790 research outputs found

    Efficacy of dormancy breaking methods in paddy genotypes

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    Paddy plays a pivotal role in Indian agriculture. It also possesses dormancy which needs to be studied thoroughly. Duration of dormancy usually ranges from 7 to 35 days. Environmental conditions that facilitate after-ripening in paddy is generally cool, moist substrate conditions referred to as stratification, chilling, or moist chilling, oxygen and other gases. 12 paddy genotypes were selected for the present investigation with various physical and chemical dormancy, breaking methods for freshly harvested seeds and the standard germination test was conducted thereafter. At 1% level of significance, heat treatment at 45°C for 72 h showed significantly highest mean germination (82.86%), seedling vigour index (2753), dehydrogenase activity (0.0449) and alpha amylase activity (12.14 mm) compared to other treatments and control.. The vigour index increased to 2753 (GA3 @ 50 ppm) from 985 in control. Significantly higher EC leachates was recorded in control (0.602) and lowest in heat treatment at 45°C for 72 hr (0.182) followed by HNO3 @ 1.5% (0.202) and GA3 @ 50 ppm (0.250) irrespective of the genotypes at 1% level of significance. Pre-heat treatment was followed by, HNO3 @ 1.5% and GA3 @ 50 ppm for germination (80.75%, 77.72%), dehydrogenase activity (0.0446,0.0443) and alpha amylase activity (12.10 cm,11.60 cm) respectively. The study is an exploration of cost effective treatment to alleviate seed dormancy in paddy with the background of biochemical observations for scientific explanation

    A Study on the Factors Affecting the Financial Performance of Select Commercial Banks of Ethiopia

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    This study examines the Analysis on financial performance determinants: A study on selected commercial Banks in Ethiopia. Among the total of 17 public and private sector banks by using Purposive sampling technique 9 banks have been selected for the study. Quantitative research approach was adopted by using secondary data by using panel data of banks over a period of ten years (2006-2015). The fixed effect model was chosen rather than random effect model based on the hausman specification test result. In order to realize the objectives of the study multiple regression models was employed. Banks specific factors considered CAMEL approach  and the key macroeconomic factors such as gross domestic product, inflation rate and foreign exchange rate were also included to analyze the banks financial performance in terms of ROA and ROE, Accordingly, the result revealed that   Capital adequacy has positive and significant impact on bank financial performance of return on asset, and Earning ability and liquidity management has negatively and significant impact on bank financial performance of return on equity, On the other hand, variables such as Gross Domestic Variable has positively impact on both return on asset (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). Keywords: Financial performance, Banks. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-9-02 Publication date:May 31st 201
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