4 research outputs found

    Comparative isotopic natural history of two native passerines (Troglodytes cobbi and Cinclodes antarcticus) and the invasive rats (Rattus norvegicus) that extirpate them

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    While several studies have shown that invasive rats can have negative effects on island birds through predation (both direct predation and nest predation), other mechanisms for the effects of invasives on island biota have been given less attention. Here we explore another potential mechanism by which invasive rats can affect native island birds: the competitive use of common resources. We used stable isotope analyses to estimate the fraction of marine and terrestrial sources incorporated into the tissues of two species of passerines (Troglodytes cobbi, Troglodytidae; and Cinclodes antarcticus, Furnariidae) and Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus, Muridae) in the Falkland Islands. These two passerines are absent on islands where rats are present. We found significant incorporation of marine resources in the three species, with the highest incorporation in tissues of T. cobbi. This species appears to be one of the passerines most reliant on marine sources and the most marine member of the family Troglodytidae. We also used the results of these isotopic analyses to estimate the isotopic niche breadth of each of these species and the isotopic niche overlap among them. Rattus norvegicus had a large isotopic niche that overlapped broadly with those of the two passerine species. We propose that different ways of both depicting and estimating isotopic niche widths are complementary rather than alternative. Our results are consistent with the notion that invasive rats might have an impact on these two species of Falkland Island passerines by using common resources, but do not rule out the possibility that part of their effect is through direct predation.MT and CMR were partially funded by National Science Foundation Grants # 0841298 and DIOS-0848028, respectively. SP and KP were funded by Antarctic Research Trust, UK Overseas Territories Environment Programme, Royal Society for Protection of Birds, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, and the Falkland Islands Government.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1442-99932017-10-31hb2017Zoology and Entomolog

    Landscape influence on Bothrops atrox diet in the eastern Amazon

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    No Brasil, 90% dos 26 mil acidentes ofídicos são ocasionados pelo gênero Bothrops, sendo a espécie Bothrops atrox a predominante na região amazônica brasileira. A região de Santarém (PA) está relacionada com 92% dos acidentes ofídicos, dos quais 20% foram considerados graves. Essa alta incidência pode estar relacionada à diversidade dos cenários florísticos da região, possibilitando a existência de uma amplitude deste gênero. Através do uso da metodologia dos isótopos estáveis do carbono (13C) e do nitrogênio (15N), verificou-se se as variações dos hábitos e fontes alimentares existentes nos diferentes ambientes e usos de solo na Amazônia, neste caso, ambientes de floresta, savana e pastagem, influenciaram na composição isotópica dos tecidos coletados das B. atrox encontradas nestes ambientes. Para a captura das B. atrox e de suas presas em potencial, utilizou-se três métodos de coleta, como encontro ocasional, busca ativa e armadilhas de interceptação e queda (Pit fall traps). Após as capturas, essas serpentes foram mantidas no biotério da FIT e retiradas amostras de tecidos periodicamente. Os tecidos das B. atrox e suas fontes alimentares foram analisados isotopicamente por espectrometria de massas para ?13C e ?15N. As diferentes fontes alimentares das B. atrox, foram isotopicamente distintas nos três ambientes, assim como a incorporação em seus tecidos analisados. Para as B. atrox mantidas no biotério, assim como o alimento de biotério oferecido, obteve-se o turnover de alguns tecidos independentemente do ambiente em que foram coletadas inicialmente. Após algum tempo no biotério, esses animais passaram a ter o sinal isotópico da nova alimentação oferecida, sendo que em alguns tecidos, essa troca refletia rapidamente e em outros tecidos mais lentamente. Este estudo contribuiu para o conhecimento da ecologia da serpente e seu uso dos ambientes, ainda pouco relatados e para o entendimento de turnover em tecidos animaisIn Brazil, 90% of 26,000 snakebites are caused by the genus Bothrops, and the Bothrops atrox the predominant species in the Brazilian Amazon. The region of Santarém (PA) is related to 92% of snake bites, of which 20% were considered severe. This high incidence may be related to floristic diversity of scenarios in the region, enabling the existence of an amplitude of this genus. By using the methodology of carbon stable isotope (13 C) and nitrogen (15N), it was found that the changes in eating habits and sources existing in different environments and land use in the Amazon, in this case, forest environments, savannah and pasture, influenced the isotopic composition of the collected tissues of B. atrox found in these environments. To catch the B. atrox and its potential prey, we used three methods of collection, as chance meeting, active surveillance and interception traps and falling (Pit fall traps). After capture, these snakes were kept in the vivarium of the FIT and tissue samples taken periodically. The tissues of B. atrox and their food sources were analyzed isotopically by mass spectrometry for ?13C and ?15N. The different food sources of B. atrox were isotopically different in the three environments as well as its incorporation into tissues analyzed. For B. atrox kept in a vivarium, as well as the vivarium food offered was obtained turnover of some tissues regardless of the environment in which they were originally collected. After some time in the vivarium, these animals now have the isotopic signal of the new offered food, and in some tissues, this change reflected quickly and others more slowly tissues. This study contributed to the knowledge of the ecology of the snake and its use environments, poorly reported and for understanding turnover in animal tissue

    Histórico alimentar das serpentes Crotalus durissus terrificus pela análise do isótopo do carbona-13(δ13C) no guizo

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    As serpentes Crotalus durissus terrificus possuem cabeça triangular, olhos pequenos com pupila em fenda, fosseta loreal e guizo na cauda. O veneno é uma mistura complexa constituído de cátions metálicos, enzimas, peptídeos e toxinas. Os acidentes em seres humanos e em animais no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil estão em ascensão. Apesar da devastação ambiental, o número de serpentes que são capturadas e doadas aos Institutos de pesquisa também está aumentando. A questão é: Como estes animais conseguiram se adaptar e procriar apesar destas novas condições ambientais adversas? Para responder esta questão avaliou-se o nível de Carbono 13 (13C), por meio de técnica de espectrometria de massa, nos segmentos dos guizos de serpentes Crotalus durissus terrificus (Cdt) adultas e filhotes, bem como no alimento oferecido. Esta pesquisa foi baseada no conhecimento de que as plantas existentes na terra apresentam rotas bioquímicas diversas, absorvendo isótopos estáveis nas suas moléculas principalmente o Carbono (12C, 13C), o Hidrogênio (1H, 2H), o Oxigênio (16O, 17O, 18O), o Nitrogênio (14N, 15N) e o Enxofre (32S, 33S, 34S, 36S). Durante a síntese dos açúcares, quando o primeiro composto orgânico sintetizado for açúcar contendo três átomos de carbono, estas são denominadas de plantas do ciclo fotossintético C3. Quando os primeiros açúcares formados apresentam quatro átomos de carbono, estas são denominadas de plantas do ciclo fotossintético C4. No grupo C3 encontram-se aproximadamente 86% das espécies vegetais, tais como, as madeiras de lei, as leguminosas e as árvores frutíferas. No grupo C4, destacam-se principalmente as gramíneas, milho e cana-de-açúcar. A análise dos resultados em seu conjunto permitiu tecer as seguintes considerações: as serpentes Crotalus durissus terrificus se alimentam de animais provenientes tanto do ambiente C3 quanto...The Crotalus durissus terrificus serpents possess triangular head, small eyes with pupil in crack, little loreal pit and rattle in its tail. The poison is a complex mixture constituted of metallic cations, enzymes, peptides and toxins. The accidents with human beings and animals in Sao Paulo State, Brazil are in ascension. Although the environment devastation, the number of serpents captured and donated to the research institutes is also increasing. The question is: How these animals had managed to adapt themselves and to procreate in spite of these new adverse environmental conditions? To answer this question it was evaluated the Carbon 13 level (13C), through of mass spectrometry technique, in the segments of the rattles of adults and nestlings Crotalus durissus terrificus serpents (Cdt), as well as in the offered food. This research was based on the knowledge of that the existing plants in the world present diverse biochemists routes, absorbing stables isotopes in its molecules mainly the Carbon (12C, 13C), the Hydrogen (1H, 2H), the Oxygen (16O, 17O, 18O), the Nitrogen (14N, 15N) and the Sulphur (32S, 33S, 34S, 36S). During the sugars synthesis, when the first synthesized organic composition was sugar contained three carbon atoms, these are called of plants of the C3 photosynthetic cycle. When the first formed sugars present four carbon atoms, these are called of plants of the C4 photosynthetic cycle. About 86% of the vegetal species are found in the C3 group, such as, the hardwoods, the vegetables species and fruitful trees. In the C4 group, the grass species, maize and sugar cane are mainly distinguished. The analysis of the results allowed the following considerations: the Crotalus durissus terrificus serpents eat animals proceeding from the C3 and C4 ambient; the complete turnover tax of the nestlings born in captivity until reaching the balance level varied between... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES