5 research outputs found

    Introducing I2Head database

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    I2Head database has been created with the aim to become an optimal reference for low cost gaze estimation. It exhibits the following outstanding characteristics: it takes into account key aspects of low resolution eye tracking technology; it combines images of users gazing at different grids of points from alternative positions with registers of user's head position and it provides calibration information of the camera and a simple 3D head model for each user. Hardware used to build the database includes a 6D magnetic sensor and a webcam. A careful calibration method between the sensor and the camera has been developed to guarantee the accuracy of the data. Different sessions have been recorded for each user including not only static head scenarios but also controlled displacements and even free head movements. The database is an outstanding framework to test both gaze estimation algorithms and head pose estimation methods.The authors would like to acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness for their support under Contracts TIN2014-52897-R and TIN2017-84388-R in the framework of the National Plan of I+D+i

    Frailty assessment based on trunk kinematic parameters during walking

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    Background: Physical frailty has become the center of attention of basic, clinical and demographic research due to its incidence level and gravity of adverse outcomes with age. Frailty syndrome is estimated to affect 20 % of the population older than 75 years. Thus, one of the greatest current challenges in this field is to identify parameters that can discriminate between vulnerable and robust subjects. Gait analysis has been widely used to predict frailty. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether a collection of parameters extracted from the trunk acceleration signals could provide additional accurate information about frailty syndrome. Methods: A total of 718 subjects from an elderly population (319 males, 399 females; age: 75.4 ± 6.1 years, mass: 71.8 ± 12.4 kg, height: 158 ± 6 cm) volunteered to participate in this study. The subjects completed a 3-m walk test at their own gait velocity. Kinematic data were acquired from a tri-axial inertial orientation tracker. Findings: The spatio-temporal and frequency parameters measured in this study with an inertial sensor are related to gait disorders and showed significant differences among groups (frail, pre-frail and robust). A selection of those parameters improves frailty classification obtained to gait velocity, compared to classification model based on gait velocity solely. Interpretation: Gait parameters simultaneously used with gait velocity are able to provide useful information for a more accurate frailty classification. Moreover, this technique could improve the early detection of pre-frail status, allowing clinicians to perform measurements outside of a laboratory environment with the potential to prescribe a treatment for reversing their physical decline.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Department of Health and Institute Carlos III of the Government of Spain [Spanish Net on Aging and frailty; (RETICEF)], and Economy and Competitivity Department of the Government of Spain, under grants numbered RD12/043/0002, and DEP2011-24105, respectively