19 research outputs found

    Exchange degenerate Regge trajectories : a fresh look from resonance and forward scattering regions

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    ThĂ©orieThe exchange-degeneracy of the mesonic f−,ω−,ρ−f-, \omega -, \rho - and a2−a_{2}- Regge trajectories dominant at moderate and high energies in hadron elastic scattering is analyzed from two viewpoints. The first concerns the masses of the resonances lying on these trajectories the second deals with the total cross-sections of hadron and photon induced reactions. Neither set of data supports exact exchange-degeneracy

    Soft dipole pomeron model for DIS

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    The state of the art of biospeleology in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union: A review of the cave (endogean) invertebrate fauna. 3. References

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