9 research outputs found

    Boxplot of the δ<sup>15</sup>N values of rural and urban children.

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    The blue color indicates urban individuals, while the pink color indicates rural individuals. The non-adult values were plotted against the mean δ15N values of the urban and rural female individuals at the age of 20–35 and 35–50 years, indicated in the graph with the blue and pink dotted and dashed lines. The children in the 1–7 and 7–15 categories were further divided into smaller 2-years groups to provide higher resolution to the data. Statistical outliers have been determined for each age group according to the IQR criterion.</p

    Location of the studied rural and urban cemeteries.

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    Squares indicate urban contexts, while triangles represent rural areas. The demographic analysis for each site is reported in the pie charts, which show a high variability in the percentage of non-adult individuals in each context [54, 57, 59, 60]; (Malve, original data). ♂ = adult males; ♀ = adult females; non-adults = individuals under 17 years of age; Unknown = adult individuals for whom sex estimation was not possible.</p

    Statistical tests and raw isotopic data of the non-adult population from each cemetery.

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    The file includes the results of the Shapiro-Wilk tests of normality and Mann-Whitney tests, the raw data for the carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses performed on the non-adult samples from the four urban and rural cemeteries studied, and the descriptive statistical analysis of the urban and rural female individuals categorized by age. (DOCX)</p

    Historical context of this study.

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    Major socio-political events and the corresponding timeframes of burials in the analyzed cemeteries.</p

    Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values of the samples colored corresponding to the cemeteries used in this study, plotted with the urban and rural mean adult values (including both males and females).

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    (A) Scatter plot of the fetuses, perinates I, perinates II, and neonates. (B) Scatter plot of the infants and older children. The ID codes of the outliers and individuals with anomalous values discussed in the text are included.</p

    Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values of the samples colored by the cemeteries used in this study.

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    The urban and rural distributions are separated in the boxplots. The values of local fauna are added as references (Aguraiuja-Lätti, original data; Malve, original data). The ellipses are drawn with 95% confidence intervals, and the outliers related to the urban and rural samples were determined using the IQR criterion.</p