4 research outputs found

    Self-efficacy in new product development teams

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    In the constantly globalizing world of complex problems, there is a growing demand for educational methods for preparing students to face real life challenges. This thesis focuses on discovering perceived self-efficacy in new product development teams. The study was conducted among students who were taking part in a Master's-level course that involves intensive teamwork in interdisciplinary and international product development teams. The research presents self-efficacy as key factor for self-development through practical learning. In addition, self-efficacy beliefs are considered having an influence on development of entrepreneurial behavior and intentions since the process of product development and new venture creation can be seen very similar. Classic and current research trends in related fields of study are used to provide understanding about the role of perceived self-efficacy and entrepreneurial mindset in product development process. The studied course is open-ended, lasts for whole academic year and is part of the product development major at Aalto University. The educational methods used in the course base on project oriented problem-based learning and the course exploits a design-thinking innovation process. The data used in this study was gathered during academic year of 2014-2015, from nine students in three teams based on interest. Semi-structured interviews were used as a method in data gathering. Three interviewees were project managers and six were team members. First, the data was analyzed by thematic analysis approach. This thesis first introduces the product development models used during the course work. Then, Albert Bandura's theory of self-efficacy is presented as well as its relation to entrepreneurial behavior and intention theories. This theoretical background is used to reflect findings of this particular study. More precisely this study aims to discover: (1.) What kinds of situations affect the self-efficacy of team members during a product development process? and (2.) How interaction and emotions affect team member's perceived self-efficacy during a product development process? The findings suggest that the students face various interaction points and go through emotional processes influencing perceived self-efficacy. In addition, this work-in-progress analysis presents that soft and interactions skills are in fact in the core of confidence in product development project work whereas product development is traditionally seen as a mix of professional as well as practical skills

    Self-efficacy in product development student teams - what shapes students’ perceived self-efficacy

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    This paper aims to provide a perspective of the student ́s perceived self-efficacy in a team based project course where students face open-ended, ill-defined problems. We discuss the development of self-efficacy in the team members and how different situations and events affect their perceived self-efficacy. The data used in this paper was gathered through interviews from students taking a yearlong masters ́ level capstone course. Results of the study show that the students’ overall self-efficacy increased most in team-based moments. We show also how entrepreneurial self-efficacy of students can be enhanced during problem- based New Product Development process. Finally we will conclude the potential of the researched course to provide practical experiences of project work as well as its potential for delivering entrepreneurial skills for the students during their education.Peer reviewe

    Mittatilauspukujen maahantuonti ja myynti verkkokaupassa

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena on uuden Suomeen avattavan verkkokauppana toimivan maahantuontiyrityksen perustamissuunnitelma.Uuden yrityksen tuotteena ovat Intiassa mittatilaustyönä valmistetut miesten puvut ja paidat. Työssä läpikäydään tuontitoiminnan edellytykset, sekä verkkokaupan perustamiseen vaikuttavat tekijät uuden avattavan verkkokaupan näkökulmasta. Opinnäytetyössä teoria ja empiria kulkevat rinnakkain. Näin ollen työn aihepiirit käsitellään ensin teoriassa, jonka jälkeen teoria sovelletaan käytäntöön. Työn ensinmäisessä luvussa syvennytään ennen yrityksen konkreettista perustamista selvitettäviin tekijöihin. Luvussa käydään läpi tuontitoiminnan edellytyksiä, sekä partnereiden etsimiseen liittyviä asioita. Koska yrityksen tuotteet tullaan valmistamaan Intiassa, sisältää ensimmäinen luku myös maa-analyysin Intiasta tuontitoiminnan kannalta katsottuna. Yrityksen perustamisen tueksi on laadittu asiakas- sekä kilpailija-analyysit. Kilpailija-analyysissä selvitetään, mitä yrityksiä alalla toimii niin kansainvälisesti kuin kotimaassa, ja mitkä ovat niiden tärkeimmät kilpailukeinot. Asiakasanalyysi sisältää asiakaskyselyn, jossa selvitetään suomalaisten miesten mielikuvia ja kokemuksia vaatteiden ja pukujen verkkokaupasta. Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään uuden perustettavan verkkokaupan strategiaa ja kilpailukeinoja. Työ sisältää myös selvityksen yrityksen tuotteista ja ensimmäisen vuoden myyntitavoitteista. Työn avulla saatiin selville, mitkä ovat verkkokauppana toimivan maahantuontiyrityksen perustamisen edellytykset ja mahdolliset kompastuskivet. Työn perusteella voidaan todeta uudella yrityksellä olevan loistava mahdollisuus kannattavaan liiketoimintaan. Koostetun informaation perusteella on hyvä ryhtyä konkreettisiin toimiin yrityksen perustamiseksi, sekä aloittaa lisätutkimukset. Työn pohjalta voidaan myös käynnistää toimet verkkokaupan avaamiseksi. Työ sisältää paljon informaatiota verkkokaupan perustamisen edellytyksistä. Tätä tietoa hyödyntäen on mahdollista avata uusi mittatilauspukuja myyvä verkkokauppa.The topic of this thesis is to figure out what it takes to start up a new import company that works as an online store. The target company of the thesis is planning to start selling custom-made men's suits and collar shirts at an online store for Finnish customers. The products of this company are made and exported from India. The information provided in the thesis about starting an import e-commerce business is explored from the perspective of this new company. In the thesis the theoretical part and empirical part go side by side. In other words, themes of this thesis are first handled in theory and then put into practice. The beginning of the thesis concentrates on the factors that should be taken into account before actually beginning the e-commerce business. The first chapter of the study deals closely with the issues of planning imports from India, as well as what should be considered when searching for partners. Additionally, this chapter covers also a country analysis from the imports perspective, since the company's products will be manufactured in India. A customer analysis and competitor analysis are included in the study to support the new import business concept. In the competitor analysis both global and domestic competitors are measured and studied to figure out what are their means of competition. The customer analysis, on the other hand, studies what impressions Finnish men have about buying custom-made suits and what are their experiences about purchasing clothes and suits via the internet. The study results show real possibilities for this new e-commerce based import business in Finland and what are its possible pitfalls. It is clear that the target company has a brilliant opportunity to operate in the Finnish market. The information provided in the thesis enables the concrete actions for establishing this new e-commerce business. Additionally it is also now possible to start building up an actual online store for custom-made suits

    Proceedings of NordDesign 2016, Volume 2, Trondheim, Norway, 10th - 12th August 2016

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    This paper aims to provide a perspective of the student´s perceived self-efficacy in a teambased project course where students face open-ended, ill-defined problems. We discuss thedevelopment of self-efficacy in the team members and how different situations and eventsaffect their perceived self-efficacy. The data used in this paper was gathered throughinterviews from students taking a yearlong masters´ level capstone course. Results of thestudy show that the students’ overall self-efficacy increased most in team-based moments. Weshow also how entrepreneurial self-efficacy of students can be enhanced during problembasedNew Product Development process. Finally we will conclude the potential of theresearched course to provide practical experiences of project work as well as its potential fordelivering entrepreneurial skills for the students during their education.</p