737 research outputs found

    The general (2,2) gauged sigma model with three--form flux

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    We find the conditions under which a Riemannian manifold equipped with a closed three-form and a vector field define an on--shell N=(2,2) supersymmetric gauged sigma model. The conditions are that the manifold admits a twisted generalized Kaehler structure, that the vector field preserves this structure, and that a so--called generalized moment map exists for it. By a theorem in generalized complex geometry, these conditions imply that the quotient is again a twisted generalized Kaehler manifold; this is in perfect agreement with expectations from the renormalization group flow. This method can produce new N=(2,2) models with NS flux, extending the usual Kaehler quotient construction based on Kaehler gauged sigma models.Comment: 24 pages. v2: typos fixed, other minor correction

    A Link between Parental Psychopathology and Preschool Depression: Take Care of Parents to Take Care of Children

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    There is a lot of evidence in the literature showing that early-onset depression determines an emotional and cognitive vulnerability for psychiatric disorders in subsequent years. Aims: The first aim of this outcome research was to analyze the impact of parental support treatment in a sample of depressed preschool children divided into two groups of comparison (under-reactive and over-reactive) through evolution in the Clinical Global Impression (CGI). The second aim was to analyze the correlation between the presence of parental psychopathology and the severity of children's disorders. Methods: Our clinical sample consisted of 32 preschool-age children with a final diagnosis of MDD. The children's assessment included a psychiatric assessment to establish a diagnosis of MDD, confirmed by means of a semi-structured interview, which was administered again one month after the end of parental treatment. All the parents began a six-month parent training treatment conducted by experienced child psychiatrists, whereas children were not treated. During this period, the Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI) was filled out monthly in order to observe the evolution of the children's disorders. Results: Post-hoc tests showed a significant difference from before the treatment to after the treatment only in the over-reactive group (p = 0.00). Regarding parental psychiatric disorders, in the over-reactive group, only 3 children had no parents with psychopathology. In the under-reactive group, no child lacked a parent with psychopathology. Conclusion: Parent training treatment seems to be a valid intervention to improve preschool depression, especially in over-reactive groups, and to prevent dysfunctional parental styles connected to parental psychopathology

    Wilson Loop, Regge Trajectory and Hadron Masses in a Yang-Mills Theory from Semiclassical Strings

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    We compute the one-loop string corrections to the Wilson loop, glueball Regge trajectory and stringy hadron masses in the Witten model of non supersymmetric, large-N Yang-Mills theory. The classical string configurations corresponding to the above field theory objects are respectively: open straight strings, folded closed spinning strings, and strings orbiting in the internal part of the supergravity background. For the rectangular Wilson loop we show that besides the standard Luescher term, string corrections provide a rescaling of the field theory string tension. The one-loop corrections to the linear glueball Regge trajectories render them nonlinear with a positive intercept, as in the experimental soft Pomeron trajectory. Strings orbiting in the internal space predict a spectrum of hadronic-like states charged under global flavor symmetries which falls in the same universality class of other confining models.Comment: 52 pages, latex 3 times, v3: references adde

    From ten to four and back again: how to generalize the geometry

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    We discuss the four-dimensional N=1 effective approach in the study of warped type II flux compactifications with SU(3)x SU(3)-structure to AdS_4 or flat Minkowski space-time. The non-trivial warping makes it natural to use a supergravity formulation invariant under local complexified Weyl transformations. We obtain the classical superpotential from a standard argument involving domain walls and generalized calibrations and show how the resulting F-flatness and D-flatness equations exactly reproduce the full ten-dimensional supersymmetry equations. Furthermore, we consider the effect of non-perturbative corrections to this superpotential arising from gaugino condensation or Euclidean D-brane instantons. For the latter we derive the supersymmetry conditions in N=1 flux vacua in full generality. We find that the non-perturbative corrections induce a quantum deformation of the internal generalized geometry. Smeared instantons allow to understand KKLT-like AdS vacua from a ten-dimensional point of view. On the other hand, non-smeared instantons in IIB warped Calabi-Yau compactifications 'destabilize' the Calabi-Yau complex structure into a genuine generalized complex one. This deformation gives a geometrical explanation of the non-trivial superpotential for mobile D3-branes induced by the non-perturbative corrections.Comment: LaTeX, 47 pages, v2, references, hyperref added, v3, correcting small inaccuracies in eqs. (2.6a) and (5.16

    Closed strings in Ramond-Ramond backgrounds

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    We write the IIB Green-Schwarz action in certain general classes of curved backgrounds threaded with Ramond-Ramond fluxes. The fixing of the kappa symmetry in the light-cone gauge and the use of supergravity Bianchi identities simplify the task. We find an expression that truncates to quartic order in the spacetime spinors and relays interesting information about the vacuum structure of the worldsheet theory. The results are particularly useful in exploring integrable string dynamics in the context of the holographic duality.Comment: 24 pages; this is a significant revision to hep-th/0112063 with new results added, and including comparison with recent literature; v2: minor typos corrected, citations adde

    Gravity duals to deformed SYM theories and Generalized Complex Geometry

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    We analyze the supersymmetry conditions for a class of SU(2) structure backgrounds of Type IIB supergravity, corresponding to a specific ansatz for the supersymmetry parameters. These backgrounds are relevant for the AdS/CFT correspondence since they are suitable to describe mass deformations or beta-deformations of four-dimensional superconformal gauge theories. Using Generalized Complex Geometry we show that these geometries are characterized by a closed nowhere-vanishing vector field and a modified fundamental form which is also closed. The vector field encodes the information about the superpotential and the type of deformation - mass or beta respectively. We also show that the Pilch-Warner solution dual to a mass-deformation of N =4 Super Yang-Mills and the Lunin-Maldacena beta-deformation of the same background fall in our class of solutions.Comment: LaTex, 29 page

    Deformations of calibrated D-branes in flux generalized complex manifolds

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    We study massless deformations of generalized calibrated cycles, which describe, in the language of generalized complex geometry, supersymmetric D-branes in N=1 supersymmetric compactifications with fluxes. We find that the deformations are classified by the first cohomology group of a Lie algebroid canonically associated to the generalized calibrated cycle, seen as a generalized complex submanifold with respect to the integrable generalized complex structure of the bulk. We provide examples in the SU(3) structure case and in a `genuine' generalized complex structure case. We discuss cases of lifting of massless modes due to world-volume fluxes, background fluxes and a generalized complex structure that changes type.Comment: 52 pages, added references, added comment on ellipticity in appendix B, made minor changes according to instructions referee JHE

    Noncommutative Electrodynamics

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    In this paper we define a causal Lorentz covariant noncommutative (NC) classical Electrodynamics. We obtain an explicit realization of the NC theory by solving perturbatively the Seiberg-Witten map. The action is polynomial in the field strenght FF, allowing to preserve both causality and Lorentz covariance. The general structure of the Lagrangian is studied, to all orders in the perturbative expansion in the NC parameter θ\theta. We show that monochromatic plane waves are solutions of the equations of motion to all orders. An iterative method has been developed to solve the equations of motion and has been applied to the study of the corrections to the superposition law and to the Coulomb law.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, one reference adde

    Supersymmetric D-branes and calibrations on general N=1 backgrounds

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    We study the conditions to have supersymmetric D-branes on general {\cal N}=1 backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond fluxes. These conditions can be written in terms of the two pure spinors associated to the SU(3)\times SU(3) structure on T_M\oplus T^\star_M, and can be split into two parts each involving a different pure spinor. The first involves the integrable pure spinor and requires the D-brane to wrap a generalised complex submanifold with respect to the generalised complex structure associated to it. The second contains the non-integrable pure spinor and is related to the stability of the brane. The two conditions can be rephrased as a generalised calibration condition for the brane. The results preserve the generalised mirror symmetry relating the type IIA and IIB backgrounds considered, giving further evidence for this duality.Comment: 23 pages. Some improvements and clarifications, typos corrected and references added. v3: Version published in JHE

    Generalized Kaehler Potentials from Supergravity

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    We consider supersymmetric N=2 solutions with non-vanishing NS three-form. Building on worldsheet results, we reduce the problem to a single generalized Monge-Ampere equation on the generalized Kaehler potential K recently interpreted geometrically by Lindstrom, Rocek, Von Unge and Zabzine. One input in the procedure is a holomorphic function w that can be thought of as the effective superpotential for a D3 brane probe. The procedure is hence likely to be useful for finding gravity duals to field theories with non-vanishing abelian superpotential, such as Leigh-Strassler theories. We indeed show that a purely NS precursor of the Lunin-Maldacena dual to the beta-deformed N=4 super-Yang-Mills falls in our class.Comment: "38 pages. v3: improved exposition and minor mistakes corrected in sec. 4