1,503 research outputs found

    Structure of the Partition Function and Transfer Matrices for the Potts Model in a Magnetic Field on Lattice Strips

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    We determine the general structure of the partition function of the qq-state Potts model in an external magnetic field, Z(G,q,v,w)Z(G,q,v,w) for arbitrary qq, temperature variable vv, and magnetic field variable ww, on cyclic, M\"obius, and free strip graphs GG of the square (sq), triangular (tri), and honeycomb (hc) lattices with width LyL_y and arbitrarily great length LxL_x. For the cyclic case we prove that the partition function has the form Z(Λ,Ly×Lx,q,v,w)=d=0Lyc~(d)Tr[(TZ,Λ,Ly,d)m]Z(\Lambda,L_y \times L_x,q,v,w)=\sum_{d=0}^{L_y} \tilde c^{(d)} Tr[(T_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d})^m], where Λ\Lambda denotes the lattice type, c~(d)\tilde c^{(d)} are specified polynomials of degree dd in qq, TZ,Λ,Ly,dT_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d} is the corresponding transfer matrix, and m=Lxm=L_x (Lx/2L_x/2) for Λ=sq,tri(hc)\Lambda=sq, tri (hc), respectively. An analogous formula is given for M\"obius strips, while only TZ,Λ,Ly,d=0T_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d=0} appears for free strips. We exhibit a method for calculating TZ,Λ,Ly,dT_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d} for arbitrary LyL_y and give illustrative examples. Explicit results for arbitrary LyL_y are presented for TZ,Λ,Ly,dT_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d} with d=Lyd=L_y and d=Ly1d=L_y-1. We find very simple formulas for the determinant det(TZ,Λ,Ly,d)det(T_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d}). We also give results for self-dual cyclic strips of the square lattice.Comment: Reference added to a relevant paper by F. Y. W

    A posteriori inclusion of parton density functions in NLO QCD final-state calculations at hadron colliders: The APPLGRID Project

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    A method to facilitate the consistent inclusion of cross-section measurements based on complex final-states from HERA, TEVATRON and the LHC in proton parton density function (PDF) fits has been developed. This can be used to increase the sensitivity of LHC data to deviations from Standard Model predictions. The method stores perturbative coefficients of NLO QCD calculations of final-state observables measured in hadron colliders in look-up tables. This allows the posteriori inclusion of parton density functions (PDFs), and of the strong coupling, as well as the a posteriori variation of the renormalisation and factorisation scales in cross-section calculations. The main novelties in comparison to original work on the subject are the use of higher-order interpolation, which substantially improves the trade-off between accuracy and memory use, and a CPU and computer memory optimised way to construct and store the look-up table using modern software tools. It is demonstrated that a sufficient accuracy on the cross-section calculation can be achieved with reasonably small look-up table size by using the examples of jet production and electro-weak boson (Z, W) production in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV at the LHC. The use of this technique in PDF fitting is demonstrated in a PDF-fit to HERA data and simulated LHC jet cross-sections as well as in a study of the jet cross-section uncertainties at various centre-of-mass energies

    High-precision calculations of van der Waals coefficients for heteronuclear alkali-metal dimers

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    Van der Waals coefficients for the heteronuclear alkali-metal dimers of Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and Fr are calculated using relativistic ab initio methods augmented by high-precision experimental data. We argue that the uncertainties in the coefficients are unlikely to exceed about 1%.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figs, graphicx.st

    Super AutoDipole

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    The publicly available package for an automated dipole subtraction, AutoDipole, is extended to include the SUSY dipoles in the MSSM. All fields in the SM and the MSSM are available. The code is checked against the analytical expressions for a simple process. The extended package makes it possible to compute the QCD NLO corrections to SUSY multi-parton processes like the stop pair production plus jets at the LHC.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, v2: a few typos to match the published version in Eur. Phys. J.

    3D evolution of a filament disappearance event observed by STEREO

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    A filament disappearance event was observed on 22 May 2008 during our recent campaign JOP 178. The filament, situated in the southern hemisphere, showed sinistral chirality consistent with the hemispheric rule. The event was well observed by several observatories in particular by THEMIS. One day before the disappearance, Hα\alpha observations showed up and down flows in adjacent locations along the filament, which suggest plasma motions along twisted flux rope. THEMIS and GONG observations show shearing photospheric motions leading to magnetic flux canceling around barbs. STEREO A, B spacecraft with separation angle 52.4 degrees, showed quite different views of this untwisting flux rope in He II 304 \AA\ images. Here, we reconstruct the 3D geometry of the filament during its eruption phase using STEREO EUV He II 304 \AA\ images and find that the filament was highly inclined to the solar normal. The He II 304 \AA\ movies show individual threads, which oscillate and rise to an altitude of about 120 Mm with apparent velocities of about 100 km s1^{-1}, during the rapid evolution phase. Finally, as the flux rope expands into the corona, the filament disappears by becoming optically thin to undetectable levels. No CME was detected by STEREO, only a faint CME was recorded by LASCO at the beginning of the disappearance phase at 02:00 UT, which could be due to partial filament eruption. Further, STEREO Fe XII 195 \AA\ images showed bright loops beneath the filament prior to the disappearance phase, suggesting magnetic reconnection below the flux rope

    The fully differential single-top-quark cross section in next-to-leading order QCD

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    We present a new next-to-leading order calculation for fully differential single-top-quark final states. The calculation is performed using phase space slicing and dipole subtraction methods. The results of the methods are found to be in agreement. The dipole subtraction method calculation retains the full spin dependence of the final state particles. We show a few numerical results to illustrate the utility and consistency of the resulting computer implementations.Comment: 37 pages, latex, 2 ps figure

    Physics of Solar Prominences: II - Magnetic Structure and Dynamics

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    Observations and models of solar prominences are reviewed. We focus on non-eruptive prominences, and describe recent progress in four areas of prominence research: (1) magnetic structure deduced from observations and models, (2) the dynamics of prominence plasmas (formation and flows), (3) Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) waves in prominences and (4) the formation and large-scale patterns of the filament channels in which prominences are located. Finally, several outstanding issues in prominence research are discussed, along with observations and models required to resolve them.Comment: 75 pages, 31 pictures, review pape

    Quantitative Treatment of Decoherence

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    We outline different approaches to define and quantify decoherence. We argue that a measure based on a properly defined norm of deviation of the density matrix is appropriate for quantifying decoherence in quantum registers. For a semiconductor double quantum dot qubit, evaluation of this measure is reviewed. For a general class of decoherence processes, including those occurring in semiconductor qubits, we argue that this measure is additive: It scales linearly with the number of qubits.Comment: Revised version, 26 pages, in LaTeX, 3 EPS figure

    Spanning forests and the q-state Potts model in the limit q \to 0

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    We study the q-state Potts model with nearest-neighbor coupling v=e^{\beta J}-1 in the limit q,v \to 0 with the ratio w = v/q held fixed. Combinatorially, this limit gives rise to the generating polynomial of spanning forests; physically, it provides information about the Potts-model phase diagram in the neighborhood of (q,v) = (0,0). We have studied this model on the square and triangular lattices, using a transfer-matrix approach at both real and complex values of w. For both lattices, we have computed the symbolic transfer matrices for cylindrical strips of widths 2 \le L \le 10, as well as the limiting curves of partition-function zeros in the complex w-plane. For real w, we find two distinct phases separated by a transition point w=w_0, where w_0 = -1/4 (resp. w_0 = -0.1753 \pm 0.0002) for the square (resp. triangular) lattice. For w > w_0 we find a non-critical disordered phase, while for w < w_0 our results are compatible with a massless Berker-Kadanoff phase with conformal charge c = -2 and leading thermal scaling dimension x_{T,1} = 2 (marginal operator). At w = w_0 we find a "first-order critical point": the first derivative of the free energy is discontinuous at w_0, while the correlation length diverges as w \downarrow w_0 (and is infinite at w = w_0). The critical behavior at w = w_0 seems to be the same for both lattices and it differs from that of the Berker-Kadanoff phase: our results suggest that the conformal charge is c = -1, the leading thermal scaling dimension is x_{T,1} = 0, and the critical exponents are \nu = 1/d = 1/2 and \alpha = 1.Comment: 131 pages (LaTeX2e). Includes tex file, three sty files, and 65 Postscript figures. Also included are Mathematica files forests_sq_2-9P.m and forests_tri_2-9P.m. Final journal versio

    Stereoscopic Analysis of the 19 May 2007 Erupting Filament

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    A filament eruption, accompanied by a B9.5 flare, coronal dimming and an EUV wave, was observed by the Solar TERrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) on 19 May 2007, beginning at about 13:00 UT. Here, we use observations from the SECCHI/EUVI telescopes and other solar observations to analyze the behavior and geometry of the filament before and during the eruption. At this time, STEREO A and B were separated by about 8.5 degrees, sufficient to determine the three-dimensional structure of the filament using stereoscopy. The filament could be followed in SECCHI/EUVI 304 A stereoscopic data from about 12 hours before to about 2 hours after the eruption, allowing us to determine the 3D trajectory of the erupting filament. From the 3D reconstructions of the filament and the chromospheric ribbons in the early stage of the eruption, simultaneous heating of both the rising filamentary material and the chromosphere directly below is observed, consistent with an eruption resulting from magnetic reconnection below the filament. Comparisons of the filament during eruption in 304 A and Halpha show that when it becomes emissive in He II, it tends to disappear in Halpha, indicating that the disappearance probably results from heating or motion, not loss, of filamentary material.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physic