20 research outputs found

    Overview of the JET results in support to ITER

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    The relevance of this work is a unique approach to learning English in high school. The work aims to increase the motivation of students to learn a foreign language. The work uses the activity approach, which is the basis of the project methodology. The result of this work consists in the following: stimulation of the development of cognitive and creative abilities of students, determining it at the center of the educational process, makes it an active subject of the teaching activit


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    Comprehensive student training is an urgent problem at the present stage of society's development. It consists of successive phases of qualification growth and provides for a multivariate result, the development and formation of a morally mature personality, capable of actively participating in social life. The principal element in such training is humanitarian, which allows forming a free character with independent creative thinking and the ability to continuous self-improvement. Integration is one of the promising methodological directions of the new education. The process of teaching a foreign language at a university has unique requirements. Their practical implementation is possible in the context of the interconnectedness of teaching all types of speech activity, the active inclusion of humanitarian, regional, and cultural aspects in the content of the training. The scientific problem of this work is that learning English causes difficulties for students. To improve the results and at the same time to interest students to learn foreign languages, we have developed a textbook to help teachers to the leading book. This manual offers to introduce elements of theater and television in the classroom. This paper presents a method for two months for students of the first year of the Institute of Foreign Languages at RUDN University. Thanks to this technique, students get acquainted with the great works of English literature - the paper presents "Canterville Ghost" and "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde. Elements of drama are closely intertwined with the study of vocabulary and grammar, and thanks to work with the video, communication, visualization, and speaking skills are honed. The students acquire a language in the conditions of the multi-functional TV studio. The goal of this technique is not to completely change the approach to learning, but to interest students, help them cope with psychological difficulties and engage in a social environment. We know that a first-year student often manifests these problems due to the change of the usual course of things, such as school. Teachers from the regions of the Far East began to use this tutorial to work with students. Videos that were created by students in the course of the work will now be included in the educational and methodical complex for Junior courses

    Tutoring as the pedagogical technology for the development of research skills in language students

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    Traditional approaches to teaching and learning do not meet the modern requirements for the pedagogical process and professional competencies of a teacher. New methods and forms of training are being developed, which are regarded as a compulsory component of education, endowing it with specific features. Such a situation necessitated the emergence of the broad concept “pedagogical technology”, which came into wide use at the turn of the millennium. A broad scope of interpretations indicates the lack of integration of this concept into modern scientific usage, despite the significant demand for the corresponding notion in the theory of education. It is in this context that the term “technology” and the complex terms derived from it (“teaching technologies”, “pedagogical technologies”, etc.) began to be actively used in theoretical literature in a variety of combinations, depending on the perception of the structure and components of the educational process by a particular author. Despite the fact that the tutor’s profession is relatively new to Russian education, the demand for the services of such specialists is growing steadily. The modernized educational environment requires a new type of professional, capable to help the students to plan their own educational program. Tutoring support for the development of students’ research skills meets the needs of the target audience and the requirements for the individualization of higher education


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    Traditional approaches to teaching and learning do not meet the modern requirements for the pedagogical process and professional competencies of a teacher. New methods and forms of training are being developed, which are regarded as a compulsory component of education, endowing it with specific features. Such a situation necessitated the emergence of the broad concept "pedagogical technology", which came into wide use at the turn of the millennium. A broad scope of interpretations indicates the lack of integration of this concept into modern scientific usage, despite the significant demand for the corresponding notion in the theory of education. It is in this context that the term "technology" and the complex terms derived from it ("teaching technologies", "pedagogical technologies", etc.) began to be actively used in theoretical literature in a variety of combinations, depending on the perception of the structure and components of the educational process by a particular author. Despite the fact that the tutor's profession is relatively new to Russian education, the demand for the services of such specialists is growing steadily. The modernized educational environment requires a new type of professional, capable to help the students to plan their own educational program. Tutoring support for the development of students' research skills meets the needs of the target audience and the requirements for the individualization of higher education


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    In connection with the active integration and globalization processes taking place in the world, the focus of attention of linguists, philosophers, culturologists and teachers is the cultural and linguistic interaction between representatives of different language communities. Of recent interest in these problems has been the theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages. Third-generation Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education, aimed at modernizing the system of language education in Russia, towards qualitative changes in the preparation of graduates, orient the process of foreign language education in a modern Russian university towards compliance with established international levels, the standards adopted in the European higher education, and educational programs meeting the requirements of the Council of Europe. The development of foreign language communicative competence today means not only mastering a set of certain knowledge, skills, and abilities, but also forming a full readiness of students, primarily students of linguistic specialties, to communicate in various situations, to a comparative study of the mother tongue and the studied languages and cultures on the basis of interlanguage and intercultural integration; to understanding foreign cultural values and realities presented in the form of norms of verbal behavior and rules of communication