135 research outputs found

    Vertical Coherence of Turbulence in the Atmospheric Surface Layer: Connecting the Hypotheses of Townsend and Davenport

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    Statistical descriptions of coherent flow motions in the atmospheric boundary layer have many applications in the wind engineering community. For instance, the dynamical characteristics of large-scale motions in wall-turbulence play an important role in predicting the dynamical loads on buildings, or the fluctuations in the power distribution across wind farms. Davenport (Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1961, Vol. 372, 194-211) performed a seminal study on the subject and proposed a hypothesis that is still widely used to date. Here, we demonstrate how the empirical formulation of Davenport is consistent with the analysis of Baars et al. (Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2017, Vol. 823, R2) in the spirit of Townsend's attached-eddy hypothesis in wall turbulence. We further study stratification effects based on two-point measurements of atmospheric boundary-layer flow over the Utah salt flats. No self-similar scaling is observed in stable conditions, putting the application of Davenport's framework, as well as the attached eddy hypothesis, in question for this case. Data obtained under unstable conditions exhibit clear self-similar scaling and our analysis reveals a strong sensitivity of the statistical aspect ratio of coherent structures (defined as the ratio of streamwise and wall-normal extent) to the magnitude of the stability parameter

    Pressure drag reduction via imposition of spanwise wall oscillations on a rough wall

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    The present study tests the efficacy of the well-known viscous drag reduction strategy of imposing spanwise wall oscillations to reduce pressure drag contributions in a transitional- and fully-rough turbulent wall flow. This is achieved by conducting a series of direct numerical simulations of a turbulent flow over two-dimensional (spanwise aligned) semi-cylindrical rods, placed periodically along the streamwise direction with varying streamwise spacing. Surface oscillations, imposed at fixed viscous-scaled actuation parameters optimum for smooth wall drag reduction, are found to yield substantial drag reduction (>25%) for all the rough wall cases, maintained at matched roughness Reynolds numbers. While the total drag reduction is due to a drop in both viscous and pressure drag in the case of transitionally-rough flow (i.e. with large inter-rod spacing), it is solely associated with pressure drag reduction for the fully-rough cases (i.e. with small inter-rod spacings), with the latter being reported for the first time. The study finds that pressure drag reduction in all cases is caused by the attenuation of the vortex shedding activity in the roughness wake, in response to wall-oscillation frequencies that are of the same order as the vortex shedding frequencies. Contrary to speculations in the literature, this study confirms that the mechanism behind pressure drag reduction, achieved via imposition of spanwise oscillations, is independent from the viscous drag reduction. This mechanism is responsible for weakening of the Reynolds stresses and increase in base pressure in the roughness wake, explaining the pressure drag reduction observed by past studies, across varying roughness heights and geometries.Comment: Manuscript accepted in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics comprising 20 pages, 7 figure

    Evidence that superstructures comprise of self-similar coherent motions in high ReτRe_{\tau} boundary layers

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    We present experimental evidence that the superstructures in turbulent boundary layers comprise of smaller, geometrically self-similar coherent motions. The evidence comes from identifying and analyzing instantaneous superstructures from large-scale particle image velocimetry datasets acquired at high Reynolds numbers, capable of capturing streamwise elongated motions extending up to 12 times the boundary layer thickness. Given the challenge in identifying the constituent motions of the superstructures based on streamwise velocity signatures, a new approach is adopted that analyzes the wall-normal velocity fluctuations within these very long motions, which reveals the constituent motions unambiguously. The conditional streamwise energy spectra of the wall-normal fluctuations, corresponding exclusively to the superstructure region, are found to exhibit the well-known distance-from-the-wall scaling in the intermediate scale range. Similar characteristics are also exhibited by the Reynolds shear stress co-spectra estimated for the superstructure region, suggesting that geometrically self-similar motions are the constituent motions of these very-large-scale structures. Investigation of the spatial organization of the wall-normal momentum-carrying eddies also lends empirical support to the concatenation hypothesis for the formation of the superstructures. Association between the superstructures and self-similar motions is reaffirmed on comparing the vertical correlations of the momentum carrying motions, which are found to match with the mean correlations. The mean vertical coherence of these motions, investigated for the log-region across three decades of Reynolds numbers, exhibits a unique distance-from-the-wall scaling invariant with Reynolds number. The findings support the prospect for modelling these dynamically significant motions via data-driven coherent structure-based models.Comment: Manuscript accepted for the Journal of Fluid Mechanics, with 25 pages, 15 figure

    Quantifying inner-outer interactions in non-canonical wall-bounded flows

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    We investigate the underlying physics behind the change in amplitude modulation coefficient in non-canonical wall-bounded flows in the framework of the inner-outer interaction model (IOIM) (Baars et al., Phys. Rev. Fluids 1 (5), 054406). The IOIM captures the amplitude modulation effect, and here we focus on extending the model to non-canonical flows. An analytical relationship between the amplitude modulation coefficient and IOIM parameters is derived, which is shown to capture the increasing trend of the amplitude modulation coefficient with an increasing Reynolds number in a smooth-wall dataset. This relationship is then applied to classify and interpret the non-canonical turbulent boundary layer results reported in previous works. We further present the case study of a turbulent boundary layer after a rough-to-smooth change. Both single-probe and two-probe hotwire measurements are performed to acquire streamwise velocity time series in the recovering flow on the downstream smooth wall. An increased coherence between the large-scale motions and the small-scale envelope in the near-wall region is attributed to the stronger footprints of the over-energetic large-scale motions in the outer layer, whereas the near-wall cycle and its amplitude sensitivity to the superposed structures are similar to that of a canonical smooth-wall flow. These results indicate that the rough-wall structures above the internal layer interact with the near-wall cycle in a similar manner as the increasingly energetic structures in a high-Reynolds number smooth-wall boundary layer
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