3,401 research outputs found
Case Study: School Discipline Reform in California
At the core of The California Endowment's (TCE) work is their Health Happens Here strategy. Health Happens in Neighborhoods, in Schools, and with Prevention -- and Health Happens with All Our Sons and Brothers. TCE sponsored a case study of school discipline reform in California, and engaged Nancy Latham (LFA's Chief Learning Officer) and two other consultants (Tia Martinez and Arnold Chandler) to research and write the study. The case study tells the story of how community and youth organizers, public interest lawyers, and statewide advocates came together to support school discipline reform. In a remarkably short period of time during 2011 and 2012, this issue went from the fringes to the center of policy debate -- with ten bills introduced, seven passed, and five ultimately signed into law. These new policies are an important milestone in the effort to back away from overly punitive "zero tolerance" school discipline that fuels high drop-out rates among young people of color. These policies will make it easier for schools to support and educate, rather than marginalize, our sons and brothers
Teacher and Evaluator Perspectives on the Teacher Evaluation Process for Teachers of English Language Learners: A Change Leadership Plan
This paper examines the need to add indicators to the current teacher evaluation system that are specific to English Language Learners (ELLs). Florida teacher evaluation protocols do not specify ELL-specific instructional strategies. This study explores perceptions of ELL teachers and school administrators on the fairness of current evaluative practices for ELL teachers. I considered research that supported the need for differentiated instruction for ELLs. I used the diagnostic framework by Wagner et al. (2006) to identify “arenas” of change: culture, context, conditions, and competencies. I used these arenas to present the existing situation in a school district. I then presented how the district would be after implementing suggested changes. I designed a set of action steps to address anticipated challenges
Teacher and Evaluator Perspectives on the Teacher Evaluation Process for Teachers of English Language Learners: A Policy Advocacy Document
The focus of this study is on teacher evaluation systems. I examine the various teacher evaluation system currently implemented in Florida. These teacher evaluation frameworks approved by the Race to the Top initiative use protocols that do not provide opportunities for differentiating instructional practices specific to English Language Learners. The results from this analysis in combination with the wealth of research available on instructional practices for ELLs suggest a need for a change. This paper supports the need for a revision of the current teacher evaluation frameworks to include differentiation of ELL-specific indicators in the current teacher evaluation system that would allow effective ELL teachers to be recognized and identify those who need professional development
Visual iconic object-oriented programming to advance computer science education and novice programming
Learning how to program a computer is difficult for most people. Computer programming is a cognitively challenging, time consuming, labor intensive, and frustrating endeavor. Years of formal study and training are required to learn a programming language\u27s world of algorithms and data structures. Instructions are coded in advance before the computer demonstrates the desired behavior. Seeing all the programming steps and instruction code is complicated. There exists a tremendous gap between the representations the human brain uses when thinking about a problem and the representations used in programming a computer. Often people are much better at dealing with specific, concrete objects than working with abstract ideas. Concrete and specific programming examples and demonstrations can be very useful. When cleverly chosen and properly used, programming examples and demonstrations help people understand the abstract concepts. Programming by example or demonstration attempts to extend these novel ideas to novice programming
A Guide to the Bancroft Library Collections Pertaining to New Mexico and New Spain (Mexico) on Microfilm at the Center for Southwest Research, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Finding aid for Bancroft Library collections pertaining to New Mexico and New Spain (Mexico)
Beyond Shopaholism: A Socio-Cultural Examination of Compulsive Clothing Buying Behavior
The purpose of this study was to examine compulsive clothing buying behavior (CCB) within a socio-cultural context that encourages shopping and buying as coping strategies. In-depth interviews were conducted with a total of 20 participants in the US (16 females, 4 males) including six mental health providers, six individuals diagnosed as compulsive clothing buyers, and eight individuals at risk for the behavior. Responses were analyzed thematically by both authors. From this process, three core thematic areas emerged and were used to structure the interpretation. Findings in this study support and expand upon previous research suggesting that messages about consumption and its promotion within contemporary society hinder acceptance of the seriousness of CCB. Moreover, findings offer ways to improve identification of the disorder, and, in turn, to not only provide clarification of issues in research on the topic, but help mental health professionals better identify and treat CCB
Exploring Diversity within the Hispanic Market: An Investigation of Shopping Experiences among Puerto Rican Consumers
Hispanics are currently the largest minority group in the United States, accounting for 16% of the total population of the country, with Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and Cubans comprising the largest subgroups (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). Although there has been some progress in terms of defining consumption behaviors of Hispanics in general, the existing research tends to consider Hispanic consumers as a homogeneous market and therefore does not address the potential cultural differences that may exist (e.g., Chattaraman & Lennon, 2007; Seok & Sauls, 2007)
Consumed by Consumption: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Compulsive Clothing Buying Experience
The purpose of this study was to develop an understanding of the compulsive buying experience through an in-depth exploration of what it is like to be a compulsive buyer, and in particular, a compulsive clothing buyer. A phenomenological approach to inquiry was employed. In-depth interviews were conducted with a total of 6 females in the US. Participants were also asked to keep personal journals. Recorded interviews and journals were transcribed verbatim. Responses were analyzed thematically by the researchers. Four main core thematic areas emerged and were used to structure the interpretation: The Person, The Process, The Product, and The Path to Recovery. Findings from this study support and enhance previous studies suggesting the importance of clothing among compulsive buyers. However, this study is the first to offer potential explanations for this preference, including the physical attributes of the product as well as its ability to transform the self through appearance
Mercado de Capitales : Sociedades calificadas de riesgos
En un mundo en apertura, en condiciones de movilidad perfecta de capitales, de una gran interrelación de los sistemas financieros mundiales y de un amplio desarrollo de los mercados de capitales, surge como una herramienta que contribuye al desarrollo del mercado y a la evaluación del riesgo de los diferentes inversionistas, la calificación de riesgo, la cual es emitida por las sociedades calificadoras de riesgo. Estas son entidades encargadas de realizar estudios que indican el riesgo crediticio de una entidad o emisión de títulos con el fin de facilitar a los inversionistas la toma de decisiones a la hora de colocar sus recursos.
Su función es elaborar opiniones independientes, objetivas y estandarizadas sobre emisiones o titulaciones de valores o instrumentos financieros, a través de las que establecen la probabilidad estadística de que el emisor cumpla sus obligaciones derivadas de los valores o títulos.
Para lograr este objetivo, las calificadoras de riesgo realizan análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo sobre diferentes variables que influyen sobre el riesgo que se asume en una inversión, las cuales varían de acuerdo al riesgo evaluado. A partir de estos análisis, las calificadoras traducen el riesgo percibido a una calificación estandarizada de acuerdo a una escala establecida para que el público pueda entender y comparar.
Es por tal razón que las sociedades calificadora de riesgo juegan un papel muy importante en el desarrollo de los mercados de capitales ya que estas facilitan a los inversionistas el diseño de portafolios de inversión balanceados de acuerdo con el riesgo, también permiten a los inversionistas involucrar fácilmente el factor riesgo en la toma de decisiones y tener un parámetro de comparación del mismo entre alternativas similares de inversión y finalmente facilitan el monitoreo permanente sobre los factores que sirvieron de base para emitir las opiniones, que redunda en el permanente seguimiento al calificado, así mismo dichas calificaciones permiten contar con opiniones independientes, en razón a las regulaciones establecidas para ejercicio de dicha actividad
Contabilidad de gestión presupuestaria: Presupuesto de capital y análisis del costo promedio ponderado de la empresa Datasystem,S.A.en el periodo 2014-2023
El presente trabajo investigativo tiene como objetivo analizar lo que es el presupuesto de capital y el costo de capital promedio ponderado, de la misma manera desarrollar un caso práctico donde se determinará el costo de capital con el cual la empresa DATASISTEM S.A. puede invertir en proyectos y obtener rentabilidad y se presentara el cálculo del flujo de caja descontado para proyección a 10 años de la misma empresa.
El método utilizado para esta investigación fue bibliográfico, se investigó en diversos libros y monografías, así como se indagó información en internet. Cabe mencionar que el objeto del presupuesto de capital es encontrar proyectos de inversión cuya rentabilidad supere al coste de llevarlos a cabo, es decir, proyectos que aporten valor a la empresa.
La responsabilidad principal en la ejecución de un presupuesto de capital corresponde al directorio, gerente general y, también por línea funcional, al contador y otros funcionarios de la
En conclusión podemos decir que Un presupuesto de capital brinda numerosos beneficios desde el punto de vista de la planificación y control administrativos, permitiendo a los ejecutivos planificar el monto de los recursos que debe invertirse en la empresa, a fin de evitar: (1) Capacidad ociosa de la fábrica, (2) Capacidad excedente, (3) Inversiones en capacidad que produzcan un rendimiento menos sobre la inversión realizada. Un presupuesto de capital también es beneficioso porque exige sanas decisiones de desembolsos de capital por parte de la administración de la empresa. El presupuesto de capital enfoca también la atención de la alta administración sobre los flujos de efectivo, además, un presupuesto de capital intensifica la coordinación entre los centros de responsabilidad y la gerencia general de la compañía. (Chambergo, 2009, S.F)
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