2 research outputs found

    Model-based biotechnological potential analysis of Kluyveromyces marxianus central metabolism

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    Funding Information: The research was supported by ERDF project Nr. 2DP/ Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2017, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology.The non-conventional yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus is an emerging industrial producer for many biotechnological processes. Here, we show the application of a biomass-linked stoichiometric model of central metabolism that is experimentally validated, and mass and charge balanced for assessing the carbon conversion efficiency of wild type and modified K. marxianus. Pairs of substrates (lactose, glucose, inulin, xylose) and products (ethanol, acetate, lactate, glycerol, ethyl acetate, succinate, glutamate, phenylethanol and phenylalanine) are examined by various modelling and optimisation methods. Our model reveals the organismā€™s potential for industrial application and metabolic engineering. Modelling results imply that the aeration regime can be used as a tool to optimise product yield and flux distribution in K. marxianus. Also rebalancing NADH and NADPH utilisation can be used to improve the efficiency of substrate conversion. Xylose is identified as a biotechnologically promising substrate for K. marxianus.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Vocabulary in Car Advertisements

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    Å ajā darbā galvenā uzmanÄ«ba ir pievērsta leksikai automobīļu reklamā. Pirmkārt, uzmanÄ«ba ir pievērsta klientu uzvedbai un Ford Companijas nodarboÅ”anas pēc 2008. gada krÄ«zes laikā. Tad, lai saÅ”aurinātu izmeklÄ“Å”anas loku, Sports Illustrated tika izmantots kā materiālu resurss. AnalÄ«zes mērÄ·is bija atrast atŔķirÄ«bu leksikas lietoÅ”anā automaŔīnu reklāmās. AnalÄ«ze tika veikta, izmantojot diskursu, kvantitatÄ«vo un kvalitatÄ«vo un salÄ«dzinoÅ”o analÄ«zes metožu kombināciju. UzmanÄ«bas centrā bija leksika, Ä«paŔības vārdi un vietniekvārdi. Å Ä« darba posmi tika sadalÄ«ts divās daļās: pirms krÄ«zes 2009.-2008. gadā un pēc krÄ«zes 2009.-2011. Rezultāti parādÄ«ja, ka modeļi, kas tika prezentēti 38 Ford reklāmās laikposmā no 2006. lÄ«dz 2011. gadam, ir lÄ«dzÄ«gi. AutomaŔīnas tehniskās detaļas un Ä«paŔības tika izskaidrotas ar vienādiem vārdiem. Dažādo modeļu reklāmu Ä«paŔības vārdi atŔķiras, tomēr viena modeļa reklāmās gadu gaitā tika izmantots lÄ«dzÄ«gs vārdu krājums. VietniekvÅ”di, kas tika izmantoti abos periodos, ir vienādi. Turpmākajos pētÄ«jumos darbs var koncentrēties uz vienu konkrētu automaŔīnas modeli un turpināt izsekot vārdnÄ«cas lietoÅ”anas tendenci.The focus of this paper is on car related vocabulary. Firstly, this paper is focused on the difference in customer behavior and the situation of Ford Company in period after the crisis 2008. Then, to narrow the circle of investigation Sports Illustrated was used as the resource for the materials. The purpose of the analysis was to find the difference in the use of vocabulary in car advertisements. The analysis was made with the help of discourse, the mix of quantitative and qualitative and comparative methods of analysis. The focus was on car related vocabulary, adjectives and pronouns. Timeline of this paper was divided into two parts: before the crisis 2006-2008 and after the crisis 2009-2011. The results showed that models, which were presented in 38 Ford advertisements in period 2006-2011, are similar. Technical details and features of the car were explained using same terms. Adjectives differ in the advertisements of different models, however, in the advertisements of one model during the years was used similar vocabulary. Pronouns that were used in both periods are the same. For the further investigations the paper can focus on one particular car model and continue to track the tendency of the use of vocabulary