17 research outputs found

    Growth and Mortality of Suckling Rabbit

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    Rabbits are usually smaller and mortality is higher in large litters. The aim of the study was to estimate effects on mortality and growth in rabbits. The study was carried out in Slovenian SIKA sire line. In total, 430 kits of 60 does were included. In the analyses the effects of parity, number of liveborn kits and number of teats were analysed. Initial weight was included in the model for mortality, while age was included in the model for growth. Parity, litter size and teat number affected all traits, except on mortality. Body weight varied according to age. A total of 430 kits were observed, corresponding to an average litter size of 7.8 kits born, 7.3 kits born alive and 6.2 kits weaned. The birth to weaning mortality was 15.35% and mortality has steadily declined with age. Average weight up to age of three days was 75 g and at weaning 1035 g. Kits in smaller litters had a higher growth rate

    Growth and Mortality of Suckling Rabbit

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    Rabbits are usually smaller and mortality is higher in large litters. The aim of the study was to estimate effects on mortality and growth in rabbits. The study was carried out in Slovenian SIKA sire line. In total, 430 kits of 60 does were included. In the analyses the effects of parity, number of liveborn kits and number of teats were analysed. Initial weight was included in the model for mortality, while age was included in the model for growth. Parity, litter size and teat number affected all traits, except on mortality. Body weight varied according to age. A total of 430 kits were observed, corresponding to an average litter size of 7.8 kits born, 7.3 kits born alive and 6.2 kits weaned. The birth to weaning mortality was 15.35% and mortality has steadily declined with age. Average weight up to age of three days was 75 g and at weaning 1035 g. Kits in smaller litters had a higher growth rate

    Bendamustin: stari lijek u novoj eri za bolesnike s ne-Hodgkinovim limfomima i kroničnom limfocitnom leukemijom

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    The aim of this review is to present data on bendamustine, a non-cross resistant alkylating agent, alone or in combination for treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Bendamustine is currently approved for rituximab-resistant indolent NHL and CLL in patients not fit for conventional chemotherapy. Recent studies have shown superiority of bendamustine combination with rituximab (B-R) in first line treatment of indolent NHLs and mantle cell lymphoma, suggesting a shift of the standard of care in this setting. B-R regimen has also shown efficacy in relapsed setting suggesting the possible treatment option for patients failing conventional chemotherapy. In rituximab-resistant NHL, the recent GADOLIN study exploring the addition of obinutuzumab to bendamustine has yielded impressive result changing the standard of care in this hard-to-treat population. Concerning CLL, despite inferiority to the standard of care in young fit patients, as defined in CLL10 study, B-R has yielded a more beneficial toxicity profile and its use in first line treatment should be decided individually. In relapsed setting, the addition of ibrutinib to B-R has shown superior results compared to B-R alone, possibly changing the paradigm of treatment of relapsed CLL. In conclusion, bendamustine as a single agent or in combinations has shown activity with acceptable toxic profile in the treatment of patients with indolent NHLs or CLL without del(17p) mutation.Cilj ovoga preglednog rada je procijeniti aktivnost bendamustina te njegovih kombinacija u ne-Hodgkinovim limfomima (NHL) i kroničnoj limfocitnoj leukemiji (KLL). Bendamustin je sada indiciran u Republici Hrvatskoj za liječenje rituksimab-rezistentnog NHL-a i u bolesnika s KLL-om koji nisu kandidati za konvencionalnu terapiju. No, kombinacija bendamustina s rituksimabom (B-R) u prvoj liniji terapije indolentnog NHL-a i limfoma plaÅ”tene zone pokazala se boljom od konvencionalne kemoterapije pa bi B-R trebao postati zlatni standard u prvoj liniji liječenja ovih limfoma. Protokol B-R Ā­također ima aktivnost u relapsnom indolentnom NHL-u te predstavlja opciju za bolesnike koji su progredirali nakon konvencionalne kemoterapije. U rituksimab-rezistentnom NHL-u nedavna studija GADOLIN koja je proučavala dodatak Ā­obinutuzumaba bendamustinu pokazala je jasnu superiornost prema bendamustinu i promijenila zlatni standard u ovoj Ā­populaciji zahtjevnoj za liječenje. U KLL-u usprkos inferiornosti B-R prema FCR-u u studiji CLL10 B-R je bio obilježen boljim profilom toksičnosti te se može ponuditi pojedinim bolesnicima na temelju individualizirane odluke. U relapsnom okružju KLL-a dodatak ibrutiniba protokolu B-R pokazao je superiornost prema B-R s mogućom promjenom paradigme liječenja ovih bolesnika. Zaključno, bendamustin sam ili u kombinacijama pokazao je visoku aktivnost s povoljnim toksičnim profilom u liječenju indolentnih NHL-a i KLL bez mutacije del(17p)

    Suvremeni pristup ne-Hodgkinovu limfomu plaŔtene zone: pregled literature [Current approach to non-Hodgkin mantle cell lymphoma: literature review]

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    Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) represents the fourth most common type of non-Hodgkin lymphomas. It is characterized by aggressive course and frequent relapses. The main aim of this review is to evaluate current treatment approach towards this type of lymphoma. In younger patients the chemotherapy including high doses of cytarabine is the gold standard. In case of complete or partial remission, the consolidation with autologous stem cell transplantation is indicated as consolidation approach. In older patients CHOP-R regimen is not the treatment of choice. These patients should be treated with bendamustine in combination with rituximab. In case of complete or partial remission, further therapy with rituximab maintenance as consolidation represents an option. The vast majority of patients with MCL will ultimately relapse which poses a challenge in treatment approach. The approach in relapsed MCL can be divided in two types: chemotherapy or biologic therapy. In young fit patients chemotherapy based on bendamustine and cytarabine is a reasonable option. In patients with comorbidities or poor performance status biologic agents are reasonable options. Ibrutinib, Bruton kinase inhibitor, is characterized by highest overall response rate and the longest duration of response and should be offered to these patients. With the development of novel potent inhibitor of B cell receptor signaling pathway, these agents may become the gold standard in future and introduce the treatment of MCL in ā€žchemo-freeā€œera

    Održavanje rituksimabom u uznapredovalom folikularnom limfomu: kontroverzije

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    Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal CD20 antibody used in the treatment of CD20 positive non-Hodgkin lymphomas and has revolutionized treatment approach to these hematologic malignancies in the last decade. The main aim of this review is to present data on the use of rituximab in the treatment of follicular lymphoma (FL). We will focus on rituximab maintenance strategies in the first and second line treatment. Th is approach has improved the outcome in FL patients with better progression-free survival in all patients and better overall survival in relapsed setting. Regardless of good results, this strategy has generated controversies in medical community in the range from the lack of overall survival benefit in first line setting, adverse effects of possible overtreatment and toxicities to its unknown role in the era of novel agents. The existing data suggest that rituximab maintenance should be a rational therapeutic option for all patients with FL responding to first line therapy and transplant-ineligible patients responding to reinduction.Rituksimab je kimerično antiCD20 protutijelo koje se koristi u liječenju CD20 pozitivnih ne-Hodgkinovih limfoma te je promijenilo paradigmu liječenja ovih hematoloÅ”kih neoplazma u proÅ”lom desetljeću. Glavni cilj ovoga preglednog rada je predstaviti njegovu primjenu u folikularnom limfomu (FL) s naglaskom na terapiju održavanja. Ova strategija doprinijela je boljem preživljenju bez progresije bolesti u prvoj i drugoj liniji terapije, odnosno boljem ukupnom preživljenju u bolesnika s relapsom FL-a. No, usprkos dobrim rezultatima, održavanje rituksimabom je doprinijelo kontroverzi u medicinskoj zajednici. Navedene nedoumice potječu od nedostatka poboljÅ”anja ukupnog preživljenja u prvoj liniji terapije, moguće toksičnosti do nepoznate uloge u eri novih lijekova za liječenje FL-a. Prema postojećim podacima zaključujemo da terapiju održavanja rituksimabom treba ponuditi bolesnicima s FL-om koji su odgovorili na prvu liniju terapije te bolesnicima s relapsom FL-a koji su odgovorili na reindukciju, a nisu kandidati za liječenje autolognom transplantacijom matičnih stanica


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    Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati rezultate liječenja bolesnika s relapsnim ili refraktornim klasičnim Hodgkinovim limfomom visokodoznom kemoterapijom praćenom autolognom transplantacijom matičnih stanica u jednoj ustanovi. U retrospektivno istraživanje uključen je 101 bolesnik liječen u razdoblju od 1995. do 2014. godine. Svi su bolesnici primili mijeloablativni protokol BEAM. Ukupna stopa odgovora bila je 92,1 %, medijan praćenja je iznosio 42 mjeseca. PetogodiÅ”nje ukupno preživljenje je iznosilo 56 %, a preživljenje bez progresije bolesti 51 %. U svakom ishodu postignut je plato bez daljnjih događaja pokazajući liječidbenu mogućnost ovog pristupa za oko 50 % bolesnika. Prognostički čimbenici povezani s kraćim ukupnim preživljenjem bili su prisutnost B simptoma i anemije u relapsu, odnosno nepostizanje kompletne remisije na visokodoznu terapiju. Bolesnici, koji nisu postignuli drugu kompletnu remisiju, imali su kraće ukupno preživljenje s postignutim platoom u oko 40 % bolesnika Å”to pokazuje mogućnost autologne transplantacije da donekle umanji kemorefraktornu bolest kao negativan prognostički čimbenik. Neuspjeh postizanja druge kompletne remisije bio je jedini čimbenik povezan s kraćim preživljenjem bez progresije bolesti. Bolesnici koji nisu postignuli kompletnu remisiju na autolognu transplantaciju ili su imali drugi relaps bolesti imali su loÅ”ije petogodiÅ”nje ukupno preživljenje u iznosu od 31% i 16 %. Prema naÅ”im rezultatima te, sukladno literaturnom pregledu, pokazali smo da je visokodozna terapija praćena autolognom transplantacijom matičnih stanica optimalan pristup ovim bolesnicima.The main aim of this study was to present outcomes and prognostic factors in relapsed and refractory classical Hodgkin lymphoma undergoing salvage chemotherapy followed by stem cell transplantation. This retrospective study included 101 adult patients being treated at a single center in the period between 1995-2014. The most commonly used salvage chemotherapy was miniBEAM. All patients received BEAM myeloablative protocol followed by stem cell reinfusion. The ORR was 92.1%. After a median of follow-up of 42 months, 5-year OS rate was 56% with 5-year PFS rate being 51%. In each survival curve, a plateau was achieved implying the curative possibility of autologous stem cell transplantation. Adverse prognostic factors associated with worse OS were presence of B symptoms and anemia at relapse and chemoresistance to salvage chemotherapy, defi ned as inability to achieve 2nd complete remission. However, in survival curve a plateau was reached indicating that 40% of chemorefractory patients can be cured with this approach. Only prognostic factor associated with inferior PFS was chemoresistance to salvage therapy. Outcomes for patients not responding to or relapsing after stem cell transplantation were less advantageous with 31% and 16% 5-years OS rates, stressing the need for better clinical approach in this subpopulation. Based on our results and according to the literature review, we demonstrate that salvage therapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation represents a treatment of choice in transplant-eligible patients suffering from relapsed or refractory Hodgkin lymphoma

    Pregled jedanaest kratkotrajnih istraživanja faune gmazova na području zapadnog Balkana

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    In this paper we present distributional data for reptiles from different localities in the Western Balkans. During an 11 year period (2002-2012) we collected new data in the frame of spring student research camps organized by the Biology Studentsā€™ Society (DÅ B). Surveys were conducted by members of the herpetological groups that were mostly biology students. Surveys were located on five islands Dugi otok, Brač, Korčula, Mljet, and Pag, one peninsula PeljeÅ”ac (Croatia), in the continental area around Kamenovo and Lake Skadar (Montenegro), Dojran Lake (Macedonia), at lower Neretva Delta (Croatia) and around NiÅ” (Serbia). Altogether 34 different reptile species were recorded in the surveys. The species lists comprised of 7-22 different species per single locality. The highest reptile biodiversity was recorded around Dojran Lake in Macedonia.U radu se prikazuju distribucijski podatci za gmazove sa različitih lokaliteta na području zapadnog Balkana. Tijekom razdoblja od 11 godina (2002. ā€“ 2012.) prikupili smo nove podatke u okviru studentskih istraživačkih kampova organiziranih od strane DruÅ”tva studenata biologije (DSB). Istraživanja su provedena od strane pripadnika herpetoloÅ”ke sekcije koju većinom čine studenti biologije. Istraživanja su provedena na pet otoka, Dugi otok, Brač, Korčula, Mljet i Pag, jednom poluotoku, PeljeÅ”ac (Hrvatska), na kontinentalnom području oko Kamenova i Skadarskog jezera (Crna Gora), okolici Dojranskog jezera (Makedonija), na području donjeg dijela rijeke Neretve (Hrvatska) i oko grada NiÅ”a (Srbija). Istraživanjem je ukupno zabilježeno 34 različite vrste gmazova. Na pojedinim lokalitetima zabilježeno je od 7 do 22 vrste gmazova, a najveća raznolikost zabilježena je oko Dojranskog jezera u Makedoniji

    Use of SNP Markers Within the Fat Mass and Obesity-associated (FTO) Gene to Verify Pedigrees and Determine Haplotypes in Paternal Half-sib Families of Slovenian Simmental Cattle

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    The objective of this preliminary study was to identify SNP markers within the FTO gene for evaluation of pedigree data accuracy and determination of haplotypes in paternal half-sib families of Slovenian Simmental cattle. Out of 23 polymorphic SNPs identified ten most informative SNPs for genotyping 31 sires and 56 half-sib progeny were used. The ATLAS program was used for paternity testing. Haplotype analysis revealed three haplotype blocks. The effect of SNPs ā€œex2 T>Cā€ and ā€œint2 indel*>Tā€ was significant on three correlated carcass traits: live weight at slaughter (P= 0.03), carcass weight (P= 0.038), and lean weight (P= 0.048). The FTO gene can thus be regarded as a candidate for the marker assisted selection programs in our and possibly other populations of cattle. Future studies in cattle might also reveal novel roles of the FTO gene in carcass traits on livestock species as well as fatness control in other mammals


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    Autologna transplantacija perifernih matičnih stanica zlatni je standard u liječenju refraktornog ili relapsnoga kemosenzitivnog difuznog B-velikostaničnog limfoma u pogodnih bolesnika. Cilj je ovog rada prikazati ishode autologne transplantacije perifernih matičnih stanica u bolesnika s refraktornim ili relapsnim ne-Hodgkinovim limfomom difuznoga B-velikostaničnog tipa. Retrospektivno smo analizirali podatke 62-je bolesnika liječenih autolognom transplantacijom u naÅ”em centru u razdoblju od 2000. do 2013. godine. Većina bolesnika (71%) liječena je kemoterapijom miniBEAM, a svi su primili mijeloablativnu kemoterapiju BEAM s reinfuzijom vlastitih matičnih stanica. Ukupna stopa odgovora (komĀ­pletna i parcijalna remisija) nakon autologne transplantacije iznosila je 75,8%. Medijan ukupnog preživljenja iznosio je 37,2 mjeseca. Medijan preživljenja bez događaja vezanih uz bolest iznosio je 16,9 mjeseci. Čimbenici statistički značajno povezani s ukupnim preživljenjem bili su aktivnost bolesti prije visokodozne spasonosne terapije, odgovor na spasonosnu terapiju. Internacionalni prognostički indeks, stadij bolesti, odgovor na autolognu transplantaciju perifernih matičnih staĀ­nica te radioterapija nakon autologne transplantacije. Liječenje rituksimabom nije bilo statistički značajno povezano s ishodom. U ovoj skupini bolesnika autologna je transplantacija perifernih matičnih stanica bila učinkovita u postizanju remisije i preživljenja, Å”to je dobar i očekivan ishod navedenog postupka. NaglaÅ”avamo da je i u skupini bolesnika s kemorezistentnom boleŔću autologna transplantacija bila učinkovita u 32,5% bolesnika.Autologous stem cell transplantation represents the gold standard in chemosensitive diffuse B large cell lymphoma in relapse or in refractory setting. The aim of this study was to present the outcome of peripheral autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with refractory or relapsed diffuse large B cell lymphoma. We retrospectively analysed the data of 62 patients, who underwent this procedure for the period 2000ā€“2013. The majority of patients (71%) were treated with miniBEAM salvage chemotherapy and all received BEAM myeloablative protocol followed by the stem cell reinfusion. The overall response rate for autologous transplantation was 75.8%. Median overall survival was 37.2 months. Median event-free survival was 16.9 months. Factors associated with overall survival were state of disease prior to salvage chemotherapy, chemosensitivity of disease, International prognostic index, disease activity at the relapse, response to autologous transplantation and post-transplantation radiotherapy. The use of rituximab was not significantly correlated to the outcome. In this patient group autologous stem cell transplantation was found to be effective in achieving remission and survival showing the adequate role of this procedure in this clinical setting. We stress out that autologous stem cell transplantation was effective in 32.5% patients with chemorefractory disease after salvage therapy