13 research outputs found

    Estimation of turbulent proton and electron heating rates via Landau damping constrained by Parker Solar Probe observations

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    The heating of ions and electrons due to turbulent dissipation plays a crucial role in the thermodynamics of the solar wind and other plasma environments. Using magnetic field and thermal plasma observations from the first two perihelia of the Parker Solar Probe (PSP), we model the relative heating rates as a function of radial distance, magnetic spectra, and plasma conditions, enabling us to better characterize the thermodynamics of the inner heliosphere. We employ the Howes et al. 2008 steady-state cascade model, which considers the behavior of turbulent, low-frequency, wavevector-anisotropic, critically balanced Alfv\'enic fluctuations that dissipate via Landau damping to determine proton-to-electron heating rates Qp/QeQ_p/Q_e. We distinguish ion-cyclotron frequency circularly polarized waves from low-frequency turbulence and constrain the cascade model using spectra constructed from the latter. We find that the model accurately describes the observed energy spectrum from over 39.4 percent of the intervals from Encounters 1 and 2, indicating the possibility for Landau damping to heat the young solar wind. The ability of the model to describe the observed turbulent spectra increases with the ratio of thermal-to-magnetic pressure, βp\beta_p, indicating that the model contains the necessary physics at higher βp\beta_p. We estimate high magnitudes for the Kolmogorov constant which is inversely proportional to the non-linear energy cascade rate. We verify the expected strong dependency of Qp/QeQ_p/Q_e on βp\beta_p and the consistency of the critical balance assumption

    Higher-Order Analysis of Three-Dimensional Anisotropy in Imbalanced Alfv\'enic Turbulence

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    We analyze in-situ observations of imbalanced solar wind turbulence to evaluate MHD turbulence models grounded in "Critical Balance" (CB) and "Scale-Dependent Dynamic Alignment" (SDDA). At energy injection scales, both outgoing and ingoing modes exhibit a weak cascade; a simultaneous tightening of SDDA is noted. Outgoing modes persist in a weak cascade across the inertial range, while ingoing modes shift to a strong cascade at λ3×104di\lambda \approx 3 \times 10^{4} d_i, with associated spectral scalings deviating from expected behavior due to "anomalous coherence" effects. The inertial range comprises two distinct sub-inertial segments. Beyond λ100di\lambda \gtrsim 100 d_i, eddies adopt a field-aligned tube topology, with SDDA signatures mainly evident in high amplitude fluctuations. The scaling exponents ζn\zeta_{n} of the nn-th order conditional structure functions, orthogonal to both the local mean field and fluctuation direction, align with the analytical models of Chandran et al. 2015 and Mallet et al. 2017, indicating "multifractal" statistics and strong intermittency; however, scaling in parallel and displacement components is more concave than predicted, possibly influenced by expansion effects. Below λ100di\lambda \approx 100 d_i, eddies become increasingly anisotropic, evolving into thin current sheet-like structures. Concurrently, ζn\zeta_{n} scales linearly with order, marking a shift towards "monofractal" statistics. At λ8di\lambda \approx 8 d_i, the increase in aspect ratio halts, and the eddies become quasi-isotropic. This change may signal tearing instability, leading to reconnection, or result from energy redirection into the ion-cyclotron wave spectrum, aligning with the "helicity barrier". Our analysis utilizes 5-point structure functions, proving more effective than the traditional 2-point method in capturing steep scaling behaviors at smaller scales

    The Structure and Origin of Switchbacks: Parker Solar Probe Observations

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    Switchbacks are rapid magnetic field reversals that last from seconds to hours. Current Parker Solar Probe (PSP) observations pose many open questions in regards to the nature of switchbacks. For example, are they stable as they propagate through the inner heliosphere, and how are they formed? In this work, we aim to investigate the structure and origin of switchbacks. In order to study the stability of switchbacks, we suppose the small scale current sheets therein may work to braid and stabilize the switchbacks. Thus, we use the partial variance of increments method to identify the small scale current sheets, and then compare their distributions in switchbacks. With more than one thousand switchbacks identified with PSP observations in seven encounters, we find many more current sheets inside than outside switchbacks, indicating that these micro-structures should work to stabilize the S-shape structures of switchbacks. Additionally, with the helium measurements, we study the variations of helium abundance ratios and alpha-proton differential speeds to trace switchbacks to their origins. We find both helium-rich and helium-poor populations in switchbacks, implying the switchbacks could originate from both closed and open magnetic field regions in the Sun. Moreover, we observe that the alpha-proton differential speeds also show complex variations as compared to the local Alfv\'en speed. The joint distributions of both parameters show that low helium abundance together with low differential speed is the dominant state in switchbacks. The presence of small scale current sheets in switchbacks along with the helium features are in line with the hypothesis that switchbacks could originate from the Sun via interchange reconnection process. However, other formation mechanisms are not excluded

    Estimation of Turbulent Proton and Electron Heating Rates via Landau Damping Constrained by Parker Solar Probe Observations

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    The heating of ions and electrons due to turbulent dissipation plays a crucial role in the thermodynamics of the solar wind and other plasma environments. Using magnetic field and thermal plasma observations from the first two perihelia of the Parker Solar Probe, we model the relative heating rates as a function of the radial distance, magnetic spectra, and plasma conditions, enabling us to better characterize the thermodynamics of the inner heliosphere. We employ the Howes et al. steady-state cascade model, which considers the behavior of turbulent, low-frequency, wavevector-anisotropic, critically balanced Alfvénic fluctuations that dissipate via Landau damping to determine proton-to-electron heating rates Q _p / Q _e . We distinguish ion cyclotron frequency circularly polarized waves from low-frequency turbulence and constrain the cascade model using spectra constructed from the latter. We find that the model accurately describes the observed energy spectrum from over 39.4% of the intervals from Encounters 1 and 2, indicating the possibility for Landau damping to heat the young solar wind. The ability of the model to describe the observed turbulent spectra increases with the ratio of thermal-to-magnetic pressure, β _p , indicating that the model contains the necessary physics at higher β _p . We estimate high magnitudes for the Kolmogorov constant which is inversely proportional to the nonlinear energy cascade rate. We verify the expected strong dependency of Q _p / Q _e on β _p and the consistency of the critical balance assumption

    Ion-driven Instabilities in the Inner Heliosphere. I. Statistical Trends

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    International audienceInstabilities described by linear theory characterize an important form of wave-particle interaction in the solar wind. We diagnose unstable behavior of solar wind plasma between 0.3 and 1 au via the Nyquist criterion, applying it to fits of ~1.5M proton and α particle Velocity Distribution Functions (VDFs) observed by Helios I and II. The variation of the fraction of unstable intervals with radial distance from the Sun is linear, signaling a gradual decline in the activity of unstable modes. When calculated as functions of the solar wind velocity and Coulomb number, we obtain more extreme, exponential trends in the regions where collisions appear to have a notable influence on the VDF. Instability growth rates demonstrate similar behavior, and significantly decrease with Coulomb number. We find that for a nonnegligible fraction of observations, the proton beam or secondary component might not be detected, due to instrument resolution limitations, and demonstrate that the impact of this issue does not affect the main conclusions of this work

    How Alfvén waves energize the solar wind: heat versus work

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    A growing body of evidence suggests that the solar wind is powered to a large extent by an Alfvén-wave (AW) energy flux. AWs energize the solar wind via two mechanisms: heating and work. We use high-resolution direct numerical simulations of reflection-driven AW turbulence (RDAWT) in a fast-solar-wind stream emanating from a coronal hole to investigate both mechanisms. In particular, we compute the fraction of the AW power at the coronal base (PAWb) that is transferred to solar-wind particles via heating between the coronal base and heliocentric distance r, which we denote by χH(r), and the fraction that is transferred via work, which we denote by χW(r). We find that χW(rA) ranges from 0.15 to 0.3, where rA is the Alfvén critical point. This value is small compared with one because the Alfvén speed vA exceeds the outflow velocity U at rrA, where vArA is a modest fraction of PAWb. We find that heating is more effective than work at rrA, even though the total rate at which AW energy is transferred to particles at r>rA is a small fraction of PAWb.6 month embargo; published online: 14 April 2021This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Solar Wind Density and Core Temperature Derived from the PSP Quasi-thermal Noise Measurements

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    Quasi-thermal noise (QTN) spectroscopy is a valuable method to deduce important parameters in space plasma, such as plasma density and temperature, especially when direct particle measurements are not available. The present study develops a new fitting method to fit the QTN spectra observed by the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) with a comprehensive theoretical QTN spectral model. By combining the steepest descent and Levenberg–Marquardt algorithms, the new method is more flexible with initial guess values but still yields reliable solar wind electron density and temperature values. The new method is applied to derive the solar wind density and core temperature from the QTN measurements during 10 encounters of PSP. The electron density and temperature values obtained vary with the radial distance from the Sun as n _e ∝ r ^−2.12 and T _e ∝ r ^−0.71 , both of which are consistent with existing models and previous results

    Plasma Parameters From Quasi-Thermal Noise Observed by Parker Solar Probe: A New Model for the Antenna Response

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    International audienceQuasi-Thermal Noise (QTN) spectroscopy is a reliable diagnostic routinely used for measuring electron density and temperature in space plasmas. The observed spectrum depends on both antenna geometry and plasma kinetic properties. Parker solar probe (PSP), launched in 2018, is equipped with an antenna system consisting of two linear dipoles with a significant gap between the antenna arms. Such a configuration, not utilized on previous missions, cannot be completely described by current models of the antenna response function. In this work, we calculate the current distribution and the corresponding response function for the PSP antenna geometry, and use these results to generate synthetic QTN spectra. Applying this model to the Encounter 7 observations from PSP provides accurate estimations of electron density and temperature, which are in very good agreement with particle analyzer measurements