8 research outputs found

    The Changing Profile of Autopsies Caused by Oral Cancer in Slovakia, 2010–2019

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    Objective: To analyse the mortality rate and autopsy rate of oral cancer (malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity and pharynx) over a ten-year period. The percentage change of autopsy rate of oral cancer will be evaluated. Material and Methods: The study sample was divided into two age sub-categories: 1) patients who died of oral cancer and were autopsied in a period 2010–2014 and 2) patients who died of oral cancer and were autopsied in a period 2015–2019. Data from oral cancer death patients (n=6,313) and autopsy patients caused oral cancer (n=251) between 2010–2019 were obtained from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. The percentage change of autopsy rate was evaluated by Chi-squared test. Statistical significance was set at p-value <0.05. Results: The highest autopsy rate of malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity and pharynx was found in 2017 (4.1%). It was observed growing trendy of autopsy rate of malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity and pharynx in the period 2010–2019 (R2=0.059). It was found decrease of percentage change of autopsy rate in malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus (-75.3%). A significant increase of percentage change of autopsy rate was found in malignant neoplasm of tonsil (216.1%; p=0.021). Conclusion: This study provides one of the larger epidemiology overviews of oral cancer autopsies presented so far in Slovakia

    Noise annoyance from different sources in young adults

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    The aim of the study is to evaluate the adverse effects of community noise on health and the response to noise exposure in residential areas of Bratislava. The study quantifies the exposure to different environmental noise sources as well as the social noise exposure in the sample of university students. The validated methodology according to ICBEN and the Ohrkan study was used. The measurement of ambient noise levels was done using hand-held sound level analyzer. There were 837 university students (256 males), average age 23.09 ± 2.23, enrolled into the study so far; 267 in the housing facility exposed to road traffic noise (LAeq = 67.6 dB) and 570 in the control one (LAeq = 53.4 dB). From the total sample 79.2% students reported the use of personal music players (PMP) in the last week in the average time of 293 minutes. There was a significant difference between the duration and frequency of listening to PMP between the exposed and the control group. There was not significant difference between the duration of time spent at activities with high noise exposure. The results of the study showed the importance of road traffic noise and the social noise for health as well and the need for a preventive action

    Noise annoyance from different sources in young adults

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    The aim of the study is to evaluate the adverse effects of community noise on health and the response to noise exposure in residential areas of Bratislava. The study quantifies the exposure to different environmental noise sources as well as the social noise exposure in the sample of university students. The validated methodology according to ICBEN and the Ohrkan study was used. The measurement of ambient noise levels was done using hand-held sound level analyzer. There were 837 university students (256 males), average age 23.09 ± 2.23, enrolled into the study so far; 267 in the housing facility exposed to road traffic noise (LAeq = 67.6 dB) and 570 in the control one (LAeq = 53.4 dB). From the total sample 79.2% students reported the use of personal music players (PMP) in the last week in the average time of 293 minutes. There was a significant difference between the duration and frequency of listening to PMP between the exposed and the control group. There was not significant difference between the duration of time spent at activities with high noise exposure. The results of the study showed the importance of road traffic noise and the social noise for health as well and the need for a preventive action

    Factors Associated with Non-Attendance at Dental Preventive Care in Slovak High School Students

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    This study aimed to determine the factors associated with the avoidance of dental preventive care in high school students and their parents in the framework of The Youth and Parents Risk Factor Behavior Survey in Slovakia, the ongoing cross-sectional school-based survey of students and their parents or legal representatives. The data were collected using two separate standardized questionnaires: (i) the questionnaire for students (n = 515) and (ii) the questionnaire for parents (n = 681). The study group included 57 high school students (54.4% males) who did not visit the dentist for preventive care in the previous year. The control group included 458 students (35.8% males) who visited a dentist for preventive care at least once in the previous year. A significantly higher number of males (54.4%), older adolescents, and young adults (21.8%; 20.0%) were not visiting dental preventive care regularly. Incomplete family (56.1%), stressful situations at home (17.5%), and feeling unwell were the factors contributing to the avoidance of dental preventive care. More than 34.5% of adolescents and young adults were not visiting either dental preventive care or pediatric preventive care (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 5.14; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.40, 10.99). Children of divorced mothers and mothers with household income lower than EUR 900 had significantly higher dental care avoidance in bivariate analysis. A significantly higher percentage of fathers from the exposed group were not visiting dental preventive care regularly (47.8%, p < 0.05). The results of the study can be used as an educational intervention step focusing on the parental influence on adolescent and young adults’ behavior and as a challenge for the improvement of dental preventive care in older adolescents and young adults

    Social Noise Exposure in a Sample of Slovak University Students

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    Purpose: Social noise exposure is currently an emerging problem in adolescents and young adults. Various leisure time activities may be responsible for hearing impairment (temporary or permanent hearing threshold shift or hearing loss). The study aimed to quantify environmental noise from various sources—voluntary (social) noise (personal music players (PMPs), high-intensity noise exposure events), and road traffic noise and to detect hearing disorders in relation to individual listening to PMPs in the sample of young adults living and studying in Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia. Methods: The study included 1003 university students (306 men and 697 women, average age 23.1 ± 2) living in Bratislava for 4 or more years; 347 lived in the student housing facility exposed to road traffic noise (LAeq = 67.6 dB) and 656 in the control one (LAeq = 53.4 dB). Respondents completed a validated ICBEN 5-grade scale “noise annoyance questionnaire”. In the exposed group a significant source of annoyance was road traffic noise (p < 0.001), noise from entertainment facilities (p < 0.001), industrial noise (p < 0.001), and noise from neighboring flats (p = 0.003). The exposure to PMPs was objectified by the conversion of the subjective evaluation of the volume setting and duration. With the cooperation of the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)specialist, we arranged audiometric examinations on the pilot sample of 41 volunteers. Results: From the total sample of respondents, 79.2% reported the use of a PMP in the course of the last week, and the average time was 285 min. There was a significant difference in PMP use between the road traffic noise-exposed (85.6%) and the control group (75.8%) (p = 0.01). Among PMP users 30.7% exceeded the lower action value (LAV) for industry (LAeq,8h = 80 dB). On a pilot sample of volunteers (n = 41), audiometry testing was performed indicating a hearing threshold shift at higher frequencies in 22% of subjects. Conclusions: The results of the study on a sample of young healthy individuals showed the importance of exposure to social noise as well as to road traffic noise and the need for prevention and intervention

    Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke in Relation to Behavioral, Emotional, Social and Health Indicators of Slovak School Children

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    Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure has been shown in general as a major environmental risk factor and deserves attention in vulnerable population groups. The aim of the project is to analyze the relationships among the ETS and behavior and health in 6−15-year-old children in Slovakia. The status of physical and mental health of children in relation to exposure to tobacco smoke was examined in a representative group of 1478 school children. The methods used, included anonymous questionnaires filled in by parents, Columbia Impairment Scale (CIS), Behavior Problem Index (BPI) and anthropometry. The prevalence of ETS exposure is the highest in the capital (27%) and southern cities. A significant association was found between ETS and age, socio-economic status, incompleteness of the family, level of mother’s education and a higher prevalence of respiratory diseases (26.7%). The relationships of ETS with emotional (CIS scores ≥ 16) and behavioral functions (BPI score ≥ 14) were significant in children exposed to mother’s or father’s smoking at home. In the multivariate analysis these associations were not significant; the factors such as income and completeness of the family were dominant. The results showed mostly the predominant impact of social factors on the physical and mental health status of Slovak school children