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    Pemanfaatan Digital Marketing Menggunakan Media Sosial Sebagai Alat Pemasaran Online Pada PT Benelli Perkasa Motor Pusat Surabaya

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    PT Benelli Perkasa Motor Center Surabaya in the current digital era is implementing a digital marketing strategy using social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and YouTube as online marketing tools. Sources of data obtained in the form of company history and social media owned by PT Benelli Perkasa. The method used in collecting data in this study is by conducting interviews, observation, and documentation. The method used in data analysis is descriptive qualitative method. From the observations made in this study, it was found that PT Benelli Perkasa wanted a tik tok social media account as an additional online marketing media so that in this study resulted in the creation of a tik tok account for PT Benelli Perkasa Motor Center Surabaya. Keywords: Digital marketing, social media, online marketi