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    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of mainly stromal elements, arise from a conjunction of multiple physiopathogenic factors. Among them, the metabolic syndrome components are strongly correlated to the risk of suffering from BPH and its aggressiveness, although cellular mechanisms are slightly understood. This study aimed to evaluate in vitro the proliferative effect of Oxidized-LDL (OxLDL) and the possible inhibitory role of the main therapy used for metabolic syndrome in stromal cells primary cultures derived from patients with BPH. In this sense, prostatic stromal cells from 3 patients with BPH were isolated, cultured and replicated in MCDB with 10% BFS, and thereafter frozen at -80掳C for subsequent protocols. The cells were stimulated for 24 hours with OxLDL (20渭M), atorvastatin (20渭M and 2,5渭M), metformin (10mM and 2 mM) or combination of both inhibitors, using vehicles as controls. Cell proliferation was determined by the resazurin technique and cell count. Thus, OxLDL induced a remarkable cell proliferation increase (p<0.001), with uneven effects when treated with metformin and atorvastatin. Though atorvastatin promoted a mild inhibition on OxLDL cell proliferation, it was not statistically significant. On the contrary, the metformin anti-proliferative effects were statistically significant in both doses tested (p <0.01 vs OxLDL). The combination of metformin+atorvastatin, both at low and high doses, did not improve the anti-proliferative effect of metformin alone on cell proliferation induced by OxLDL. These results confirm the pathogenic effect of OxLDL, the resulting molecule in dyslipidemic contexts, in abnormal prostate growth and suggest a direct beneficial metformin action on prostatic stromal proliferation of BPH, in the dyslipidemic environment of metabolic syndrome.La Hiperplasia Prost谩tica Benigna (HPB) se caracteriza por la proliferaci贸n descontrolada de elementos principalmente estromales, resultado de la conjunci贸n de m煤ltiples factores fisiopatog茅nicos. Entre ellos, los componentes del s铆ndrome metab贸lico se correlacionan fuertemente al riesgo de padecer HPB y a la agresividad de la misma, aunque los mecanismos celulares est谩n poco esclarecidos. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar in vitro el efecto proliferativo de la LDL oxidada (OxLDL) y el posible rol inhibitorio de las terapias usadas para el s铆ndrome metab贸lico en cultivos primarios de c茅lulas estromales provenientes de pacientes con HPB. Las c茅lulas estromales prost谩ticas se aislaron de 3 pacientes con HPB, se cultivaron y replicaron en medio MCDB con 10%SFB y se congelaron a -80潞C para protocolos posteriores. Las c茅lulas se estimularon por 24 horas con OxLDL (20渭M), atorvastatina (20渭M y 2,5渭M), metformina (10mM y 2mM) o combinaciones de ambos inhibidores, usando veh铆culos como controles, determin谩ndose la proliferaci贸n celular mediante la t茅cnica de resazurina y por conteo celular. OxLDL indujo un marcado incremento en la proliferaci贸n celular (p<0.001), observ谩ndose efectos dispares cuando se trat贸 con metformina y atorvastatina. Si bien atorvastatina promovi贸 una leve disminuci贸n en la proliferaci贸n inducida por OxLDL, no result贸 significativa estad铆sticamente. Por el contrario, la acci贸n anti-proliferativa de metformina result贸 notable, en ambas dosis ensayadas (p<0.01 vs. OxLDL). La combinaci贸n de metformina+atorvastatina, tanto a dosis bajas como altas, no mejor贸 la acci贸n anti-proliferativa de metformina sola sobre la proliferaci贸n celular inducida por OxLDL. Estos resultados confirman el efecto patog茅nico de la OxLDL (mol茅cula resultante de los contextos dislipid茅micos) sobre el crecimiento an贸malo de la pr贸stata y sugieren una acci贸n ben茅fica directa de metformina sobre la proliferaci贸n prost谩tica estromal de la HPB en el entorno dislipid茅mico del s铆ndrome metab贸lico.