595 research outputs found

    Kondo effect near the Van Hove singularity in biased bilayer graphene

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    Magnetic impurity adsorbed on one of the carbon planes of a bilayer graphene is studied. The formation of the many-body SU(2) and SU(4) resonances close to the bandgap is analyzed within the mean field Kotliar-Ruckenstein slave boson approach. Impact of enhanced hybridization and magnetic instability of bilayer doped near the Van Hove singularity on the screening of magnetic moment is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Interference effects in electronic transport through metallic single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    In a recent paper Liang {\it et al.} [Nature {\bf 411}, 665 (2001)] showed experimentally, that metallic nanotubes, strongly coupled to external electrodes, may act as coherent molecular waveguides for electronic transport. The experimental results were supported by theoretical analysis based on the scattering matrix approach. In this paper we analyze theoretically this problem using a real-space approach, which makes it possible to control quality of interface contacts. Electronic structure of the nanotube is taken into account within the tight-binding model. External electrodes and the central part (sample) are assumed to be made of carbon nanotubes, while the contacts between electrodes and the sample are modeled by appropriate on-site (diagonal) and hopping (off-diagonal) parameters. Conductance is calculated by the Green function technique combined with the Landauer formalism. In the plots displaying conductance {\it vs.} bias and gate voltages, we have found typical diamond structure patterns, similar to those observed experimentally. In certain cases, however, we have found new features in the patterns, like a double-diamond sub-structure.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. To apear in Phys. Rev.

    The Kondo effect in ferromagnetic atomic contacts

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    Iron, cobalt and nickel are archetypal ferromagnetic metals. In bulk, electronic conduction in these materials takes place mainly through the ss and pp electrons, whereas the magnetic moments are mostly in the narrow dd-electron bands, where they tend to align. This general picture may change at the nanoscale because electrons at the surfaces of materials experience interactions that differ from those in the bulk. Here we show direct evidence for such changes: electronic transport in atomic-scale contacts of pure ferromagnets (iron, cobalt and nickel), despite their strong bulk ferromagnetism, unexpectedly reveal Kondo physics, that is, the screening of local magnetic moments by the conduction electrons below a characteristic temperature. The Kondo effect creates a sharp resonance at the Fermi energy, affecting the electrical properties of the system;this appears as a Fano-Kondo resonance in the conductance characteristics as observed in other artificial nanostructures. The study of hundreds of contacts shows material-dependent lognormal distributions of the resonance width that arise naturally from Kondo theory. These resonances broaden and disappear with increasing temperature, also as in standard Kondo systems. Our observations, supported by calculations, imply that coordination changes can significantly modify magnetism at the nanoscale. Therefore, in addition to standard micromagnetic physics, strong electronic correlations along with atomic-scale geometry need to be considered when investigating the magnetic properties of magnetic nanostructures.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Crossover from Kondo assisted suppression to co-tunneling enhancement of tunneling magnetoresistance via ferromagnetic nanodots in MgO tunnel barriers

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    Recently, it has been shown that magnetic tunnel junctions with thin MgO tunnel barriers exhibit extraordinarily high tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) values at room temperature1, 2. However, the physics of spin dependent tunneling through MgO barriers is only beginning to be unravelled. Using planar magnetic tunnel junctions in which ultra-thin layers of magnetic metals are deposited in the middle of a MgO tunnel barrier here we demonstrate that the TMR is strongly modified when these layers are discontinuous and composed of small pancake shaped nanodots. At low temperatures, in the Coulomb blockade regime, for layers less than ~1 nm thick, the conductance of the junction is increased at low bias consistent with Kondo assisted tunneling. In the same regime we observe a suppression of the TMR. For slightly thicker layers, and correspondingly larger nanodots, the TMR is enhanced at low bias, consistent with co-tunneling.Comment: Nano Letters (in press

    Spintronic transport and Kondo effect in quantum dots

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    We investigate the spin-dependent transport properties of quantum-dot based structures where Kondo correlations dominate the electronic dynamics. The coupling to ferromagnetic leads with parallel magnetizations is known to give rise to nontrivial effects in the local density of states of a single quantum dot. We show that this influence strongly depends on whether charge fluctuations are present or absent in the dot. This result is confirmed with numerical renormalization group calculations and perturbation theory in the on-site interaction. In the Fermi-liquid fixed point, we determine the correlations of the electric current at zero temperature (shot noise) and demonstrate that the Fano factor is suppressed below the Poissonian limit for the symmetric point of the Anderson Hamiltonian even for nonzero lead magnetizations. We discuss possible avenues of future research in this field: coupling to the low energy excitations of the ferromagnets (magnons), extension to double quantum dot systems with interdot antiferromagnetic interaction and effect of spin-polarized currents on higher symmetry Kondo states such as SU(4).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Proceedings of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Physics and Applications of Spin-Related Phenomena in Semiconductors, Santa Barbara, 200

    Spin-Polarized Transprot through Double Quantum Dots

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    We investigate spin-polarized transport phenomena through double quantum dots coupled to ferromagnetic leads in series. By means of the slave-boson mean-field approximation, we calculate the conductance in the Kondo regime for two different configurations of the leads: spin-polarization of two ferromagnetic leads is parallel or anti-parallel. It is found that transport shows some remarkable properties depending on the tunneling strength between two dots. These properties are explained in terms of the Kondo resonances in the local density of states.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Action research in physical education: focusing beyond myself through cooperative learning

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    This paper reports on the pedagogical changes that I experienced as a teacher engaged in an action research project in which I designed and implemented an indirect, developmentally appropriate and child‐centred approach to my teaching. There have been repeated calls to expunge – or at least rationalise – the use of traditional, teacher‐led practice in physical education. Yet despite the advocacy of many leading academics there is little evidence that such a change of approach is occurring. In my role as teacher‐as‐researcher I sought to implement a new pedagogical approach, in the form of cooperative learning, and bring about a positive change in the form of enhanced pupil learning. Data collection included a reflective journal, post‐teaching reflective analysis, pupil questionnaires, student interviews, document analysis, and non‐participant observations. The research team analysed the data using inductive analysis and constant comparison. Six themes emerged from the data: teaching and learning, reflections on cooperation, performance, time, teacher change, and social interaction. The paper argues that cooperative learning allowed me to place social and academic learning goals on an even footing, which in turn placed a focus on pupils’ understanding and improvement of skills in athletics alongside their interpersonal development

    Magnetic Field Dependence of Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling and Coherence of Ferromagnetic Particle

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    We calculate the quantum tunneling rate of a ferromagnetic particle of 100A˚\sim 100 \AA diameter in a magnetic field of arbitrary angle. We consider the magnetocrystalline anisotropy with the biaxial symmetry and that with the tetragonal symmetry. Using the spin-coherent-state path integral, we obtain approximate analytic formulas of the tunneling rates in the small ϵ(=1H/Hc)\epsilon (=1- H/H_c)-limit for the magnetic field normal to the easy axis (θH=π/2\theta_H = \pi/2), for the field opposite to the initial easy axis (θH=π\theta_H = \pi), and for the field at an angle between these two orientations (π/2<<θH<<π\pi/2 << \theta_H << \pi). In addition, we obtain numerically the tunneling rates for the biaxial symmetry in the full range of the angle θH\theta_H of the magnetic field (π/2<θHπ\pi/2 < \theta_H \leq \pi), for the values of \epsilon =0.01 and 0.001.Comment: 25 pages of text (RevTex) and 4 figures (PostScript files), to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Spintronics: Fundamentals and applications

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    Spintronics, or spin electronics, involves the study of active control and manipulation of spin degrees of freedom in solid-state systems. This article reviews the current status of this subject, including both recent advances and well-established results. The primary focus is on the basic physical principles underlying the generation of carrier spin polarization, spin dynamics, and spin-polarized transport in semiconductors and metals. Spin transport differs from charge transport in that spin is a nonconserved quantity in solids due to spin-orbit and hyperfine coupling. The authors discuss in detail spin decoherence mechanisms in metals and semiconductors. Various theories of spin injection and spin-polarized transport are applied to hybrid structures relevant to spin-based devices and fundamental studies of materials properties. Experimental work is reviewed with the emphasis on projected applications, in which external electric and magnetic fields and illumination by light will be used to control spin and charge dynamics to create new functionalities not feasible or ineffective with conventional electronics.Comment: invited review, 36 figures, 900+ references; minor stylistic changes from the published versio