108 research outputs found

    Multiple Multi-Copper Oxidase Gene Families in Basidiomycetes – What for?

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    Genome analyses revealed in various basidiomycetes the existence of multiple genes for blue multi-copper oxidases (MCOs). Whole genomes are now available from saprotrophs, white rot and brown rot species, plant and animal pathogens and ectomycorrhizal species. Total numbers (from 1 to 17) and types of mco genes differ between analyzed species with no easy to recognize connection of gene distribution to fungal life styles. Types of mco genes might be present in one and absent in another fungus. Distinct types of genes have been multiplied at speciation in different organisms. Phylogenetic analysis defined different subfamilies of laccases sensu stricto (specific to Agaricomycetes), classical Fe2+-oxidizing Fet3-like ferroxidases, potential ferroxidases/laccases exhibiting either one or both of these enzymatic functions, enzymes clustering with pigment MCOs and putative ascorbate oxidases. Biochemically best described are laccases sensu stricto due to their proposed roles in degradation of wood, straw and plant litter and due to the large interest in these enzymes in biotechnology. However, biological functions of laccases and other MCOs are generally little addressed. Functions in substrate degradation, symbiontic and pathogenic intercations, development, pigmentation and copper homeostasis have been put forward. Evidences for biological functions are in most instances rather circumstantial by correlations of expression. Multiple factors impede research on biological functions such as difficulties of defining suitable biological systems for molecular research, the broad and overlapping substrate spectrum multi-copper oxidases usually possess, the low existent knowledge on their natural substrates, difficulties imposed by low expression or expression of multiple enzymes, and difficulties in expressing enzymes heterologously

    Lcc1 and Lcc5 are the main laccases secreted in liquid cultures of Coprinopsis cinerea strains

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    The litter-degrading dung fungus Coprinopsis cinerea has the high number of seventeen different laccase genes. In this work, ten different monokaryons were compared in their ability to produce laccases in two different complete media at different temperatures. Few strains showed laccase activity at the optimal growth temperature of 37 °C. Nine of the strains gave laccase activities between 0.2 and 5.9 U mL(−1) at the suboptimal temperature of 25 °C in mKjalke medium. Laccase activities in YMG/T medium were detected for only three strains (0.5–4.5 U mL(−1)). Zymograms of supernatants from mKjalke medium resulted in total in 10 different laccase bands but strains differed in distribution. LC–MS/MS analysis with Mascot searches of the annotated C. cinerea genome identified isoenzymes from five different genes (Lcc1, Lcc2, Lcc5, Lcc9 and Lcc10) and of Lcc1 three and of Lcc5 two distinct electrophoretical forms. Lcc1 and Lcc5 were expressed in all laccase positive strains, but not all forms were found in all of the strains. Lcc2, Lcc9 and Lcc10 occurred only in three strains as minor laccases, indicating that Lcc1 and Lcc5 are the main laccases of C. cinerea secreted in liquid mKjalke medium. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10482-013-9883-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Das Ketocarben-Oxiren-Gleichgewicht unter einem präparativen Aspekt≠

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    The photochemical decomposition of α-diazoketone 1 in toluene gives rise to the formation of the well known keto carbene-oxirene equilibrium from which not only the product of the Wolff rearrangem ent can be derived but also the com pounds 5, 6 and 7 which are formed directly via the corresponding keto carbenes A and B respectively. Formation of the azulene 6 is unexpected in this context, it's structure could be revealed by X-ray analysis. The results may be regarded as an additional contribution to the mechanism of the Wolff rearrangement, but what is more, they could serve as a model for the feasibility of mechanistic oxirene chemistry in a more preparative aspect

    Ältere Migrantinnen und Migranten: Entwicklungen, Lebenslagen, Perspektiven

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    Das Ziel des Forschungsberichtes 18 ist es, den Forschungsstand zu älteren Migranten zusammenzutragen sowie statistische Daten und empirische Befunde zu beleuchten, die sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten der Lebensqualität im Alter beschäftigen. Vorgelegt wird ein Überblick an Ergebnissen im Schnittfeld der Alters- und Migrationsforschung. Dabei wird ein weiter Bogen gespannt, um die zentralen Bereiche der Lebenssituation älterer Migranten zu erfassen.Research report 18 aims to sum up the state of the research on older migrants and to illustrate statistical data and empirical findings dealing with various aspects of quality of life in old age. It provides an overview of the results covered by age and migration research. This spans a wide field in order to cover the central areas of the circumstances in which older migrants find themselves

    Heats of formation of perchloric acid, HClO4_4, and perchloric anhydride, Cl2_2O7_7. Probing the limits of W1 and W2 theory

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    The heats of formation of HClO4_4 and Cl2_2O7_7 have been determined to chemical accuracy for the first time by means of W1 and W2 theory. These molecules exhibit particularly severe degrees of inner polarization, and as such obtaining a basis-set limit SCF component to the total atomization energy becomes a challenge. (Adding high-exponent dd functions to a standard spdspd basis set has an effect on the order of 100 kcal/mol for Cl2_2O7_7.) Wilson's aug-cc-pV(n+d)Z basis sets represent a dramatic improvement over the standard aug-cc-pVnZ basis sets, while the aug-cc-pVnZ+2d1f sequence converges still more rapidly. Jensen's polarization consistent basis sets still require additional high-exponent dd functions: for smooth convergence we suggest the \{aug-pc1+3d,aug-pc2+2d,aug-pc3+d,aug-pc4\} sequence. The role of the tight dd functions is shown to be an improved description of the Cl (3d) Rydberg orbital, enhancing its ability to receive back-bonding from the oxygen lone pairs. In problematic cases like this (or indeed in general), a single SCF/aug-cc-pV6Z+2d1f calculation may be preferable over empirically motivated extrapolations. Our best estimate heats of formation are ΔHf,298[\Delta H^\circ_{f,298}[HClO4_4(g)]=0.6±]=-0.6\pm1 kcal/mol and ΔHf,298[\Delta H^\circ_{f,298}[Cl2_2O7_7(g)]=65.9±]=65.9\pm2 kcal/mol, the largest source of uncertainty being our inability to account for post-CCSD(T) correlation effects. While G2 and G3 theory have fairly large errors, G3X theory reproduces both values to within 2 kcal/mol.Comment: J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM), in press (WATOC'05 special issue

    Effect of fruiting-related genes on the formation of volatile organic compounds in the mushroom Schizophyllum commune

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    In fungi, little is known about connections between volatile organic compound (VOC) formation and developmental stages that are amongst others triggered by fruiting-related genes (FRGs). We analysed the volatilomes of Schizophyllum commune during different developmental stages in a variety of FRG-deletion strains and wild-type strains. The deletion strains Δtea1Δtea1, Δwc-2Δwc-2 and Δhom2Δhom2 were unable to develop fruiting bodies, and Δfst4Δfst4 formed only rudimentary fruiting body structures. Early developmental stages of these strains were dominated by esters, including methyl 2-methylbutanoate, ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, isobutyl 2-methylpropionate, and 2-methylbutyl acetate, of which the last three were not found in the headspace (HS) of the wild-type samples. Compared to the wild type, in the HS of hom2con samples, that are able to form fruiting bodies, methyl 2-methylbutanoate was the most abundant substance at early stages (68–81% of the total peak area). In contrast to fruiting body forming strains, Δtea1Δtea1, Δwc-2Δwc-2, Δhom2Δhom2 and Δfst4Δfst4 showed less sesquiterpenes in the HS. However, the sesquiterpenes found in the HS of FRG-deletion strains, namely, (E)-nerolidol, δ-cadinene, L-calamenene, α-bisabolol and β-bisabolene, were not present in hom2con or wild-type strains that mainly formed fruiting bodies and barely mycelium. Several sesquiterpenes, including α-guaiene, chamigrene and γ-gurjunene, were only found in presence of fruiting bodies. Our results show remarkable connections between FRGs, fruiting body development and VOC production in S. commune, especially counting for sesquiterpenes. Future studies are needed to reveal whether FRGs directly regulates VOC formation or indirectly by changing the phenotype

    Service users’ perceptions of relevant and helpful components of an integrated care concept (ACCESS) for psychosis

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    IntroductionPsychotic disorders have a significant impact on patients’ lives and their families, and long-term treatment with individually tailored multimodal combinations of therapies is often required. Integrated care (IC) concepts such as the “Hamburg Model (ACCESS)” with a focus on psychotic disorders, includes different (therapeutic) components with pharmaco- and psychotherapy, family involvement, home treatment and the option of using a 24/7 crisis hotline. All components are offered by a therapeutically-oriented assertive community treatment (TACT) team in a need-adapted manner. So far, however, little is known about which specific components are regarded as especially relevant and helpful by the users of IC.MethodsPatients currently participating in IC completed a questionnaire as part of the continuous quality assurance study (ACCESS II) in which they were asked to rate the different components of treatment according to their relevance and helpfulness, considering the individual’s unique experiences with IC and needs in mental health care. Furthermore, they were asked to make suggestions regarding additional helpful components of treatment.ResultsFifty patients participated in this survey (23% of the patients currently participating in the IC concept). For participants, the most helpful and important factors were having the same therapist in the long-term and the 24/7 crisis telephone. Additional components suggested by patients included more addiction-specific therapies and increased focus on vocational rehabilitation and integration.ConclusionFrom the perspective of the users of IC, long-term care from a trusted therapist with whom there is a therapeutic relationship and the possibility to reach someone they already know from the TACT team 24/7 serves as the best basis for effective care, fostering trust, understanding, and open communication. In contrast, home treatment remains a relevant aspect of evidence-based care for people with severe mental illness, but perhaps surprisingly, is not viewed as the most important issue

    The individual relationship between atrial fibrillation sources from CARTOFINDER mapping and atrial cardiomyopathy: the catch me if you can trial

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    Background Targeting individual sources identified during atrial fibrillation (AF) has been used as an ablation strategy with varying results. Objective Aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between regions of interest (ROIs) from CARTOFINDER (CF) mapping and atrial cardiomyopathy from late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR). Methods Twenty consecutive patients underwent index catheter ablation for persistent AF (PERS AF). Pre-processed LGE CMR images were merged with the results from CF mapping to visualize harboring regions for focal and rotational activities. Atrial cardiomyopathy was classified based on the four Utah stages. Results Procedural success was achieved in all patients (n = 20, 100%). LGE CMR revealed an intermediate amount of 21.41% ± 6.32% for LA fibrosis. ROIs were identified in all patients (mean no ROIs per patient n = 416.45 ± 204.57). A tendency towards a positive correlation between the total amount of atrial cardiomyopathy and the total number of ROIs per patient (regression coefficient, β = 10.86, p = .15) was observed. The degree of fibrosis and the presence of ROIs per segment showed no consistent spatial correlation (posterior: β = 0.36, p-value (p) = .24; anterior: β = −0.08, p = .54; lateral: β = 0.31, p = 39; septal: β = −0.12; p = .66; right PVs: β = 0.34, p = .27; left PVs: β = 0.07, p = .79; LAA: β = −0.91, p = .12). 12 months AF-free survival was 70% (n = 14) after ablation. Conclusion The presence of ROIs from CF mapping was not directly associated with the extent and location of fibrosis. Further studies evaluating the relationship between focal and rotational activity and atrial cardiomyopathy are mandatory