35 research outputs found

    The coastal environmental profile of Segara Anakan-Cilacap, South Java, Indonesia

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    Coastal zone, Coastal zone management, Environmental profile, Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Java, Indonesia,

    Toward management of shared stocks in the South China Sea region

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    Fisheries in the South China Sea region have shown rapid development in the last two decades. Landings of the eight countries of Southeast Asia bordering the South China Sea have grown from 4.1 million tonnes in 1975 to 7.2 million tonnes in 1995, or an increase of 75% in the last two decades. Increased fishing pressure in coastal areas had brought about stagnant catches of shrimp in some individual countries, while allocations of tuna fishing effort by Indonesia or neighbouring countries indicated that high fishing pressure for tuna occurred in some countries. This trend of development and the momentum arises from the current progress in the negotiation and establishment of an organization that deals with tuna resources in the Indian Ocean and the western and central Pacific, should eventually lead to the initiative of management of shared stock in the region. General requirements and steps in the management of shared stocks are described as an attempt to promote understanding among potential participating countries in this venture

    Baseline studies of biodiversity: the fish resources of Western Indonesia

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    Fishery resources, Fishery surveys, Biological diversity, Baseline studies, Indonesia,

    Perkembangan Pengelolaan Perikanan Global

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    Global fisheries production has been marked by the fast growing pattern of capture fisheries production. During the last five decades marine fisheries production demonstrated an increase of nearly 500% or an annual average increase of 4.5%. this spectacular increase raised a global concern since it accompanied by overexploitation of resources in various parts of the world ocean. This concern has led to a series of negotiation in international arena that resulted in the formulation and finally adaption of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in FAO in 1995. Elaboration of the implementation of the Code brought about the formulation of International Plan of Action (IPOA) burning issues of priority for which member countries of FAO are encouraged to translate it into National Plan of Action (NPOA). Four NPOA has been available including IPOA for sharks, for seabird bycatch in longline fisheries, for fishing capacity and for IUU fishing. Regional Fisheries Organization (RFO) in recent years has tasked to deal with management of living resources that do not respect administrative boundaries, such as some species of tuna and small pelages. Some of the fish resources exploited by the Indonesian fishers move across EEZ into high seas for which it falls within the responsibility of regional fisheries organization to manage. Indonesia is therefore encouraged to join such RFO to assure active participation in the management of the resources. Nonetheless, the administrative bureaucracy has hindred the process

    Management of shared stocks in South China Sea: Are we ready?

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    The paper informed, among others, that the development of fisheries management in the region should now be enhanced with the availability of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and its various technical guidelines. Fisheries management deals with allocation of resources, hence the participation of stakeholders in the process of management plan development is a forefront requirement. With the increase in globalisation, some developed countries had used trade as a tool to promote sustainable and responsible fisheries. Eco-labelling was one of the merging practice in the global trade. USA had used the TED/BED issue as a means to reject import from any country which did not use TED/BED in their shrimp fisheries. Dolphin safe was another label that was required for tuna imported to the USA. It this became clear that strengthening the national ,management institutions by coastal states bordering the South China Sea should form an important agenda for the Fisheries Department in the individual countries. Regional and international organizations could than play a role towards enhancing the management of shared stocks, with the management of national stock by individual coastal states, to make the region ready for the management of shred stocks

    Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Fisheries Sector

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    The adoption of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) in 1995 marked the new era for the fishery sector in the context of sustainable development. Failures in curbing overfishing and habitat degradation in many parts of the world contributed to the holdings of various regional and global meetings and workshops leading to the birth of CCRF. This following article describing about the implementation of this particular code in several countries, especially South Asia and South East Asia such as Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam

    Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Fisheries Sector

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    The adoption of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) in 1995 marked the new era for the fishery sector in the context of sustainable development. Failures in curbing overfishing and habitat degradation in many parts of the world contributed to the holdings of various regional and global meetings and workshops leading to the birth of CCRF. This following article describing about the implementation of this particular code in several countries, especially South Asia and South East Asia such as Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam

    Bangunan Konser Musik Di Jakarta: Analogi Bentuk Musikal

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    vi,p 128;ill.;bib.;30 c