13 research outputs found

    SHARED Resources project: the sharingpoint

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    <p>”Scientists for Health and Research for Development” is a digital network based on validated information about ongoing medical and health related research, researchers and institutions. Amongst others, it’s main objectives are (a) to make health related information available on the Web in order to promote cooperation and exchange of information and technology among health related organisations and (b) to support cooperation and avoidance of duplication of efforts to solve common health problems and (c) to work towards a balanced relationship on research production and results dissemination in the North an the South.</p

    Conjugation of Ciprofloxacin with Poly(2-oxazoline)s and Polyethylene Glycol via End Groups

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    The antibiotic ciprofloxacin (CIP) was covalently attached to the chain end of poly­(2-methyloxazoline) (PMOx), poly­(2-ethyloxazoline) (PEtOx), and polyethylene glycol (PEG), and the antimicrobial activity of these conjugates was tested for <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i>, <i>Streptococcus mutans</i>, <i>Escherichia coli</i>, <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>, and <i>Kleisella pneumoniae.</i> Chemical structures of the conjugates were proven by <sup>1</sup>H NMR and electron spray ionization mass spectrometry. The direct coupling of PMOx and CIP resulted in low antimicrobial activity. The coupling via a spacer afforded molecular weight dependent activity with a molar minimal inhibitory concentration that is even higher than that of the pristine CIP. The antimicrobial activity of the conjugates increases in the order of PMOx < PEtOx < PEG. Conjugation of CIP and a quaternary ammonium compound via PMOx did not result in higher activity, indicating no satellite group or synergistic effect of the different biocidal end groups

    MOESM1 of Camera-based photoplethysmography in an intraoperative setting

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    Additional file 1. A video showing the application of the proposed method. The video shows a moving face for which the proposed method was applied in order to select an ROI. For comparison purposes, the Viola-Jones face detector combined with the KLT feature tracker was employed [1, 2]. In contrast to this standard approach, our method only chooses homogeneously illuminated skin regions that are most suitable for cbPPG. 1. Viola, P., Jones, M.: Rapid object detection using a boosted cascade of simple features. Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol. 1, pp. I-511–I-518 (2001). 2. Tomasi, C., Kanade, T.: Detection and Tracking of Point Features. Technical Report MU-CS-91-132, Carnegie Mellon University (1991)

    Expression and activation state of signalling mediators involved in regulation of smooth muscle tone.

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    <p>Western blot analysis was performed for cortical and subcortical brain arterioles from 13 sheep, as described in the methods section. Differences of expression levels of signalling proteins involved in control of smooth muscle tone: (A) nNOS, P-eNOS and eNOS-protein, (B) P-CREB and CREB protein, (C) P-ERK and ERK protein was detected in relation to β-actin. As these data were not normally distributed they are presented as box plots, where boxes represent 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. Medians are indicated by horizontal lines. Whiskers indicate 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively. 1+2, samples from two different sheep; Cx, cortex; Scx, subcortex; AU, arbitrary units; Ref. reference sample.</p

    Correlation of blood flow and MABP.

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    <p>Cortical or subcortical CBF in the control group (blue symbols) were plotted against MABP during hypoxia (A, B) and for the reoxygenation phase (C, D), respectively. The effect of α1A-adrenergic blockade (red symbols) on the relationships of blood flow and MABP during hypoxia (E, F) or during reoxygenation (G, H) is plotted analogously. Linear regression was calculated for each data set. Best fit lines (black lines) and 95% confidence intervals (blue lines) are plotted. Correlation coefficients (<i>r</i>) and <i>p</i>-values are given in the respective panels.</p

    Effects of hypoxia and reoxygenation on arterial blood parameters.

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    <p>Values are given for baseline (min 0), during hypoxia (min 2 to min 14) and during reoxygenation (min 15 to min 23) in controls (blue) and after α1A-adrenergic blockade (red) for (A) pH, (B) partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO<sub>2</sub>), (C) partial pressure of oxygen (pO<sub>2</sub>), (D) oxygen saturation (sO<sub>2</sub>, measured with a clinical blood gas analyzer), (E) base excess (BE), (F) lactate, (G) hematocrit (Hct) and (H) hemoglobin (Hb). Through lines separate baseline and hypoxia; dashed lines separate hypoxia and reoxygenation. Means ± SEM; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 and *** p < 0.001 for trend, indicated separately for hypoxia and reoxygenation, respectively; black symbols indicate differences between treatment groups; n.s., not significant.</p

    Effects of hypoxia and reoxygenation on cortical and subcortical cerebral blood flow.

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    <p>Comparison of cortical and subcortical cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the control group (A) and under α1A-adrenergic blockade (B). Comparison of controls and α1A-adrenergic blockade for (C) cortex and (D) subcortex. Means ± SEM; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 and *** p < 0.001 for trend, indicated separately for hypoxia and reoxygenation, respectively; black symbols indicate differences between treatment groups; n.s., not significant.</p

    Correlation of and MABP and sO<sub>2</sub>.

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    <p>MABP in the control group (blue symbols) was plotted against sO<sub>2</sub> during hypoxia (A) and for the reoxygenation phase (B), respectively. The effect of α1A-adrenergic blockade (red symbols) on the relationships of MABP and sO<sub>2</sub> during hypoxia (C) or during reoxygenation (D) is plotted analogously. Linear regression was calculated for each data set. Best fit lines (black lines) and 95% confidence intervals (blue lines) are plotted. Correlation coefficients (<i>r</i>) and <i>p</i>-values are given in the respective panels.</p