42 research outputs found


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    This paper deals with the problems of the south-east section of the Adriatic islands which consits of two larger islands (the islands of Lastovo and Mljet) and of an archipelago (the archipelago of Elafiti). These are the islands of the Dubrovnik region, remote from the continental coast and with the similar demographic and socio-economic characteristics

    Promjene u demografskim strukturama Grada Knina u međupopisnom razdoblju 1991.-2001. godine

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    The Town of Knin, as many other war-affected areas in Croatia, has experienced significant demographic, socio-economic and political changes. The most prominent changes include notable reduction in the number of inhabitants and altered population structures. Ethnic composition has changed significantly in comparison to prewar period, partly due to immigration of Croats from Bosnia and Herzegovina.Grad Knin je, kao i ostala područja u Hrvatskoj koja su bila izravno pogođena ratnim djelovanjima, doživio mnoge političke, društveno-gospodarske i demografske promjene. Osim znatnog smanjenja broja stanovnika, promijenila se i njihova struktura. Narodnosni sastav bitno je izmijenjen u odnosu na prijeratno razdoblje, što je i posljedica doseljavanja hrvatskog stanovništva iz susjedne Bosne i Hercegovine

    Changes in Biological and Economic Strukture of the Population in South Croatia (Dalmatia) from 1948 to 1991

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    U ovom radu iznijeti su rezultati analize promjena u biološkoj i ekonomskoj strukturi stanovništva Južne Hrvatske (Dalmacije) u razdoblju od 1948.-1991. godine. Posebno je razmotren razvoj sekundarnog i tercijarnog sektora djelatnosti i utjecaj općeg gospodarskog napretka na stanovništvo.This paper offers the results of the analysis of changes in biological and economic structure of the population in South Croatia (Dalmatia) from 1948 to 1991. Special attention has been paid to the development of the secondary and tertiary activity sectors and the influence of general economic progress on the population


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    This paper presents highlights of the geography, history, and management of the Neretva River estuary. Current threats to the estuary\u27s valuable natural resources, including changes in its hydrologic regime, loss of native habitat, changes in biodiversity, and pollution are reviewed. Different proposals for the area\u27s development, and possible conflicts associated with their implementation, are mentioned. Aquaculture, properly practiced, can make a significant contribution to the Neretva estuary\u27s near- and longterm development

    Suvremena dinamika i strukture stanovništva bivše općine Obrovac

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    This paper deals with demographic characteristics of former Obrovac Municipality that existed as such until 1993. Like most of the municipalities in Dalmatian hinterland, this municipality was also affected by depopulation processes. The purpose of this paper is to determine the intensity of these processes by analyzing the various aspects of population structures. The analysis includes population trends, age-sex structure, educational structure, economic and ethnic composition. This mostly rural area has always been underdeveloped with depopulation processes dating from 1970s that particularly intensified during and after the Croatian War of Independence.Ovaj rad proučava demografske karakteristike bivše općine Obrovac prema administrativno-teritorijalnom ustroju 1991 godine. Kao i većina općina Dalmatinske zagore i općina Obrovac je zahvaćena depopulacijskim procesima. Svrha ovog rada je utvrditi intenzitet ovih procesa analizirajući različite strukture stanovništva. Analiza uključuje kretanje broja stanovnika, dobno-spolnu, obrazovnu te gospodarsku i nacionalnu strukturu. Ovo, uglavnom ruralno, područje je oduvijek bilo nerazvijeno, a depopulacijski procesi su započeli još u 1970ima i posebno su se intenzivirali tijekom i nakon Domovinskog rata

    Suvremene demogeografske promjene u Gradu Sinju

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    This paper analyzes the major demographic changes in the Town of Sinj in the second half of the 20th century. In comparison to many other parts of Croatia, particularly in Dalmatinska zagora, the Town of Sinj, in total, was not seriously affected by depopulation in the second half of the 20th century. The aim of this paper is to determine dominant demographic trends in all 14 settlements within the Town of Sinj by using several demographic indicators, and indicate which settlements are threatened by extinction and which have good prospects for further development.U ovom radu analiziraju se najznačajnije demografske promjene u Gradu Sinju u drugoj polovini 20. st. U usporedbi s brojnim drugim dijelovima Hrvatske, pogotovo dijelovima Dalmatinske zagore, Grad Sinj u tom razdoblju nije bio tako izrazito zahvaćen depopulacijom. Cilj je ovoga rada utvrditi dominantna demografska kretanja u svih 14 naselja uključenih u Grad Sinj, uz korištenje odabranih demografskih pokazatelja, te ukazati kojim naseljima prijeti izumiranje, a koja imaju dobre preduvjete za daljnji razvoj

    Recent Geographical Problematics of Lopud and Koločep Islands

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    Tema ovog rada je geografska problematika otoka Koločepa i Lopuda u južno-dalmatinskom dijelu Hrvatske. Obrađuje se u okviru projekta Geografske osnove razvoja malih hrvatskih otoka. Najveća pažnja posvećena je suvremenim problemima depopulacije i slabog gospodarskog razvoja koji predstavlja poseban problem za demografsko oživljavanje otoka.This paper deals with the geographical problems of the Koločep and Lopud islands in the southern Dalmatian part of Croatia. The work is included in the project "Geographical bases of the development of little Croatian islands". The paper specially deals with the present-day problems of depopulation and underdevelopment that represents the special problem for the demographic revitalization of the islands

    Problem of the Central Place in the Commune of Gradac

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    U ovom radu je analizirano značenje Gradca kao općinskog središta, u svjetlu teorije centralnih naselja. Uz pomoć metode anketiranja utvrđen je sustav centralnih naselja na području Gornjeg primorja, a posebno uloga Gradca. Posebna je pažnja posvećena značenju političko-teritorijalnog uređenja za razvoj mreže centralnih naselja.In the paper the importance of Gradac as central place is analysed according to the central places’ theory. Using survey method, the system of central places in Upper littoral (especially the role of Gradac) has been defined. Special attention has been dedicated to the significance of the political territorial organisation for the development of the central places network

    The changes in spatial distribution of the population of Neretva river delta region

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    U radu se ističe postojanje četiriju naseobenih područja u delti Neretve, i razmatra kretanje stanovništva unutar i među njima. U radu se analizira u kojoj su mjeri povezani prostorni raspored stanovništva Delte i društveno-gospodarske promjene. Svako izdvojeno naseobeno područje posebno je razmatrano, uz ocjenu daljnjeg razvoja naseljenosti.The author sets apart four settlement zones in the Neretva river delta region and analyses the population changes and migrations in the between them. The paper deals with the relationship between the changes in the distribution of population and socio-economic changes in the region. Every settlement zone in the Delta region is presented separately, with evaluation of further population development

    Population Dynamics and population structure of Metković microregion from 1948 to 2001

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    U članku se razmatra dinamika i glavna obilježja stanovništva Metkovića i njemu gravitirajuće okolice u razdoblju 1948.-2001. godine. Kraj je intenzivnije naseljen početkom 18. st. Od tada do danas broj stanovnika neprestano raste i pokazuje vitalnost. Osim pozitivna prirodnog kretanja, u cjelini je kraj imigracijski, iako se tu radi o privlačnoj strani Metkovića, dok okolica ima emigracijski karakter. Najviše je zaposlenih u tercijarnom i kvartarnom sektoru, ali je poljoprivreda sporedno zanimanje za čak 55% stanovnika metkovačke makroregije.The paper deals with the population dynamics and basic population structure of the town of Metković and its surroundings in the 1948-2001 period. The area is populated mainly in the 18th century. From that time onwards, population is steadly growing and showing signs of vitality. Besides having a positive natural growth, the area s population is increasing by immigration, although the immigration is centered to Metković, whereas the rural karst sorrunding has a negative migration value. Labour force works mainly in services (sectors III and IV), although for about half of the total population agriculture is a side activity