186 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTThis research is driven by the learning process of persuasive text writing in Sungai Raya Junior High School which was well conducted. Overall, the planning, implementation, and evaluation carried out by the teacher had been implemented systematically. While there were difficulties experienced by teachers during the instruction, it was overcome well. The teacher was responsive to the occurring problems around the school, as well as during the learning process. This research generally discusses planning, implementation, and learning outcomes. The general objective of this research is to identify the planning, implementation, and evaluation of instructions in writing persuasive texts to students of class VIII semester 2 MTs AlMustaqim 1 Sungai Raya. This research is theoretically useful and practical for researchers, teachers, students, and schools. The theory used in this research is the theory related to learning, writing, and persuasive texts. This research applied the descriptive method with qualitative research. This study describes the planning, implementation, and learning outcomes of writing persuasion texts taught by teachers. Data sources in this study are Indonesian language teachers, students, and Teacher Ability Assessment Tools (APKG). The data presented are the results of observations of APKG 1 and APKG 2 as well as the results of students' learning evaluations.Keywords: Indonesian Language Instructions, Persuasive Text, Writing Instruction


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    AbstractThe background of the underlying researchers is moral value on novel entitled Hujan by Tere Liye divided into three sub-issues include moral values seem from individual relationships with God, individual relationships with society, and individual relationships with itself, and implementation plans. The purpose of this study is describing three sub-issues. This research used descriptive method in the form of qualitative with pragmatic approach. The source of data in this research is “Hujan” by Tere Liye with data in the form of words, sentences contained in the novel. The technique used in this research is the technique of documentary study and data collection tool is the researcher. Based on the results of data analysis of “Hujan” by Tere Liye, it can be concluded that there are moral values seem from individual relationships with God, their moral values include a) praying to God, b) believing in God's destiny, c) believing in the death of God's will. Individual relationship with society, the form of moral values included a) help, b) affection, c) caring for others. Individual relationship with the individual, the form of moral value includes, a) honesty, b) responsibility, c) strong desire, d) eager, e) bravery.Keywords: Moral Value, Nove


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    This study aims to find out about the exemplary character in the novel Live in Heaven by Asma Nadia. The research method used is descriptive in the form of qualitative research. The source of the data used in this study is a document in the form of a novel, namely the novel Live in Heaven by Asma Nadia and the data is the exemplary value of the character which is reflected in all the characters in the form of words, phrases, sentences related in the novel Live in Heaven by Asma Nadia. The results of this study indicate that exemplary has nine values that serve as pillars of character as follows: 1). Love of God and All of Him, 2). Independence and Responsibility, 3). Honesty/Trust, Wise, 4). Respect and Courtesy, 5). Philanthropist, likes to help, and Mutual cooperation, 6). Confident, Creative, and Hardworking, 7). Leadership and Justice, 8). Kind and Humble, 9). Tolerance, Peace and Unity. The results of this study are referred to as the implementation plan for learning Indonesian in the 2013 curriculum at the XI high school level


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    This research is conducted based on the students low skill in writing persuasive text. This action was carried out by the writer through think talk write model with image media to enhance students writing skill of persuasive text. This study aims to describe students writing skill pre and post method implementation. The method used in this research is classroom action research. This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The results showed that the planning of the learning process in the first cycle reached 71.43 (good) and improved in the second cycle to 85.57 (very good). The teacher's performance in the learning implementation in the first cycle reached 78,75% (good) and improved in the second cycle to 91,88% (very good). Moreover, In the first cycle the average score is 70,46 with the percentage of completeness is 61.54%, and in the second cycle there was any improvement of the average score 81,85 with the percentage of completeness is 84.62%. It can be concluded that there is any improvement of the evaluation result on the students’ ability to write persuasive texts using a cooperative model of think talk write with image media


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    This study aims to describe and interpret the results of an analysis of education values in the novel Merry Riana Mimpi Sejuta Dolar by Alberthiene Endah, as well as develop a learning design using the novel as learning material. This study uses a descriptive menthod with a qualitative research form. The approach used is the socialogy of literature. The source of data in this research is novel Merry Riana Mimpi Sejuta Dolar by Alberthiene Endah. Data collection technique using documentary study technique. Data analysuis techniques by means of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion. The results of this study indicate the educational values contained in novel Merry Riana Mimpi Sejuta Dolar, namely the value of moral education and the value of religious education. The values of moral education include responsibility, never give up, perseverance, hard work, and courage. The values of religious education include praying, believing, being grateful, and being sincere in the novel. Researchers have designed a lesson plan that utilizes the novel as learning material, specifically to achieve KD 3.9 and 4.9 in class XII SMA.


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    AbstractThis study describes the behavior of the characters in the novel Keluarga Gerilja using the operant reinforcement theory of B.F.Skinner. This study uses a descriptive method of qualitative form, and uses a literary psychology approach. The data source of this research is the novel Keluarga Gerilja by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The data in this study are in the form of quotes, phrases, and sentences that lead to the object of analysis. The data collection technique used is a documentary study. The results showed that the data obtained amounted to 50 data. Implementation plan for learning Indonesian in class XII high school level/equivalent in the 2013 curriculum with basic competencies 3.3 Identifying information, which includes orientation, a series of interrelated events, complications and resolutions, in oral or written history stories, and basic competence 4.3 Constructing the values of historical story information in an explanatory text. Indicator 3.3.1 Collecting important information in historical novels, 3.3.2 Determining the text structure of historical novels, 3.3.3 Comparing historical novels with historical texts. 4.3.1 Rewriting values in historical novels, 4.3.2 Presenting historical novel values into an explanatory text. 4.3.3 Presenting, responding to, revising the prepared explanatory text.Keyword: personality, novel, operant reinforcement theor

    Penerapan Teknik Brainwriting Untuk Meningkatkan Menulis Wacana Narasi Pada Siswa Kelas XI Tphp Smk

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the planning, implementation, activities, and results of using the technique of writing narrative discourse brainwriting. This research method is qualitative with the form of classroom action research. This study was conducted 3 cycles. The subjects were students and teachers of SMK Negeri 5 North Singkawang in the school year 2015/2016 , the number of students by 28 students. Based on the results of the study concluded that brainwriting technique can improve the quality of the learning process, especially planning, implementation, activities and students\u27 writing. This is evident from the data obtained in the planning of the first cycle of 76.66 % (good), the second cycle of 83.33 % (excellent), and the third cycle of 86.66 % (excellent). Implementation of the first cycle of 61% (pretty good) , the second cycle 77 % (good), and the third cycle of 90 % (excellent). The average learning outcomes also increased in the first cycle of 51.56 , 58.71 cycle, and the cycle III 75.22. Activities of students also increased by 27.21 in the first cycle, the second cycle of 28.25, and the third cycle of 29.89

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Memproduksi Teks Anekdot Menggunakan Media Karikatur dan Pendekatan Saintifik pada Siswa

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    This study purpose to describe the planning, implementation, and result of skills learning of producing anecdote text using caricature media and scientific approach to the students in the first grade of Vocational school I Mempawah Hilir in Accounting program in Akademic year 2016/2017. The data was used in this study was obtained from planning action, implementation, observation, and reflection on writing learning/produce a anecdote text written.. The conclusion of this study based on the result research is caricature media and scientific approach can improve the quality process, especially the attitude and the results of the students writing skills of anecdote text. It can be evidenced by the students attitude on the aspects of honesty, discipline, responsibility, manners, and responsive in I, II, and III cycle. The quality of skills produce student's written increased, the first cycle of the average value of 62.76 with a 42% level of completeness. The second cycle the average value of 74.11 with a 61% level of completeness. Cycle III the average value of 86.78 with a 89% level of completeness

    Kajian Psikologi Sastra Tentang Agresivitas Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel Rembulan Tenggelam Di Wajahmu Karya Tere-liye

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the form, dimension as well as the plan to use the novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu works of Tere Liye in school learning. The research is conducted through descriptive method in the form of qualitative. Based on the data analysis (1) the form of aggressive behaviour of the main character are: physical aggressive (including hitting, kicking, pushing, and strangling) and verbal aggressive (including swearing, saucing, shouting, and snapping). (2) The dimension of aggressive behaviour of the main character are including direct active physical aggressive (including forcibly opening the box, hitting, punching, kicking, piercing, atc. which is done directly by the aggressor), direct active verbal aggressive behaviour (including snapping, seolding, etc. which is done directly by the aggressor), and indirect active verbal aggressive behaviour (including swearing without the knowledge of sufferer, soucing to the heart, cursing, etc. which is done by the indirectly by the aggressor). (3) Seen from curriculum aspect, learning objectives aspect, teaching material selection aspect, and readable aspect shows that this novel can be implemented in school learning especially for Bahasa Indonesia subject
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