86 research outputs found

    キンダイセイ ノ ユラギ ト アソビ トシテノ フッケン

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    At present in Japan, sport based in communities, e. g. Sports clubs which are integrated in the community, have been strongly in demand. On the other hand, sport affiliated to companies is now gradually declining and with "Soccer J League", which was established in 1993,it is said, an era of new sport culture in Japan has been launched. These tendencics can be interpreted as those which correspond precisely to the structural changes of Japanese society as a whole. In this paper, these tendencies are investigated in terms of : 1) characteristics of accepting and fostering sport in Japan 2) the flucuation of modernity in general. As a result, this author contends that many people now tend to prefer "sport for fun" which can give inner satisfaction to participants rather than competitive sport, where "achievement" plays a central role. This change originates in the fluctuation of modernity accompanied by postindustrialization of society. The community is therefore expected to be the main body for nurturing "sport for fun" instead of achivement-oriented institutions such as schools and companies

    日本の一流競技者のスポーツ観構造について : 日本人のスポーツ観分析のための一試論

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    The present research has been carried out concerning, (1) to examine the methods of study on the sport conception, (2) to make clear the structure of the sport conception held by the top athletes in Japan, (3) to find out the factors influenced to the process of forming the sport conception. (1) The studies on the sport conception were so far done with the following three approaches. (i) An approach based on the study of the national characteristics of the Japanese, (ii) An approach with statistical investigation, (iii) An approach with qualitative data analysis. For the present research the third approach has proved useful for making clear the structure of the sport conception and for finding out the factors which have influenced its forming process. (2) The sport conception consists of various factors such as attitude, belief, value-orientation towards sport. These factors were sampled from the reports of interviews in "the Taikyo Jiho". The top athletes who were interviewed were 33. From these materials the sport conception in top athletes can be said to form the structure as shown in Fig. -1. The subjects on "how sport should be". "Shorishugi" -winning is the first thing-, "Seisin-shugi"- over emphasis on mental effort-etc. were also examined. (3) The structural model of the forming process of the sport conception was constructed as shown in Fig. -2. Three men were selected among 33 and their forming processes of the sport conception were analyzed. From the results, factors-relation schemes on the forming processes of their sport conceptions were obtained as shown in Figs. 3-5

    幼児のスポーツ参加と両親の影響(第2報) : スポーツ教室参加者と非参加者との比較考察

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify a mechanism of sport participation of preschool children. Three items composed of parents\u27 social achieved status, parents\u27 interest in sport and parents\u27 educational eagerness were investigated. Data were collected from 271 parents whose children attended kindergarten at Tokyo (sport-school participants 129, non-participants 142). As the results, participants\u27 group was higher than non-participants\u27 at all three items. Thus, it seems that sport participation of preschool children is influenced by both parents\u27 interest in sport and parents\u27 educational eagerness, associated with parents\u27 socio-economic background. At the same time, mother\u27s role as a general socializing agent was closed up. In future, a longitudinal study including the details of parents\u27 interest in their children in sport may be necessary

    幼児のスポーツ参加と両親の影響(第1報) : 両親のスポーツ関心と教育熱からみたその地域的な比較

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the regional tendency of preschool children\u27s participation in sport-school through parents influence variables. For this purpose, (i) parents\u27 interest in sport, (ii) the rate of sport-school participation of preschool children, and (iii) parents\u27 educational eagerness, were measured. The survey was conducted by questionnaire method to parents (father 589, mother 593) of three kindergartens at Tokyo (Akabane) , Saitama (Omiya) , Miyagi (Sendai). The results were as follows: (1) The degrees of sport-school participation of children and their parents\u27 educational investment were higher in proportion to its region size. (2) The parents\u27 interest in sport was not explained by the regional differences except for cognitive involvement in sport. (3) Between both sexes, there were significant differences at all items except for affective involvement. From the above results, it seems that sport participation of preschool children was more related to the degree of the parents\u27 (especially mother\u27s) educational eagerness than that of their interest in sport

    地方へのスポーツの伝播とそのパターンに関する研究 : 宮城県の事例研究(創立25周年記念特集号-スポーツ科学の諸問題-)

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    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the generalized patterns of the sport diffusion and its organization process among the local community, on the case of prewar Miyagi Prefecture. Following five patterns were found from the investigation. Those were, 1. the type of sports which were diffused among the central and the local community simultaneously, including Baseball, Soft-tennis and Rowing; 2. the type of sports whose local governing bodies were proceeding against the central ones, including Skating and Table-tennis; 3. the type of sports whose central governing bodies were proceeding against the local ones, including Track and field, Swimming, Ski and Basketball; 4. the type of sports which were not diffused much among the local community, including Soccer, Tennis and Rugby-football; 5. the type of sports which were not diffused at all among the local community, including Yacht


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    Play becomes sport, only when players give a goal or a task to play. It can be said that this translation is a functional change (Funktionswandel) from play to sport. On this translation, play may undergo a change on not only external forms but also internal qualities. The purpose of this study is to make this functional change clear, and to compare some qualitative differences of two phenomena. For this purpose, this study compares and considers both activities in conformity to the F.J.J. Buytendijk\u27s phenomenological approach. The summary is as follows : Play has two simple and intrinsic characteristics; that is (A) play is a very capricious and personal activity and (B) play is the coexistence of both subject and object. Because of these two characteristics, (1) play has minimum "play rules" which decide inner boundaries. (2) play has a non-oriented dynamic pattern, that is, "a circular movement" (Kreisbewegung). And (3) a play world is "a being-value-world" or "a world of intrinsic value". Sport can be classified into two categories. One is a personal and non-competitive "Leistung", the other is a "Wettkampf" requiring social interactions. Sport is both a goal-oriented act which players will, plan and endeavor for the goal-attainment. (1) Leistung has "autonomous norms" which are self-established as an ideal standard of the act. (2) Wettkampf has "social norms" which are institutionalized among the people involved in sport. Sport is a goal-oriented activity but momentarily a coexistent activity with objects. So (3) sport has "a spiral movement" (Schraubenbewegung) pattern. And (4) a sport world is "an existentially dual world" which is composed of "a world of resistance and instrument" and "a world of intrinsic value". Moreover, Leistung has a subworld of autonomous value and Wettkampf, that of relative value