28 research outputs found

    Evaluations related to the quality of health and nursing care of patients after abdominal surgery

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    Background / objectiveEvaluations of the health care quality of patients after abdominal operations are significant for the improvement of health care quality in all hospitals. However, there are a lot of discussions how to evaluate the patient’s opinion and attitudes. The aim of the present study was to analyze patients’ evaluations of the quality of abdominal surgical nursing care.MethodsA multicenter, cross-sectional, analytical study was performed. The study was conducted in 11 abdominal surgical wards at Lithuanian hospitals. The data were collected in June 2007 and January 2008. Patients (n = 1208) after abdominal operations participated in the study. A GNCS-P with the response rates of 74 % was used. The data were analyzed statistically.ResultsThe co-operation with significant others and the progress of the nursing and health care process were evaluated lowest by patients. The patient age and satisfaction were the factors related to the quality of nursing care.ConclusionsThe abdominal surgical nursing and health care is a specific surgical area in which different patients are involved; however, all of them expect the good quality of health care before, during, and after abdominal surgery. The process of nursing care in abdominal surgery is specific because of the limited time of patient hospitalization, usually multiple patients’ diagnosis, as well as multiple contacts and relationships with many different staff. Surgical patient participation in the process of health care should be based on the effective relationship and co-operation among patients, medical specialists, and significant others, which is necessary and imperative for increasing the quality of abdominal surgical nursing care.Key words: health and the quality of nursing care, surgical health care, abdominal surgery, patient evaluations.Pacientų po pilvo operacijų sveikatos priežiūros ir slaugos kokybės vertinimai Įvadas / tikslasPacientų po pilvo operacijų sveikatos priežiūros kokybės vertinimai yra reikšmingi siekiant gerinti ligoninės paslaugų kokybę. Tačiau daug diskutuojama, kaip būtų galima vertinti pacientų nuomonę ir požiūrį į kokybę. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti pacientų sveikatos priežiūros ir slaugos kokybės vertinimus.MetodaiTyrimui atlikti buvo pasirinktas daugiacentris aprašomasis tyrimo metodas. Pacientų apklausa vyko 2007 m. birželio–2008 m. sausio mėn. septynių Lietuvos ligoninių 11-oje pilvo chirurgijos skyrių. Pacientai (n=1208), kuriems atlikta pilvo operacija,apklausti paskutinę hospitalizacijos dieną. Klausimynų grįžtamumas 74 proc. Atlikta statistinė duomenų analizė.RezultataiBendradarbiavimą su paciento artimaisiais ir sveikatos priežiūros pažangą pacientai įvertino blogiausiai. Pacientų amžius ir pasitenkinimas sveikatos priežiūra turėjo koreliacinį ryšį su sveikatos priežiūros kokybe.IšvadosPacientų po pilvo operacijų sveikatos priežiūra ir slauga yra specifinė chirurgijos sritis. Visi jie tikisi gauti kokybiškas paslaugas prieš operaciją, jos metu ir po jos. Slaugos procesas pilvo chirurgijoje yra savitas ir todėl, kad pacientų hospitalizacijos laikas yra ribotas, jie dažnai serga gretutinėmis ligomis, turi daug kontaktų ir santykių su personalu. Pacientų dalyvavimas sveikatos priežiūros procese turi būti grindžiamas efektyviais jų santykiais ir bendradarbiavimu su medikais ir savo artimaisiais, nes nuo to priklauso paslaugos kokybės tobulinimas.Reikšminiai žodžiai: sveikatos priežiūros ir slaugos kokybė, chirurginė sveikatos priežiūra, pilvo operacija, pacientų vertinima

    Klimato veiksnių įtakos sergantiems koronarine liga prognozavimo modelis

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    Sudaryti medicininių-meteorologinių orų tipų įvertinimo ir prognozavimo empiriniai modeliai. Algoritmo ir modelio pagalba objektyvizuotas orų medicininių-meteorologinių tipų įvertinimas ir prognozavimas. Sudarytas orų medicininių-meteorologinių klasių ivertinimo bei prognozavimo empirinis modelis igalina tiksliau vertinti ir prognozuoti orus pagal jų palankumą (ar nepalankumą) sergantiems išemine širdies liga, tuo padėdamas meteoprofilaktikos vykdymui, mažinant orų itaką ligoniams, sergantiems išemine širdies liga atstatomojo gydymo etape Lietuvos pajūryje (Palanga)A medical-meteorological weather assessment using hybrid spatial classification of synoptic and meteorological data was done. Empirical models for assessment as well as for forecast of medical-meteorological weather type at the seaside climatic zone in Palanga were developed. It was based on the data of meteofactors (atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, temperature, oxygen density in atmosphere, cyclone fronts, etc.) as well as on the occurrence of meteotropical reactions of cardiovascular function collected during 8-year period. The empirical models allow objectively assess and forecast 3 types of medical-meteorological weather types: favourable, unfavourable and very unfavourable weather. Classification model assessed favourable weather type in 56.1%, unfavourable in 31.7% and very unfavourable in 12.2%, while forecast was of favourable weather type in 52.4%, unfavourable in 46% and very unfavourable in 1.6% of days. Developed model enables more precise weather estimation and forecast meteotropical reactions promoting development of preventive measures of cardiovascular complications for reduction of negative weather impact on health in coronary artery diseases patientsInformatikos fakultetasKMU Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Biomedical information system for monitoring of patients after coronary artery bypass surgery

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    Sukurta biomedicininė informacinė sistema, skirta KMU Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos institutui, Kauno universitetinių klinikų Kardiochirurgijos klinikai, vykdant periodinį ligonių po aortokoronarinių jungčių operacijų būklės stebėjimą. Šiuo metu bazėje sukaupta 548 ligonių (1930 tyrimų) duomenys. Šios informacinės sistemos duomenų bazės realizacijai buvo pasirinkta duomenų bazių valdymo sistema MS SQL 7.0. vartotojo sąsaja realizuota interneto tinkle web technologijų pagrindu. Išsamesnė informacija apie sistemą yra tinklapyje http://www.pri.kmu.lt/telemedicina/index2.html [...]Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Biomedical information system for monitoring of patients after coronary artery bypass surgery

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    Sukurta biomedicininė informacinė sistema, skirta KMU Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos institutui, Kauno universitetinių klinikų Kardiochirurgijos klinikai, vykdant periodinį ligonių po aortokoronarinių jungčių operacijų būklės stebėjimą. Šiuo metu bazėje sukaupta 548 ligonių (1930 tyrimų) duomenys. Šios informacinės sistemos duomenų bazės realizacijai buvo pasirinkta duomenų bazių valdymo sistema MS SQL 7.0. vartotojo sąsaja realizuota interneto tinkle web technologijų pagrindu. Išsamesnė informacija apie sistemą yra tinklapyje http://www.pri.kmu.lt/telemedicina/index2.html [...]Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Depressive Mood in Association with Sociodemographic, Behavioral, Self-Perceived Health, and Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors and Sleep Complaints

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    The aim of the study was to investigate depressive mood in association with sociodemographic, behavioral, self-perceived health, and coronary artery disease (CAD) risk factors and sleep complaints among 35–74-year-old citizens of Palanga. Material and Methods. A representative sample of randomly selected 1602 persons, 600 men and 1002 women, was studied. Depressive mood was assessed by the WHO-5 Well-being Index. Sleep complaints, self-perceived health, and behavioral factors were evaluated by the Basic Nordic Sleep Quality questionnaire and questionnaires on self-perceived health and health behavior. Risk factors for CAD were assessed according to WHO recommendations. Results. The highest prevalence of depressive mood (34.7%) was identified in the age group of 45–54 years in the men and in the age group of 55–64 years in the women (30.0%). The highest odds ratios demonstrating a strong association between depressive mood and health behavior were established for the use of antidepressants (OR=26.0) in the men and for the use of sedatives (OR=3.09) in the women. The highest odds ratios demonstrating an association between depressive mood and self-perceived health were established for chronic pyelonephritis (OR=3.13) in the men and diabetic foot pain (OR=4.46) in the women. The highest odds ratios reflecting an association between depressive mood and sleep quality were established for the inability to work due to disturbed sleep (OR=1.93) in the men and self-perceived sleep quality (OR=1.55) in the women. Conclusions. Depressive mood, which was significantly associated with risky health behavior, poor self-perceived health, and disturbed sleep, was observed more often in the women than the men; however, significant associations between depressive mood and risk factors for CAD were not established

    An impact of weather on cardiovascular system

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    Katalikų teologijos fakultetasKauno medicinos universiteto Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos institutasSistemų analizės katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Factors associated with poor sleep and health-related quality of life

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    Objective. The aim of the study was to establish factors associated with poor sleep and to assess the relationship between self-evaluated sleep quality and health-related quality of life. Material and methods. Sleep complaints were evaluated using Basic Nordic Sleep Questionnaire, and health-related quality of life was assessed by SF-36. Subjective data about sleep quality were obtained from 1602 randomly selected persons: 600 males and 1002 females, aged 35–74 years. SF-36 was filled in by 1016 persons: 379 males and 637 females. Health status was evaluated by Perceived Health Questionnaire. The odds ratios of poor sleep were calculated using binary logistic regression analysis. Results. Among males poor self-evaluated health, frequent stress events, regular nighttime awakenings, and sleep latency period longer than 15 min in workdays were significant predictors of poor sleep. Among females, duration of sleep shorter than 7 h, frequent stress events, poor self-evaluated health, sleep latency period longer than 15 min in workdays, and regular nighttime awakenings predicted poor sleep. Poor sleepers, as compared with good ones, had poorer healthrelated quality of life. Conclusions. Poor perceived health, frequent stress events, regular nighttime awakenings, and sleep latency period longer than 15 min were indicated as significant predictors of poor sleep. Poor sleep worsened health-related quality of life in all domains of SF-36