the class (named QMA+ by Jeronimo and Wu) can be much more powerful. We show that QMA+ with some constant gap is equal to NEXP, yet QMA+ with some *other* constant gap is equal to QMA. One interpretation is that Merlin's ability to "deceive" originates from relative phase at least as much as from entanglement, since QMA(2) βŠ†\subseteq NEXP.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Fair allocation of a multiset of indivisible items

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    We study the problem of fairly allocating a multiset MM of mm indivisible items among nn agents with additive valuations. Specifically, we introduce a parameter tt for the number of distinct types of items and study fair allocations of multisets that contain only items of these tt types, under two standard notions of fairness: 1. Envy-freeness (EF): For arbitrary nn, tt, we show that a complete EF allocation exists when at least one agent has a unique valuation and the number of items of each type exceeds a particular finite threshold. We give explicit upper and lower bounds on this threshold in some special cases. 2. Envy-freeness up to any good (EFX): For arbitrary nn, mm, and for t≀2t\le 2, we show that a complete EFX allocation always exists. We give two different proofs of this result. One proof is constructive and runs in polynomial time; the other is geometrically inspired.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, 1 algorith

    Random Max-CSPs Inherit Algorithmic Hardness from Spin Glasses

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    We study random constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) in the unsatisfiable regime. We relate the structure of near-optimal solutions for any Max-CSP to that for an associated spin glass on the hypercube, using the Guerra-Toninelli interpolation from statistical physics. The noise stability polynomial of the CSP's predicate is, up to a constant, the mixture polynomial of the associated spin glass. We prove two main consequences: 1) We relate the maximum fraction of constraints that can be satisfied in a random Max-CSP to the ground state energy density of the corresponding spin glass. Since the latter value can be computed with the Parisi formula, we provide numerical values for some popular CSPs. 2) We prove that a Max-CSP possesses generalized versions of the overlap gap property if and only if the same holds for the corresponding spin glass. We transfer results from Huang et al. [arXiv:2110.07847, 2021] to obstruct algorithms with overlap concentration on a large class of Max-CSPs. This immediately includes local classical and local quantum algorithms.Comment: 41 pages, 1 tabl

    Random Max-CSPs Inherit Algorithmic Hardness from Spin Glasses

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    We study random constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) in the unsatisfiable regime. We relate the structure of near-optimal solutions for any Max-CSP to that for an associated spin glass on the hypercube, using the Guerra-Toninelli interpolation from statistical physics. The noise stability polynomial of the CSP's predicate is, up to a constant, the mixture polynomial of the associated spin glass. We prove two main consequences: 1) We relate the maximum fraction of constraints that can be satisfied in a random Max-CSP to the ground state energy density of the corresponding spin glass. Since the latter value can be computed with the Parisi formula, we provide numerical values for some popular CSPs. 2) We prove that a Max-CSP possesses generalized versions of the overlap gap property if and only if the same holds for the corresponding spin glass. We transfer results from Huang et al. [arXiv:2110.07847, 2021] to obstruct algorithms with overlap concentration on a large class of Max-CSPs. This immediately includes local classical and local quantum algorithms.Comment: 41 pages, 1 tabl