12 research outputs found

    The physiological response of hermatypic corals to nutrient enrichment

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    Nutrient enrichment of tropical waters constitutes an increasing threat to the health and biodiversity of coral reefs. In order to manage these ecosystems effectively, the onset of nutrient pollution has to be closely monitored. This thesis examined the possibility of using some physiological responses of hermatypic corals as an early-warning bio-assay, to detect nutrient enrichment before reef deterioration has taken place. To this aim, the physiology of the common branching coral Porites porites and the massive coral Montastrea annularis was studied both in the laboratory and on the reef under different nutrient conditions. By measuring the organic and inorganic productivity of corals and by constructing carbon budgets, it was hoped to relate differences in the fixation, allocation and utilisation of carbon to differences in nutrient regimes. Nubbins of Porites porites and explants of Montastrea annularis were chosen as the experimental units. Nubbins were obtained by cutting coral tips (approx. 20 mm), grounding their cut surface flat, and gluing them onto a perspex tile with cyanoacrylate glue. To obtain explants, a coral head was cored under a drill press fitted with a hole saw. Cores were then cut to fit, and sealed into polyethylene cups with underwater epoxy putty. A new culturing system was developed to grow corals successfully in the laboratory under completely controlled and repeatable conditions. This system (the 'photostat') consisted of glass aquaria (30x21x18 cm) placed in a constant temperature water-bath under metal halide lamps. The aquaria were fitted with specially designed air lines and coral trays to maintain a strong water motion around the corals, independent of the rate of water-flow. A peristaltic pump ensured a daily water turn-over. A new improved carbon budget methodology was developed by comparing the well established methods of Davies (1984) and Muscatine et al (1984) on Porites porites. These methodologies differed in the measurement of zooxanthellae respiration rate (Rz) and zoozanthellae growth rate (). Rz,DAVIES was found to be twice as small as Rz,MUSCATINE (RZ, MUSCATINE (RZ, DAVIES = 18.1 gC cm-2d-1 vs. Rz,MUSCATINE = 33.1 gC cm-2d-1), but this accounted for a difference of only 3% when Rz was expressed as a percentage of the total daily carbon input. By comparison, a 25-fold difference between methods occurred in the component of carbon required for the daily growth of the zooxanthellae. Davies' method measured the net rate of zooxanthellae growth (NET) from the increase in surface area, assuming a constant zooxanthellae population density. In this case NET was only 1.65 gC cm-2d-1. (DXN008,321

    Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification during experiments with corals, 2003

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    Biogenic calcification is influenced by the concentration of available carbonate ions. The recent confirmation of this for hermatypic corals has raised concern over the future of coral reefs because [CO3] is a decreasing function of increasing pCO2 in the atmosphere. As one of the overriding features of coral reefs is their diversity, understanding the degree of variability between species in their ability to cope with a change in [CO3] is a priority. We cultured four phylogenetically and physiologically different species of hermatypic coral (Acropora verweyi, Galaxea fascicularis, Pavona cactus and Turbinaria reniformis) under 'normal' (280 µmol/kg) and 'low' (140 µmol/kg) carbonate-ion concentrations. The effect on skeletogenesis was investigated quantitatively (by calcification rate) and qualitatively (by microstructural appearance of growing crystalline fibres using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)). The 'low carbonate' treatment resulted in a significant suppression of calcification rate and a tendency for weaker crystallization at the distal tips of fibres. However, while the calcification rate was affected uniformly across species (13-18% reduction), the magnitude of the microstructural response was highly species specific: crystallization was most markedly affected in A. verweyi and least in T. reniformis. These results are discussed in relation to past records and future predictions of carbonate variability in the oceans

    Seawater carbonate chemistry during experiments with Stylophora pistillata, 2008

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    The decrease in the saturation state of seawater, following seawater acidification, is believed to be the main factor leading to a decrease in the calcification of marine organisms. To provide a physiological explanation for this phenomenon, the effect of seawater acidification was studied on the calcification and photosynthesis of the scleractinian tropical coral Stylophora pistillata. Coral nubbins were incubated for 8 days at three different pH (7.6, 8.0, and 8.2). To differentiate between the effects of the various components of the carbonate chemistry (pH, CO32, HCO3, CO2), tanks were also maintained under similar pH, but with 2-mM HCO3 added to the seawater. The addition of 2-mM bicarbonate significantly increased the photosynthesis in S. pistillata, suggesting carbon-limited conditions. Conversely, photosynthesis was insensitive to changes in pH and pCO2. Seawater acidification decreased coral calcification by ca. 0.1-mg CaCO3 g-1 d-1 for a decrease of 0.1 pH units. This correlation suggested that seawater acidification affected coral calcification by decreasing the availability of the CO32 substrate for calcification. However, the decrease in coral calcification could also be attributed either to a decrease in extra- or intracellular pH or to a change in the buffering capacity of the medium, impairing supply of CO32 from HCO3

    Underwater acoustic characterisation of unexploded ordnance disposal using deflagration

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    The seabed off North West Europe contains much unexploded ordnance (UXO), posing a hazard to offshore developments such as windfarms. The typical removal method is through high-order detonation of a donor charge placed adjacent to the UXO. This method poses a risk of injury or death to marine mammals and other fauna from the high sound levels produced. This paper describes a controlled field experiment to compare the sound produced by high-order detonations with a low-order disposal method called deflagration, which uses a shaped charge of modest size, is less energetic, and offers reduced environmental impact from lower acoustic output. The results demonstrate a substantial reduction over high order detonation, with the peak sound pressure level and sound exposure level being more than 20 dB lower for the deflagration, and with the acoustic output depending only on the size of the shaped charge (rather than the size of the UXO)

    Seawater carbonate chemistry and processes during an experiment with coral reef, 2000

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    The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is projected to reach twice the preindustrial level by the middle of the 21st century. This increase will reduce the concentration of [CO3]2- of the surface ocean by 30% relative to the preindustrial level and will reduce the calcium carbonate saturation state of the surface ocean by an equal percentage. Using the large 2650 m3 coral reef mesocosm at the BIOSPHERE-2 facility near Tucson, Arizona, we investigated the effect of the projected changes in seawater carbonate chemistry on the calcification of coral reef organisms at the community scale. Our experimental design was to obtain a long (3.8 years) time series of the net calcification of the complete system and all relevant physical and chemical variables (temperature, salinity, light, nutrients, Ca2+,pCO2, TCO2, and total alkalinity). Periodic additions of NaHCO3, Na2CO3, and/or CaCl2 were made to change the calcium carbonate saturation state of the water. We found that there were consistent and reproducible changes in the rate of calcification in response to our manipulations of the saturation state. We show that the net community calcification rate responds to manipulations in the concentrations of both Ca2+ and [CO3]2- and that the rate is well described as a linear function of the ion concentration product, [Ca2+]0.69[[CO3]2-]. This suggests that saturation state or a closely related quantity is a primary environmental factor that influences calcification on coral reefs at the ecosystem level. We compare the sensitivity of calcification to short-term (days) and long-term (months to years) changes in saturation state and found that the response was not significantly different. This indicates that coral reef organisms do not seem to be able to acclimate to changing saturation state. The predicted decrease in coral reef calcification between the years 1880 and 2065 A.D. based on our long-term results is 40%. Previous small-scale, short-term organismal studies predicted a calcification reduction of 14-30%. This much longer, community-scale study suggests that the impact on coral reefs may be greater than previously suspected. In the next century coral reefs will be less able to cope with rising sea level and other anthropogenic stresses