190 research outputs found

    Model of Community Health Nursing Care to Accelerate MDGs on Health Sanitation Behavior Sector

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    Introduction: Health promotion have an important role in order to improve community's independency on health and healthy lifestyle which influenced by socio-cultural around them. The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of health volunteer activeness, family empowerment, and healthy lifestyle perception on health sanitation behavior sector, so that can help to accelerate MDGs acheivement. Method: This was explanatory research with cross sectional approach. Ninety nine people were recruited as research samples. Independent variables were health volunteer's activeness, family empowerment, and health lifestyle perception. While, the dependent variable was health sanitation behavior. Data were collected by using questionnaire. Data were then analyzed by using regression technique. Result: Result had showed that together health volunteer's activeness, family empowerment, and healthy lifestyle perception have positive contribution to health sanitation behavior (25.4%). While partially, health volunteer's activeness has result (0.2%), family empowerment (15.3%), and healthy lifestyle perception (9.9%). Discussion: The successfullness of health sanitation on community needs participation from family and community itself. Community health nurses should conduct health promotion as an effort to improve community's knowledge about health behavior

    Deteksi Dini Derajat Kesadaran Menggunakan Pengukuran Nilai Kritis Mean Artery Pressure

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    Introduction: The Impact of the trauma cranio cerebral can affect the volume autoregulation disorders any intracranial disease that consists of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid and the blood in the veins. The changes one of the volume without followed the response of compensation from the other factors will cause overt increased intracranial pressure changes and the amount of blood flow from the systemic circulation required to give oxygen and glucose intake to the metabolism of the brain. One of the things that is very important in nursing nursery on patients with injury head is to maintain the adequacy of Mean Artery Pressure cerebral. This research aims to know the adequacy of critical value mean artery pressure in detecting the level of consciousness in patients who suffered injury on the head. Method: This research using explanatory design research with cross sectional approach that explains the influence and the prediction of the adequacy of the critical value mean arteria pressure against the degree of awareness in patients with injury head which numbered 34 samples. This research statistics tests using simple regression. Result: The results of the study showed that there is a positive influence critical value mean artery pressure against the degree of awareness that indicated the value of p=0.00<0.05 and value of mean artery pressure is able to detect the level of consciousness patients injury head of 77.8%. Discussion: Increased critical value mean arterial pressure is more than 65 mmHg can improve mikrosirkulasi and autoreglasi brain, so that prevent the decline of awareness in patients with wounds of the head

    Pembelajaran Menyimak Legenda Pada Siswa SMA

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    : This research is motivated by the desire of the author to investigate the learning implementation in listening a legend by the Indonesian teacher to students in class X. The method used in this research is descriptive in a form of qualitative. The source is taken from Dra. Zuraida, M.Pd. as teachers of Bahasa Indonesia and X grade students. The data were analyzed by classifying and describing the pre activities, main activities, and post activities. The research results in the learning implementation of listening a legend are (1) The pre activities such as preparing students physically and mentally, doing apperception on initial activities have been implemented well agree with process standard by the teacher. (2) The main activities that is done by the teacher are divided into exploration, elaboration and confirmation. The exploration activities are providing opportunities for students to think in finding information, the elaboration activities such as applying concepts and giving assignments to students have been implemented diligent and accurate, the confirmation activities in form of giving feedback are less given to students. (3) The post activities that have done by the teacher only in form information with students. The suggestion is the teacher to learning implementation in listening a legend agree with the context

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Teks Berita melalui Model Pembelajaran Concept Sentence dengan Bantuan Media Gambar

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    Increased ability to write the news through Concept Sentence learning model by using of media images on eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 8 C Pontianak conducted to determine the application that is implemented in the classroom. This study aimed to describe the planning , execution , and learning outcomes . The method is used to descriptive , qualitative forms of research , and the type of research is classroom action research ( CAR). The data was taken using tests and non- test instruments . The tools of data collection used were observation sheets and achievement test . Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively . Based on this research, Sentence Concept learning model with using media images can improve learning outcomes of the students writing a text message . Learning cycle group 1 average 74.99 , cycle 2 increased to 81.05 , and cycle 3 to 90.90 . Individual learning cycle 1 average 66.16 , cycle 2 increased to 73.86 , and cycle 3 to 80.55 . The attitude of the students participating in learning improved very well

    Nilai Budaya dan Kepahlawanan dalam Cerita Rakyat Dayak Kanayatn pada Buku Muatan Lokal Landak 2007

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    This research specific purpose to describe culture value relationship human between God, magic, among human, and nature. Describe braveness value, allegiance value, wiling sacrifice value. The method of this research is descriptive method in form of qualitative, letters sociology approach. The result are culture value to describe relationship human between God are namely human obey to the God and human that disobey to the God. Relationship among human are namely corporation, responsibility, affection, and consensus. Relationship human between nature are namely supply need of human, human maintain of nature in a continuity, nature being witnessed of human act, and human that trust magical. Braveness value, allegiance value, willing sacrifice value reflected in actors on each story of folklore Dayak Kanayatn. Dayak Kanayatn people still trust to culture value in contain of folklore Dayak Kanayatn and being local custom/tradition. Heroism value show up in actors who contain of folklore Dayak Kanayatn being example for Dayak Kanayatn people
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