33 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the actual nutrition and nutritional status of cyclic sports athletes

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    Objective: assessment of the actual nutrition of athletes involved in cyclic sports. Materials and methods: actual nutrition was investigated using 24-hour (daily) nutritional reproduction. Anthropometric study was conducted by height (cm) and body weight (kg) measuring with subsequent calculation of body mass index (BMI, kg/m2). Body composition was determined by the method of bioimpedansometry. Biochemical markers of nutritional status were determined using the «400 ABXPENTRA» Analyzer in unattended mode. Results: assessment of the actual nutrition of athletes revealed its imbalance-excess consumption of animal fat, cholesterol, sodium and added sugars (including confectionery). In the diet of athletes a vitamin deficiency of Group B, magnesium, calcium was detected, that was due to the insufficient consumption of dairy products, fish, vegetables and fruits. Conclusions: nutritional disorders caused adverse changes of the nutritional status in some of athletes surveyed that manifested by changes in the body composition, dyslipidemia against the background of insufficient efficiency of recovery processes and the risk of overwork

    Predictors of Serum Dioxins and PCBs among Peripubertal Russian Boys

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    Background: Although sources and routes of exposure to dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been studied, information regarding exposure among children is limited. Breast-feeding and diet are two important contributors to early life exposure. To further understand other significant contributors to childhood exposure, we studied a cohort of children from a city with high environmental dioxin levels. Objectives: We investigated predictors of serum concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs)/polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs)/co-planar PCBs (C-PCBs), toxic equivalents (TEQs), and PCBs among 8- to 9-year-old boys in Chapaevsk, Russia. Methods: We used general linear regression models to explore associations of log10-transformed serum concentrations of PCDDs/PCDFs/C-PCBs, TEQs, and PCBs at study entry with anthropometric, demographic, geographic, and dietary factors in 482 boys in Chapaevsk, Russia. Results: The median (25th, 75th percentile) concentration for total 2005 TEQs was 21.1 pg/g lipid (14.4, 33.2). Boys who were older, consumed local foods, were breast-fed longer, and whose mothers were employed at the Khimprom chemical plant (where chlorinated chemicals were produced) or gardened locally had significantly higher serum dioxins and PCBs, whereas boys with higher body mass index or more educated parents had significantly lower serum dioxins and PCBs. Boys who lived less than 2 km from Khimprom had higher total TEQs (picograms per gram lipid) [adjusted mean = 30.6; 95% confidence interval (CI), 26.8–35.0] than boys who lived greater than 5 km away (adjusted mean = 18.8; 95% CI, 17.2–20.6). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that there are specific local sources of dioxin and PCB exposure among children in Chapaevsk including maternal gardening, consumption of locally grown food, and residential proximity to the Khimprom plant


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    Aim:  To assess the providing an organism with vitamins (А, В2, С, Е), β-carotene, and calcium in osteoporosis patients by measuring their intake and plasma concentrations. Materials and methods: 108 pairs “osteoporosis patient – healthy volunteer” aged 64.29±9.73 years were formed using a “case-control” method. Real intake of vitamins and calcium was studied defining the frequency of food taking for a month using questionnaire method. Daily intake of vitamins А, В2, С, Е, β-carotene, and calcium was calculated based on the analysis of the frequency of food taking. Among the basic group, using randomized method, 60% of osteoporosis patients were selected who underwent definition of plasma levels of vitamins А, В2, С, and Е. The same study was performed in 60 control volunteers. Results: Correlation of the intake of vitamins A, C, and β-carotene with their plasma levels wasn’t noted. It may reveal an increased need in these nutrients in osteoporosis. According to the calcium intake, every osteoporosis patient can be attributed to a population category with deep insufficiency of calcium intake (less than 500 mg a day). Conclusion: The data obtained need further investigation and, first of all, in clinical and biochemical fields (enzymatic non-provision for calcium uptake, clinical manifestations of insufficient provision with nutrients). Solution of these problems would enable regulation of food intake concerning calcium uptake in osteoporosis.Цель – оценка обеспеченности витаминами А, В2, С, Е, β-каротином и кальцием при остеопорозе по потреблению и концентрации в плазме крови. Материал и методы. Методом «случай – контроль» сформировано 108 пар «больной остеопорозом – здоровый» в возрасте 64,29±9,73 года. Изучение фактического питания проведено методом определения частоты потребления пищевых продуктов в течение месяца с использованием анкеты. На основании данных анализа частоты потребления пищи рассчитывали суточное потребление витаминов А, В2, С, Е, ß-каротина и кальция. В основной группе больных остеопорозом случайным методом выделена 60% выборка, в которой определена концентрация в плазме крови витаминов А, В2, С, Е, β-каротина и кальция. Аналогичные исследования проведены у 60 человек из контрольной группы. Результаты. Выявлено несоответствие между потреблением витаминов А, С и β-каротина с их уровнем в плазме крови, что позволило предположить повышенную потребность в этих нутриентах при остеопорозе. Согласно данным по потреблению кальция, каждого второго больного остеопорозом можно отнести к категории глубокой недостаточности потребления кальция (менее 500 мг/сут). Заключение. Полученные данные подлежат детальному изучению, прежде всего на клиническом и биохимическом уровнях (отсутствие ферментативной обеспеченности усвоения кальция, клинические проявления недостаточной обеспеченности нутриентами). Знание этих вопросов позволило бы регулировать рацион питания в отношении потребления кальция при остеопорозе

    Deficient dietary iron intakes among women and children in Russia: evidence from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey.

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    OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the iron sufficiency of the Russian diet. METHODS: Data were obtained from 24-hour dietary recalls conducted in 4 rounds (1992 through 1994) of a nationally representative longitudinal survey of 10,548 women and children. Iron bioavailability was estimated via algorithms adjusting for enhancers (heme, vitamin C) and inhibitors (tannins in tea, phytates in grains) consumed at the same meal. RESULTS: Dietary iron intakes were deficient in the most vulnerable groups: young children and women of reproductive age. Poverty status was strongly associated with deficiency. After adjustment for enhancers and inhibitors, estimated bioavailable iron intakes at 3% to 4% of total iron were inadequate in all women and children. CONCLUSIONS: These dietary data suggest that Russian women and children are at high risk of iron deficiency. Grain products rich in phytates, which inhibit absorption, were the major food source of iron in Russia. High intakes of tea and low consumption of vitamin C also inhibited iron bioavailability. Since changes in eating behavior could potentially double iron bioavailability, educational programs should be explored as a strategy for improving iron nutriture


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    Aim:  To assess the providing an organism with vitamins (А, В2, С, Е), β-carotene, and calcium in osteoporosis patients by measuring their intake and plasma concentrations. Materials and methods: 108 pairs “osteoporosis patient – healthy volunteer” aged 64.29±9.73 years were formed using a “case-control” method. Real intake of vitamins and calcium was studied defining the frequency of food taking for a month using questionnaire method. Daily intake of vitamins А, В2, С, Е, β-carotene, and calcium was calculated based on the analysis of the frequency of food taking. Among the basic group, using randomized method, 60% of osteoporosis patients were selected who underwent definition of plasma levels of vitamins А, В2, С, and Е. The same study was performed in 60 control volunteers. Results: Correlation of the intake of vitamins A, C, and β-carotene with their plasma levels wasn’t noted. It may reveal an increased need in these nutrients in osteoporosis. According to the calcium intake, every osteoporosis patient can be attributed to a population category with deep insufficiency of calcium intake (less than 500 mg a day). Conclusion: The data obtained need further investigation and, first of all, in clinical and biochemical fields (enzymatic non-provision for calcium uptake, clinical manifestations of insufficient provision with nutrients). Solution of these problems would enable regulation of food intake concerning calcium uptake in osteoporosis


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    Experimental study of the hypoglycemic properties of composition, prepared from medicinal plants has showed in terms of glucose tolerance test. There increases in animals by loading of glucose the tolerance to carbohydrates. The conclusion about the prospects of further pharmacological study of the original composition prepared from medicinal plants is positive with the aim of developing the antidiabetic agents