9 research outputs found

    Streamlining the Manufacturing Process at the Bloom Continuous Casting Machine

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou plánování, kapacitního využití licího stroje a minimalizací prostojů na pracovišti plynulého odlévání oceli. Práce je řešena v obchodním závodě TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a. s. Bude provedena analýza současného způsobu plánování výroby, porovnání se skutečnou výrobou a budou navrženy možností zlepšení. Tyto návrhy se následně vyhodnotí, vyčíslí se přínos a navrhne se způsob implementace do praxe.This diploma thesis deals with plannig issues, capacity utilization of the casting machine and minimization of downtime in the workplace of continuos casting of steel . The work is solved in the business TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a. s. An analysis of the current production planning method will be performed, comparison with achal production and opportunities for improvement will be proposed. These proposals will then be evaluated, the benefit is calculated and the way of implementation is proposed.634 - Katedra ekonomiky a managementu v metalurgiivelmi dobř

    Mapping programmable engine control unit

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    Import 26/06/2013Bakalářská práce se zabývá mapováním spalovacího motoru 1,4 MPi osazeného programovatelnou řídící jednotkou DTA S60PRO. Velký důraz je pak kladen na detekci a správné nastavení meze klepání motoru a lambda poměru výfukových plynů pro dosaţení optimálního výkonu a krouticího momentu motoru.This bachelor thesis deals with mapping the 1.4 MPI engine fitted with programmable control unit DTA S60PRO. Great emphasis is placed on the detection and correct setting limits of engine knock and lambda ratio of exhaust gas for optimum performance and engine torque.Prezenční632 - Katedra materiálů a technologií pro automobilyvýborn

    The Economic Aspect of Fall Shotcrete in the Tundish to the Continuous Casting of Steel

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    Import 02/11/2016Bakalářská práce analyzuje možné dopady opadu torkretu do mezipánví. Je stanoven okamžik vzniku tohoto defektu, a jsou charakterizovány možné ekonomické následky na výrobu oceli. Některé informace pro tuto práci byly získány fyzickým pozorováním přímo na pracovištích, jiné informace bylo nutné propočítat. Byly vyhodnoceny ekonomické ztráty v důsledků omezení odlévání a zpracovány do přehledných tabulek.The Bachelor thesis analyzes the possible impacts of litter gunite shotkrete into tundishes. It is determined moment of occurrence of this defekt and they are charakterized by a possible economic conseqenses for steel produktion. Some information for this work have been obtained physical observations directly at workplaces, other information was necessery to recalculate. The were evaluated economic losses due to the constrains of casting and processed intro clear tables.634 - Katedra ekonomiky a managementu v metalurgiivelmi dobř

    Main Problems of Cooperation Management: Insights from Slovak Companies

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    The paper deals with the topic of the cooperation management in the Slovak business environment. We closely investigated the cooperation relations among the companies from 2012 to 2015. The major findings related to problems which impede effective cooperation, creation of synergies, and competitive advantages. As specific problems, we identified inefficient and insufficient cooperation among educational institutions and companies; low quality of supplier-customer relationships; potential risks and issues that may occur later on in cooperation; unsuitable approach to setting goals, tools, and methods for effective cooperation; etc. We also identified main criteria considering the importance for an effective and beneficial cooperation: mutual trust, adherence to contractual requirements, and benefit from the cooperation, which were defined as the best possible result with respect to the expectations about the cooperation. We focus exactly on these criteria in the discussion (among others), where we use them as a basis for the recommendations which will prevent the identified problems

    Through Synergy in Cooperation towards Sustainable Business Strategy Management

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    In our research we have focused our effort on answering one major question: could theory about synergy effects help to strengthen the cooperation between organizations to achieve more sustainable business? In order to do that, we set up three main research domains: (1) synergies and synergy effects; (2) cooperation and the cooperation environment; and (3) strategic management. From the methodological point of view, besides literature review, we combined content analysis of relevant internet sources (both quantitative and qualitative) and sociological survey in the years 2014 to 2018. The results show us strong connections between the effective usage of cooperation and synergy effect in strategic management and market competitiveness. They also show as that certain way of strategic cooperation between organizations could be significantly beneficial towards business sustainability. In our paper we present data from our research, our main significant findings, and also recommendations and tools for utilizing them in practice

    Regional Cooperation Ecosystem: Case of the Žilina Self-Government Region (Slovak Republic)

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    The paper deals with the topic of the cooperation ecosystem in the Žilina higher self-government region (HSGR). The results are mainly from our research about cooperation in the region. According to the research results, the most developed areas of the cooperation are: the supplier–customer relationships, techniques and technology, education, legal service, marketing, transport, research and development. Research also finds more possible capacity for further cooperating connections. For example, the University of Žilina (UNIZA) and HSGR are natural cooperation centers and are both highly sought for as cooperation partners. Based on our findings we designed a model of the cooperation ecosystem, or cooperation platform in the Žilina self-government region. This platform should be formed by UNIZA and HSGR and other organizations for development of new cooperation projects in the region. Thanks to the dynamic and sustainable character of the platform it can easier react to changes on the market

    The Presentation of Automotive Brands in the On-Line Environment—The Perspective of KIA, Peugeot, Toyota and VW in the Slovak Republic

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    This article deals with the analysis of the reputation of global automobile manufacturers primarily in the territory of the Slovak Republic for their comparison. The reputation of brands in the wider Central European and global context has also been considered. The selected brands were Volkswagen, Toyota, KIA, and Peugeot. Selected car brands either have a production plant in Slovakia or are well known in Slovakia, thanks to high global brand awareness. E-business marketing activities in the automotive sector are a major challenge to sustainability in the industry. The analysis took into account official information provided by automotive companies for the purpose of reputation management, as well as external data such as automotive media articles, independent reviews and customer feedback. The findings of the article include a detailed analysis of the online reputation of examined individual brands. The article also provides a list of the most important factors that can positively or negatively affect brand reputation, defined based on previous analysis. In conclusion, the authors try to make use of the findings and build a brief set of recommendations on how to correctly apply the reputation management principles to the overall strategy of the organization

    Enhancing Small Heat Source Performance through Gravitational Loop Heat Pipes

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    This experimental study aimed to validate the integration of a gravitational loop heat pipe (GLHP) with respect to a gas fireplace insert. The GLHP was utilized to enhance the efficiency of the fireplace by preheating the combustion air with waste heat from flue gases. The experiment involved monitoring key parameters such as vapor and condensate temperatures and absolute pressure within the LHP. The results demonstrated that a filling volume of 0.1 L of water in the LHP allowed for successful operation, while exceeding 0.2 L resulted in flooding and decreased system efficiency. Challenges related to vapor production and condensate return were identified, suggesting the need for further research and design improvements. The experimental verification confirmed the feasibility of implementing the gravitational LHP in a gas fireplace insert and emphasized the importance of optimizing vapor production and condensate return mechanisms. This study contributes to the advancement of thermal management strategies and provides valuable insights for enhancing the design and performance of such systems