1,451 research outputs found

    Finite size effects and equilibration in Bose-Hubbard chains with central well dephasing

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    We investigate Bose-Hubbard chains in a central depleted well configuration, with dephasing in the middle well. We look at equilibration of populations, pseudo-entropy, and entanglement measures. Using stochastic integration in the truncated Wigner representation, we find that the initial quantum states of the occupied wells has an influence on the subsequent dynamics, and that with more than three wells, the chains do not reach a full equilibrium, with edge effects becoming important, and the time to reach the steady state becoming longer. The evolutions with and without phase diffusion are qualitatively different. We find no convincing evidence of entanglement in the final states with phase diffusion. Although at least one accepted measure indicates the presence of mode entanglement, we are easily able to show that it can give ambiguous predictions.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, theor

    Radiation Hardness Tests Of Piezoelectric Actuators With Fast Neutrons At Liquid Helium Temperature

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    Piezoelectric actuators, which are integrated into the cold tuning system and used to compensate the small mechanical deformations of the cavity wall induced by Lorentz forces due to the high electromagnetic surface field, may be located in the radiation environment during particle accelerator operation. In order to provide for a reliable operation of the accelerator, the performance and life time of piezoelectric actuators (~24.000 units for ILC) should not show any significant degradation for long periods (i.e. machine life duration: ~20 years), even when subjected to intense radiation (i.e. gamma rays and fast neutrons). An experimental program, aimed at investigating the effect of fast neutrons radiation on the characteristics of piezoelectric actuators at liquid helium temperature (i.e. T~4.2 K), was proposed for the working package WP#8 devoted to tuners development in the frame of CARE project. A neutrons irradiation facility, already installed at the CERI cyclotron located at Orléans (France), was upgraded and adapted for actuators irradiations tests purpose. A deuterons beam (maximum energy and beam current: 25 MeV and 35µA) collides with a thin (thickness: 3 mm) beryllium target producing a high neutrons flux with low gamma dose (~20%): a neutrons fluence of more than 1014 n/cm2 is achieved in ~20 hours of exposure. A dedicated cryostat was developed at IPN Orsay and used previously for radiation hardness test of calibrated cryogenic thermometers and pressure transducers used in LHC superconducting magnets. This cryostat could be operated either with liquid helium or liquid argon. This irradiation facility was upgraded for allowing fast turn-over of experiments and a dedicated experimental set-up was designed, fabricated, installed at CERI and successfully operated for radiation hardness tests of several piezoelectric actuators at T~4.2 K. This new apparatus allows on-line automatic measurements of actuators characteristics and the cryogenic parameters. Further, the test-cell and actuators are equipped with high purity Ni foils for measuring the total neutrons dose by an activation method. In this report, the details of the irradiation test facility will be described then the experimental data will be analyzed and discussed

    Comparison of bar strengths in active and non-active galaxies

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    Bar strengths are compared between active and non-active galaxies for a sample of 43 barred galaxies. The relative bar torques are determined using a new technique (Buta and Block 2001), where maximum tangential forces are calculated in the bar region, normalized to the axisymmetric radial force field. We use JHK images of the 2 Micron All Sky Survey. We show a first clear empirical indication that the ellipticies of bars are correlated with the non-axisymmetric forces in the bar regions. We found that nuclear activity appears preferentially in those early type galaxies in which the maximum bar torques are weak and appear at quite large distances from the galactic center. Most suprisingly the galaxies with the strongest bars are non-active. Our results imply that the bulges may be important for the onset of nuclear activity, but that the correlation between the nuclear activity and the early type galaxies is not straightforward.Comment: MNRAS macro in tex format, 9 pages, 10 figure

    A comprehensive picture of baryons in groups and clusters of galaxies

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    (Abridged) Based on XMM-Newton, Chandra and SDSS data, we investigate the baryon distribution in groups and clusters and its use as a cosmological constraint. For this, we considered a sample of 123 systems, with total masses in the mass range M500 = ~ 10^13 - 4 x 10^15 h_70^-1 Msun. The gas masses and total masses are derived from X-ray data under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium and spherical symmetry. The stellar masses are based on SDSS-DR8 data. For the 37 systems out of 123 that had both optical and X-ray data available, we investigated the gas, stellar and total baryon mass fractions inside r2500 and r500, and the differential gas mass fraction within the spherical annulus between r2500 and r500, as a function of total mass. For the other objects, we investigated the gas mass fraction only. We find that the gas mass fraction inside r2500 and r500 depends on the total mass. However, the differential gas mass fraction does not show any dependence on total mass for systems with M500 > 10^14 Msun. We find that the total baryonic content increases with cluster mass. This led us to investigate the contribution of the ICL to the total baryon budget for lower mass systems, but we find that it cannot account for the difference observed. The gas mass fraction dependence on total mass observed for groups and clusters could be due to the difficulty of low-mass systems to retain gas inside the inner region. Due to their shallower potential well, non-thermal processes are more effective in expelling the gas from their central regions outwards. Since the differential gas mass fraction is nearly constant it provides better constraints for cosmology. Using our total f_b estimates, our results imply 0.17 < Omega_m < 0.55.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 16 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    A Connection between Star Formation in Nuclear Rings and their Host Galaxies

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    We present results from a photometric H-alpha survey of 22 nuclear rings, aiming to provide insight into their star formation properties, including age distribution, dynamical timescales, star formation rates, and galactic bar influence. We find a clear relationship between the position angles and ellipticities of the rings and those of their host galaxies, which indicates the rings are in the same plane as the disk and circular. We use population synthesis models to estimate ages of each H-alpha emitting HII region, which range from 1 Myr to 10 Myrs throughout the rings. We find that approximately half of the rings contain azimuthal age gradients that encompass at least 25% of the ring, although there is no apparent relationship between the presence or absence of age gradients and the morphology of the rings or their host galaxies. NGC1343, NGC1530, and NGC4321 show clear bipolar age gradients, where the youngest HII regions are located near the two contact points of the bar and ring. We speculate in these cases that the gradients are related to an increased mass inflow rate and/or an overall higher gas density in the ring, which would allow for massive star formation to occur on short timescales, after which the galactic rotation would transport the HII regions around the ring as they age. Two-thirds of the barred galaxies show correlation between the locations of the youngest HII region(s) in the ring and the location of the contact points, which is consistent with predictions from numerical modeling.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures (7 color), 23 tables, accepted for publication in ApJS (Feb 08); NASA-GSFC, IAC, University of Maryland, STSc

    Molecular Gas, Dust and Star Formation in the Barred Spiral NGC 5383

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    We present multi-wavelength (interferometer and single-dish CO J=1-0, Halpha, broadband optical and near-infrared) observations of the classic barred spiral NGC 5383. We compare the observed central gas and dust morphology to the predictions of recent hydrodynamic simulations. In the nuclear region, our observations reveal three peaks lying along a S-shaped gas and dust distribution. In contrast, the model predicts a circumnuclear ring, not the observed S-shaped distribution; moreover, the predicted surface density contrast between the central gas accumulation and the bar dust lanes is an order of magnitude larger than observed. The discrepancies are not due to unexplored model parameter space or a nuclear bar but are probably due to the vigorous (7 solar masses per year) star formation activity in the center. As is common in similar bars, the star formation rate in the bar between the bar ends and the central region is low (~0.5 solar masses per yr), despite the high gas column density in the bar dust lanes; this is generally attributed to shear and shocks. We note a tendency for the HII regions to be associated with the spurs feeding the main bar dust lanes, but these are located on the leading side of the bar. We propose that stars form in the spurs, which provide a high column density but low shear environment. HII regions can therefore be found even on the leading side of the bar because the ionizing stars pass ballistically through the dust laneComment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 33 pages (includes 10 figures
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