394 research outputs found


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    Khalwatiah Samman masuk ke Sulawesi Selatan di bawah oleh Abdullah Munir pada tahun 1240 H (1825 M). Ia bangsawan bugis dari Bone (cucu Raja Bone La Temmasonge, berkuasa 1775-1812). Tarekat itu diterima di Sumbawa (NTB) kemudian dikembangka oleh anaknya sendiri, Muhammad Fudail (w 1859). Pada mulanya Tarekat ini diterima oleh keluarga bangsawan dan sebagian mereka kelak menjadi Raja di Sulawesi Selatan, seperti Raja Bone, Ahmad bin Idris (1860-1871), Raja Gowa,  Mallingkaan Daeng Nyonri (1893-1895), Arung Matoa Wajo, Andi Manggawarani (1900-1919), selain Raja, ada juga bangsawan lainnya, seperti Watang Lipu (panglima perang), Petta Ambona Lamassalangka di Kerajaan Soppeng dan Petta Bella Arung Toa Abd. Razak (w 1902), keluarga Muhammad Fudail, dan muridnya dari Barru ke Maros sebagai pusat penyebaran Tarekatnya.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif lapangan dan pustaka, dengan mengurut sejarah Khalwatiah Samman, metode diskusi juga dilakuakn oleh peneliti, ditemukan beberapa hasil dari penelitian ini sebagaimana yang dituangkan di dalam artikel ini.  Kata kunci: Tarekat Khalwatiyah Samman

    Liječenje metritisa i endometritisa krava ozonom.

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    The aim of research was to investigate the frequency of metritis and endometritis, also the efficacy of ozone spray treatment in Holstein cows. The cows (n = 91) ranged from 2 to 7 years of age and were housed in two commercial dairy farms in the north-western region of Croatia. The study was conducted over the course of 1 year. The cows were divided into the three groups based on uterine findings and diagnosis (metritis, endometritis and control). The first group comprised cows suffering from metritis diagnosed on days 5 and/or 15 following parturition. The second group included cows diagnosed with endometritis on days 25 and/or 45 after parturition. The third group included animals without clinical signs of uterine inflammation. In cases when metritis or endometritis was established, ozone foam (Riger spray G) was inserted into the uterus. Ozone was applied by means of a vial containing ozonated foam under pressure for 5 seconds. The time to the first postpartal insemination was shorter for controls compared to the metritis and endometritis groups (P<0.05). The days open until pregnancy was the longest (133 days) in cows with endometritis (n = 28). In the control group (n = 41) the days open until pregnancy was 125 days and in the group of cows treated for metritis (n = 22) was 120 days. Conception rates for the first, second and third groups were 1.86, 2.21 and 1.90, respectively. The intrauterine ozone flush therefore has potential to alleviate metritis and endometritis as an efficacious and costeffective treatment option with an overall positive effect on fertility and the host regarding tissues in Holstein cows.Cilj je istraživanja bio ustanoviti učestalost pojavnosti metritisa i endometritisa te učinak liječenja tih upala ozonom u obliku spreja (pjene). Krave holštajnske pasmine (n = 91), starosti od dvije do sedam godina, bile su smještene na dvije farme mliječnih krava na području sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Istraživanje je trajalo godinu dana. Krave uključene u istraživanje bile su podijeljene u tri skupine na osnovi nalaza u maternici i dijagnoze: metritis, endometritis i kontrola. U prvoj skupini bile su obuhvaćene krave s metritisom koji je dijagnosticiran 5 i/ili 15 dana nakon porođaja. U drugu su skupinu bile uključene krave kojima je dijagnosticiran endometritis 25. i/ili 45. dana nakon porođaja, a u trećoj su skupini bile krave bez kliničkih znakova upale maternice. U slučajevima gdje je dijagnosticiran metritis ili endometritis, prilikom liječenja u maternicu je primijenjen ozonski pripravak u obliku spreja (pjena) (Riger spray G). Ozon u obliku spreja bio je primijenjen u maternicu u trajanju više od pet sekundi. Vrijeme do prvog osjemenjivanja poslije porođaja bilo je kraće u krava kontrolne skupine u usporedbi s kravama koje su imale metritis i endometritis (P<0,05). Najdulje trajanje servis perioda (133 dana) bilo je zabilježeno u krava s endometritisom (n = 28). U kontrolnoj skupini (n = 41) servis period je iznosio 125 dana, a u skupini krava s metritisom (n = 22) 120 dana. Indeks osjemenjivanja u prvoj skupini iznosio je 1,86, u drugoj 2,21 i u trećoj skupini 1,90. Zaključili smo da intrauterina terapija ozonom može imati povoljan utjecaj na smanjenje pojavnosti metritisa i endometritisa, a posljedično tome i na poboljšanje reprodukcijske učinkovitosti kao i smanjenje troškova liječenja krava holštajnske pasmine

    Effect of Y substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of Dy1-xYxCo5 compounds

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    Structural and magnetization studies were carried out on Dy1-xYxCo5 [x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1] compounds which crystallize in the hexagonal CaCu5-type structure. Lattice parameters and unit-cell volume increase with Y concentration. Large thermomagnetic irreversibility between the field-cooled and the zero-field cooled magnetization data has been observed in all the compounds, which has been attributed to the domain wall pinning effect. Temperature dependence of magnetization data shows that except DyCo5 and YCo5, all the compounds show spin reorientation transitions in the range of 5-300 K. The spin reorientation temperature decreases from 266 K for x=0.2 to 100 K for x=0.8. Powder x-ray diffractograms of the magnetically aligned samples show that DyCo5 has planar anisotropy at room temperature whereas all the other compounds possess axial anisotropy. The spin reorientation transition has been attributed to a change in the easy magnetization direction from the ab-plane to the c-axis, as the temperature is increased. The anisotropy field and the first order anisotropy constant are found to be quite high in all the compounds except DyCo5. The magnetic properties have been explained by taking into account the variations in contributions arising from the rare earth and transition metal sublattices.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Genetic and nongenetic variation of heifer fertility in Italian Holstein cattle

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    Excellent fertility performance is important to maximize farmers’ profit and to reduce the number of culled animals. Although female fertility of adult cows has been included in Italian Holstein breeding objectives since 2009, little has been done to quantify genetic variation of heifer fertility characteristics so far. The aim of the present study was to estimate genetic parameters of 4 fertility traits in nulliparous Italian Holstein heifers and to develop an aggregate selection index to improve heifer fertility. Data were retrieved from the national fertility database and included information on insemination, calving, and pregnancy diagnosis dates. The investigated phenotypes (mean ± standard deviation) were age at first insemination (AFI, mo; 17.25 ± 2.89), nonreturn rate at 56 d from the first insemination (NRR56, binary; 0.78 ± 0.41), conception rate at first insemination (CR, binary; 0.61 ± 0.49), and interval from first to last insemination (IFL, d; 26.09 ± 51.85). Genetic parameters were estimated using a 4-trait animal model that included the following fixed effects: herd-year of birth and month of birth for AFI, and herd-year-season of birth and month-year of insemination for IFL, NRR56, and CR; the animal additive genetic effect (fitted to the pedigree-based relationship matrix) was considered as a random term. An aggregate index was developed from the estimated additive genetic (co)variance matrix by considering CR as the breeding goal and AFI, NRR56, and IFL as selection criteria. Heritability estimates from average covariance matrices ranged from 0.012 (CR) to 0.015 (IFL), with the exception of AFI (0.071). Conception rate at first insemination was strongly correlated with both IFL (−0.730) and NRR56 (0.668), and weakly to AFI (−0.065), and the relative emphasis placed on each selection criteria in the aggregate index was 10%, 47%, and 43% for AFI, IFL, and NRR56, respectively. The results of the present study suggest that heifer fertility should be considered as an additional trait in the breeding objectives of Italian Holstein

    Intrauterino liječenje puerperalnih poremećaja domaćih preživača ozonom - pregledni članak

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    In the fight against infectious diseases, with the combined efforts of basic and clinical veterinary scientists, practitioners and domestic animal producers, antimicrobials of natural origin will bring to veterinary medicine the same type of curative revolution as antibiotics did. To realize the main objective of animal husbandry, in diminishing negative economic trends, it is necessary to introduce contemporary management to reproduction. Amongst the numerous preventive measures in use in practice, it is also important to use alternative preparations such as ozone, which has germicidal and fungicidal activities. Ozone is frequently used within the field of veterinary medicine for prophylaxis/treatment of pathological conditions of the genital system in domestic ruminants, such as retained fetal membranes, clinical metritis/endometritis, and improvement of fertility, according to some previous studies. The advantages of ozone in comparison to antibiotics are usage without prescription, low medication costs, lack of bacterial resistance, and the absence of residues in animal products. However, ozone is frequently but still insufficiently used in veterinary practice, particularly in buiatrics. More recently, it has exhibited very promising results in treatment of puerperal disorders in cows, goats and sheep as an alternative to the use of antibiotics, which are restricted and/or being gradually withdrawn in production of food animals in the EU.Zajedničkim naporima temeljnih i kliničkih veterinarskih znanstvenika i stručnjaka te uzgajivača domaćih životinja, protumikrobni lijekovi prirodnog podrijetla unijet će u veterinarsku medicinu isti oblik terapijske revolucije kakav se danas pripisuje antibioticima u borbi protiv zaraznih bolesti. To je od posebne važnosti u reprodukcijskom managementu u govedarstvu gdje je ozon rabljen kao alternativa antibioticima zbog svoje germicidne i fungicidne djelotvornosti. U veterinarskoj medicini ozon je najčešće rabljen za profilaksu i terapiju patoloških stanja spolnog sustava domaćih preživača, kao što su zaostajanje posteljice, klinički metritis i endometritis te za unapređivanje plodnosti prema navodima nekih prethodnih istraživanja. Prednosti ozona u usporedbi s antibioticima su: uporaba bez recepta, niski troškovi liječenja, izostajanje bakterijske rezistencije te odsutnost rezidua u animalnim proizvodima. Može se zaključiti da je ozon često rabljen u veterinarskoj praksi posebice u bujatrici, ali još uvijek nedostatno. Naime, pokazao je vrlo obećavajuće rezultate u liječenju puerperalnih poremećaja u krava, koza i ovaca kao alternativa uporabi antibiotika, čija je primjena ograničena ili zabranjena u proizvodnji konzumnih životinja

    Exploring genome-wide differentiation and signatures of selection in Italian and North American Holstein populations

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    Among Italian dairy cattle, the Holstein is the most reared breed for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano protected designation of origin cheese, which represents one of the most renowned products in the entire Italian dairy industry. In this work, we used a medium-density genome-wide data set consisting of 79,464 imputed SNPs to study the genetic structure of Italian Holstein breed, including the population reared in the area of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese production, and assessing its distinctiveness from the North American population. Multidimensional scaling and ADMIXTURE approaches were used to explore the genetic structure among populations. We also investigated putative genomic regions under selection among these 3 populations by combining 4 different statistical methods based either on allele frequencies (single marker and window-based) or extended haplotype homozygosity (EHH; standardized log-ratio of integrated EHH and cross-population EHH). The genetic structure results allowed us to clearly distinguish the 3 Holstein populations; however, the most remarkable difference was observed between Italian and North American stock. Selection signature analyses identified several significant SNPs falling within or closer to genes with known roles in several traits such as milk quality, resistance to disease, and fertility. In particular, a total of 22 genes related to milk production have been identified using the 2 allele frequency approaches. Among these, a convergent signal has been found in the VPS8 gene which resulted to be involved in milk traits, whereas other genes (CYP7B1, KSR2, C4A, LIPE, DCDC1, GPR20, and ST3GAL1) resulted to be associated with quantitative trait loci related to milk yield and composition in terms of fat and protein percentage. In contrast, a total of 7 genomic regions were identified combining the results of standardized log-ratio of integrated EHH and cross-population EHH. In these regions candidate genes for milk traits were also identified. Moreover, this was also confirmed by the enrichment analyses in which we found that the majority of the significantly enriched quantitative trait loci were linked to milk traits, whereas the gene ontology and pathway enrichment analysis pointed to molecular functions and biological processes involved in AA transmembrane transport and methane metabolism pathway. This study provides information on the genetic structure of the examined populations, showing that they are distinguishable from each other. Furthermore, the selection signature analyses can be considered as a starting point for future studies in the identification of causal mutations and consequent implementation of more practical application

    Biomedical Scientific Productivity of the Mostar University Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Mostar in 1999–2008

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the scientific productivity of the Mostar University Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Mostar. All articles that were indexed by PubMed with the keyword Mostar were included in the analysis. During 1999–2008, a total of 76 articles were published, with a total of 366 authorships contributed by a total of 228 unique authors, whereas a total of 161 of these authors (70.6%) coauthored a single article only. The average number of co-authors was 4.6 per article. There was a strong increasing linear trend in the total number of published articles. The most published articles were related to clinical research, whereas the least were recorded in the basic biomedical sciences, suggesting the need to increase the research capacity in basic biomedical sciences. The large percent of single-authorship authors that were recorded suggest almost a sporadic rather than systematic publication output. Likely improvements to this situation include the creation of the newly formed doctoral (PhD) course due to start next year and several other ways in which scientific research in biomedicine can be increased in basic, clinical and public health sciences

    ACO Based Routing in Internet of Things

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    The internet of things (IOT) which are belongs to the internet and interconnected all things and connected all with remotely. It is important technology and ambiguous term. It has unique identifier and collects data from network to network without interaction of human beings. Many techniques are used in IOT which collect data without any loss. But the technique ACO which gives better results than other techniques. This paper research on internet of things in which from source to the destination are cover many route but ant colony optimization (ACO) technique which gives shortest path between transmitter and receiver then optimize the route


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    Authors reviewed the genetic aspects of milk coagulation ability focusing on heritability and genetic correlation values and on the breed and milk protein loci effects on rennet coagulation time and curd firmness. The review discussed milk and cheese yield production all over the world concluding that the per capita retail demand for cheese will increase with a mean annual growth rate of 0.8%. Therefore, in the future, cheese production will continue to be one of the major livestock food products around the world. The development of new payment systems for milk considering the intrinsic value for cheese making ability, could be an important opportunity for select best individual within dairy cattle breeds and to preserve, among dairy cattle breeds, those with high milk coagulation properties. Often these genetic resources, beyond their genetic value, also exercise a positive influence on sustainability of milk production in fragile environments, such as mountain areas, preserving an important cultural value (history, traditions, arts, and literature)


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    Authors reviewed the genetic aspects of milk coagulation ability focusing on heritability and genetic correlation values and on the breed and milk protein loci effects on rennet coagulation time and curd firmness. The review discussed milk and cheese yield production all over the world concluding that the per capita retail demand for cheese will increase with a mean annual growth rate of 0.8%. Therefore, in the future, cheese production will continue to be one of the major livestock food products around the world. The development of new payment systems for milk considering the intrinsic value for cheese making ability, could be an important opportunity for select best individual within dairy cattle breeds and to preserve, among dairy cattle breeds, those with high milk coagulation properties. Often these genetic resources, beyond their genetic value, also exercise a positive influence on sustainability of milk production in fragile environments, such as mountain areas, preserving an important cultural value (history, traditions, arts, and literature)