15 research outputs found

    Bridging the μHz gap in the gravitational-wave landscape: unveiling dark baryons

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    We study gravitational waves (GWs) with frequencies in the μHz range, which arise from phase transitions related to dark confinement in the context of dark versions of Quantum Chromodynamics. Based on several compelling motivations, we posit that these theories predict the existence of GeV-mass asymmetric dark baryons, akin to ordinary baryons, with the potential to contribute to dark matter. Furthermore, we emphasize the significance of a particular OTeV scale for multiple reasons. First, to account for the similarity in present-day mass densities between dark matter and visible matter, various TeV-scale mechanisms can elucidate the similarities in both their number densities and masses. Moreover, to address the so-called electroweak hierarchy problem, we consider the introduction of either the Composite Higgs or Supersymmetry at around OTeV. These mechanisms lead to intriguing TeV collider signatures and the possibility of detecting mHz GWs in future experiments. In summary, this study provides a strong motivation for advancing GW experiments that can bridge the μHz frequency gap in the GW spectrum. Additionally, there is a need for the construction of more powerful particle colliders to explore higher energy regimes. In consideration of the possibility to scrutinize these models from various perspectives, we strongly advocate their further development

    Bridging the μ \mu Hz Gap in the Gravitational-Wave Landscape: Unveiling Dark Baryons

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    We study gravitational waves (GWs) with frequencies in the μ\muHz range, which arise from phase transitions related to dark confinement in the context of dark versions of Quantum Chromodynamics. Based on several compelling motivations, we posit that these theories predict the existence of GeV-mass asymmetric dark baryons, akin to ordinary baryons, with the potential to contribute to Dark Matter (DM). Furthermore, we emphasize the significance of a particular O(TeV)\mathcal{O}(\text{TeV}) scale for multiple reasons. First, to account for the similarity in present-day mass densities between Dark Matter (DM) and Visible Matter, various TeV-scale mechanisms can elucidate the similarities in both their number densities and masses. Moreover, to address the so-called electroweak hierarchy problem, we consider the introduction of either the Composite Higgs or Supersymmetry at around O(TeV)\mathcal{O}(\text{TeV}). These mechanisms lead to intriguing TeV collider signatures and the possibility of detecting mHz GWs in future experiments. In summary, this study provides a strong motivation for advancing GW experiments that can bridge the μ\muHz frequency gap in the GW spectrum. Additionally, there is a need for the construction of more powerful particle colliders to explore higher energy regimes. In consideration of the possibility to scrutinize these models from various perspectives, we strongly advocate their further development.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Electroweak precision tests of composite Higgs models

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    We study constraints on Composite Higgs models with fermion partial compositeness from electroweak precision measurements, including the 2022 WW-boson mass result from the CDF collaboration. We focus on models where the Composite Higgs sector arises from underlying four-dimensional strongly interacting gauge theories with fermions, and where the SM fermions obtain their mass via linear mixing terms between the fermions and the composite sector -- the so-called fermion partial compositeness scenario. In general, the Composite Higgs sector leads to a small and positive SS parameter, and a negative TT parameter, but the fermion partial compositeness sector results in an overall positive TT parameter in a large part of parameter space. We, therefore, find good agreement between the full composite models and the current electroweak precision measurement bounds on SS and TT from LEP and CDF, including the offset and correlation of S,TS,T with respect to the SM predictions.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Vector dark matter in supercooled Higgs portal models

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    We consider extensions of the Standard Model by a hidden sector consisting of a gauge field coupled with a scalar field. Assuming the absence of dimensionful parameters in the tree level potential, radiative symmetry breaking will make the hidden sector gauge field massive and induce the electroweak scale of the Standard Model. We consider separately dark sector gauge groups U(1)DU(1)_{\rm{D}} and SU(2)DSU(2)_{\rm{D}}, and focus on probing the models with a combination of direct detection experiments and gravitational wave observatories. We find that recent dark matter direct detection results significantly constrain the parameter space of the models where they can account for the observed dark matter relic density via freeze-out. The gravitational wave signals originating from strongly first order electroweak phase transition in these models can be probed in future gravitational wave observatories such as LISA. We show how the projected results compliment direct detection experiments and can help probe parameter space near the neutrino floor of direct detection.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Loop-generated neutrino masses in composite Higgs models

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    International audienceWe present a composite scotogenic model for neutrino masses, which are generated via loops of ℤ2_{2}-odd composite scalars. We consider three different approaches to the couplings of the neutrinos (including three right-handed singlets) and the composite sector: ETC-like four-fermion interactions, fundamental partial compositeness and fermion partial compositeness. In all cases, the model can feature sizeable couplings and remain viable with respect to various experimental constraints if the three ℤ2_{2}-odd right-handed neutrinos have masses between the TeV and the Planck scales. Additionally, the lightest ℤ2_{2}-odd composite scalar may play the role of Dark Matter, either via thermal freeze-out or as an asymmetric relic. This mechanism can be featured in a variety of models based on vacuum misalignment. For concreteness, we demonstrate it in a composite two-Higgs scheme based on the coset SU(6)/Sp(6)

    Partially composite Higgs models : phenomenology and RG analysis

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    We study the phenomenology of partially composite-Higgs models where electroweak symmetry breaking is dynamically induced, and the Higgs is a mixture of a composite and an elementary state. The models considered have explicit realizations in terms of gauge-Yukawa theories with new strongly interacting fermions coupled to elementary scalars and allow for a very SM-like Higgs state. We study constraints on their parameter spaces from vacuum stability and perturbativity as well as from LHC results and find that requiring vacuum stability up to the compositeness scale already imposes relevant constraints. A small part of parameter space around the classically conformal limit is stable up to the Planck scale. This is however already strongly disfavored by LHC results. In different limits, the models realize both (partially) composite-Higgs and (bosonic) technicolor models and a dynamical extension of the fundamental Goldstone-Higgs model. Therefore, they provide a general framework for exploring the phenomenology of composite dynamics.Peer reviewe

    Techni-composite Higgs models with symmetric and asymmetric dark matter candidates

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    We propose a novel class of composite models that feature both a technicolor and a composite Higgs vacuum limit, resulting in an asymmetric dark matter candidate. These Techni-Composite Higgs models are based on an extended left-right electroweak symmetry with a pseudo-Nambu Goldstone boson Higgs and stable dark matter candidates charged under a global U(1)X\mathrm{U}(1)_X symmetry, connected to the baryon asymmetry at high temperatures via the SU(2)RSU(2)_{\rm R} sphaleron. We consider, as explicit examples, four-dimensional gauge theories with fermions charged under a new confining gauge group GHCG_{\rm HC}

    Higgs Boson Emerging from the Dark

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    International audienceWe propose a new nonthermal mechanism of dark matter production based on vacuum misalignment. A global X-charge asymmetry is generated at high temperatures, under which both the will-be Higgs boson and the dark matter are charged. At lower energies, the vacuum changes alignment and breaks the U(1)X, leading to the emergence of the Higgs bosonand of a fraction of charge asymmetry stored in the stable dark matter relic. This mechanism can be present in a wide variety of models based on vacuum misalignment, and we demonstrate it in a composite Higgs template model, where all the necessary ingredients are naturally present. A light pseudo-scalar η is always predicted, with interesting implications for cosmology, future supernova observations and exotic Z→γη decays