46 research outputs found

    The non‐peptidomimetic IAP antagonist ASTX660 sensitizes colorectal cancer cells for extrinsic apoptosis

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    Apoptosis resistance worsens treatment response in cancer and is associated with poor prognosis. Inhibition of anti‐apoptotic proteins can restore cell death and improve treatment efficacy. cIAP1, cIAP2, and XIAP belong to the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family and block apoptosis. Targeting IAPs with peptides or peptidomimetics mimicking the IAP‐antagonizing activity of the cell's endogenous IAP antagonist SMAC (SMAC mimetics) showed promising results and fueled development of novel compounds. ASTX660 belongs to the recently introduced class of non‐peptidomimetic IAP antagonists and successfully completed phase I clinical trials. However, ASTX660 has thus far only been evaluated in few cancer entities. Here, we demonstrate that ASTX660 has cell death‐promoting activity in colorectal cancer and provide a head‐to‐head comparison with birinapant, the clinically most advanced peptidomimetic IAP antagonist. ASTX660 facilitates activation of the extrinsic apoptosis pathway upon stimulation with the death ligands TNF and TRAIL and boosts effector caspase activation and subsequent apoptosis. Mechanistically, ASTX660 enhances amplification of death receptor‐generated apoptotic signals in a mitochondria‐dependent manner. Failure to activate the mitochondria‐associated (intrinsic) apoptosis pathway attenuated the apoptosis‐promoting effect of ASTX660. Further clinical studies are warranted to highlight the therapeutic potential of ASTX660 in colorectal cancer

    NOXA-dependent contextual synthetic lethality of BCL-XL inhibition and “osmotic reprogramming” in colorectal cancer

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    A sophisticated network of BCL-2 family proteins regulates the mitochondria-associated (intrinsic) apoptosis pathway. Antiapoptotic members such as BCL-XL or MCL-1 safeguard the outer mitochondrial membrane and prevent accidental cell death in a functionally redundant and/or compensatory manner. However, BCL-XL/MCL-1-mediated "dual apoptosis protection" also impairs response of cancer cells to chemotherapy. Here, we show that hyperosmotic stress in the tumor environment abrogates dual BCL-XL/MCL-1 protection. Hypertonicity triggers upregulation of NOXA and loss of MCL-1 and thereby enforces exclusive BCL-XL addiction. Concomitant targeting of BCL-XL is sufficient to unlock the intrinsic apoptosis pathway in colorectal cancer cells. Functionally, "osmotic reprogramming" of the tumor environment grants contextual synthetic lethality to BCL-XL inhibitors in dually BCL-XL/MCL-1-protected cells. Generation of contextual synthetic lethality through modulation of the tumor environment could perspectively boost efficacy of anticancer drugs

    Hyperosmotic stress enhances cytotoxicity of SMAC mimetics

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    Inhibitors of apoptosis (IAP) proteins contribute to cell death resistance in malignancies and emerged as promising targets in cancer therapy. Currently, small molecules mimicking the IAP-antagonizing activity of endogenous second mitochondria-derived activator of caspases (SMAC) are evaluated in phase 1/2 clinical trials. In cancer cells, SMAC mimetic (SM)-mediated IAP depletion induces tumor necrosis factor (TNF) secretion and simultaneously sensitizes for TNF-induced cell death. However, tumor cells lacking SM-induced autocrine TNF release survive and thus limit therapeutic efficacy. Here, we show that hyperosmotic stress boosts SM cytotoxicity in human and murine cells through hypertonicity-induced upregulation of TNF with subsequent induction of apoptosis and/or necroptosis. Hypertonicity allowed robust TNF-dependent killing in SM-treated human acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells, which under isotonic conditions resisted SM treatment due to poor SM-induced TNF secretion. Mechanistically, hypertonicity-triggered TNF release bypassed the dependency on SM-induced TNF production to execute SM cytotoxicity, effectively reducing the role of SM to TNF-sensitizing, but not necessarily TNF-inducing agents. Perspectively, these findings could extend the clinical application of SM

    Raptinal bypasses BAX, BAK, and BOK for mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization and intrinsic apoptosis

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    Most antineoplastic chemotherapies eliminate cancer cells through activation of the mitochondria-controlled intrinsic apoptotic pathway. Therein, BAX, BAK, and/or BOK function as the essential pore-forming executioners of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP). The activation threshold of BAX and BAK also correlates inversely with the required strength of an apoptotic stimulus to induce MOMP and thereby effectively determines a cell's readiness to undergo apoptosis. Consequently, the 'gatekeepers' BAX and BAK emerged as therapeutic targets, but functional or genetic loss renders BAX/BAK-targeting strategies prone to fail. Here, we show that the small molecule Raptinal overcomes this limitation by triggering cytochrome c release in a BAX/BAK/BOK-independent manner. Raptinal exerts a dual cytotoxic effect on cancer cells by rapid activation of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway and simultaneous shutdown of mitochondrial function. Together with its efficacy to eliminate cancer cells in vivo, Raptinal could be useful in difficult-to-treat cancer entities harboring defects in the intrinsic apoptosis pathway

    Hypoxia regulates TRAIL sensitivity of colorectal cancer cells through mitochondrial autophagy

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    The capacity of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) to selectively induce cell death in malignant cells triggered numerous attempts for therapeutic exploitation. In clinical trials, however, TRAIL did not live up to the expectations, as tumors exhibit high rates of TRAIL resistance in vivo. Response to anti-cancer therapy is determined not only by cancer cell intrinsic factors (e.g. oncogenic mutations), but also modulated by extrinsic factors such as the hypoxic tumor microenvironment. Here, we address the effect of hypoxia on pro-apoptotic TRAIL signaling in colorectal cancer cells. We show that oxygen levels modulate susceptibility to TRAIL-induced cell death, which is severely impaired under hypoxia (0.5% O-2). Mechanistically, this is attributable to hypoxia-induced mitochondrial autophagy. Loss of mitochondria under hypoxia restricts the availability of mitochondria-derived pro-apoptotic molecules such as second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase ( SMAC), thereby disrupting amplification of the apoptotic signal emanating from the TRAIL death receptors and efficiently blocking cell death in type-II cells. Moreover, we identify strategies to overcome TRAIL resistance in low oxygen environments. Counteracting hypoxia-induced loss of endogenous SMAC by exogenous substitution of SMAC mimetics fully restores TRAIL sensitivity in colorectal cancer cells. Alternatively, enforcing a mitochondria-independent type-I mode of cell death by targeting the type-II phenotype gatekeeper X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein ( XIAP) is equally effective. Together, our results indicate that tumor hypoxia impairs TRAIL efficacy but this limitation can be overcome by combining TRAIL with SMAC mimetics or XIAPtargeting drugs. Our findings may help to exploit the potential of TRAIL in cancer therapy

    What Is the Most Effective Empirical Antibiotic Treatment for Early, Delayed, and Late Fracture-Related Infections?

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    Antibiotic treatment strategies for fracture-related infections (FRI) are often extrapolated from periprosthetic joint infections (PJI), although, in contrast to PJI, detailed analysis of pathogens and their antibiotic resistance is missing. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate antibiotic susceptibility profiles to identify effective empiric antibiotic treatment for early-, delayed-, and late-onset FRI. Patients treated for FRI from 2013 to 2020 were grouped into early (10 weeks) onset of infection. Antibiotic susceptibility profiles were examined with respect to broadly used antibiotics and antibiotic combinations. In total, 117 patients (early n = 19, delayed n = 60, late n = 38) were enrolled. In early-onset FRI, 100.0% efficacy would be achieved by meropenem + vancomycin, gentamicin + vancomycin, co-amoxiclav + glycopeptide, ciprofloxacin + glycopeptide and piperacillin/tazobactam + glycopeptide. For patients with delayed FRI, the highest susceptibility was revealed for meropenem + vancomycin, gentamicin + vancomycin and ciprofloxacin + glycopeptide (96.7%). Meropenem + vancomycin was the most effective empiric antimicrobial in patients with late-onset of infection with 92.1% coverage. No subgroup differences in antibiotic sensitivity profiles were observed except for the combination ciprofloxacin + glycopeptide, which was significantly superior in early FRI (F = 3.304, p = 0.04). Across all subgroups meropenem + vancomycin was the most effective empiric treatment in 95.7% of patients with confirmed susceptibility. Meropenem + vancomycin, gentamicin + vancomycin, co-amoxiclav + glycopeptide are the best therapeutic options for FRI, regardless of the onset of infection. To avoid multidrug resistance, established antibiotic combinations such as co-amoxiclav with a glycopeptide seem to be reasonable as a systemic antibiotic therapy, while vancomycin + gentamicin could be implemented in local antibiotic therapy to reduce adverse events during treatment

    Is There a Difference in Clinical Features, Microbiological Epidemiology and Effective Empiric Antimicrobial Therapy Comparing Healthcare-Associated and Community-Acquired Vertebral Osteomyelitis?

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    Background: Empiric antibiotic therapy for suspected vertebral osteomyelitis (VO) should be initiated immediately in severely ill patients, and might be necessary for culture-negative VO. The current study aimed to identify differences between community-acquired (CA) and healthcare-associated (HA) VO in terms of clinical presentation, causative pathogens, and antibiotic susceptibility. Methods: Cases of adult patients with VO treated at a German university orthopaedic trauma center between 2000 and 2020 were retrospectively reviewed. Patient history was used to distinguish between CA and HA VO. Susceptibility of antibiotic regimens was assessed based on antibiograms of the isolated pathogens. Results: A total of 155 patients (with a male to female ratio of 1.3; and a mean age of 66.1 ± 12.4 years) with VO were identified. In 74 (47.7%) patients, infections were deemed healthcare-associated. The most frequently identified pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus (HAVO: 51.2%; CAVO: 46.8%), and Coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CoNS, HAVO: 31.7%; CAVO: 21.3%). Antibiograms of 45 patients (HAVO: n = 22; CAVO: n = 23) were evaluated. Significantly more methicillin-resistant isolates, mainly CoNS, were found in the HAVO cohort (27.3%). The highest rate of resistance was found for cefazolin (HAVO: 45.5%; CAVO: 26.1%). Significantly higher rates of resistances were seen in the HAVO cohort for mono-therapies with meropenem (36.4%), piperacillin–tazobactam (31.8%), ceftriaxone (27.3%), and co-amoxiclav (31.8%). The broadest antimicrobial coverage was achieved with either a combination of piperacillin–tazobactam + vancomycin (CAVO: 100.0%; HAVO: 90.9%) or meropenem + vancomycin (CAVO: 100.0%; HAVO: 95.5%). Conclusion: Healthcare association is common in VO. The susceptibility pattern of underlying pathogens differs from CAVO. When choosing an empiric antibiotic, combination therapy must be considered

    Aktuelle Praxis der empirischen Antibiotikatherapie bei Spondylodiszitis

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    Hintergrund und Fragestellung Bei der pyogenen Spondylodiszitis gewinnen Infektionen mit Koagulase-negativen Staphylokokken zunehmend an Bedeutung. Eine empirische Antibiose ist insbesondere bei Patienten mit schweren oder progredienten neurologischen AusfĂ€llen sowie hĂ€modynamischer InstabilitĂ€t und im Falle von kulturnegativen Spondylodiszitiden notwendig. Ob es in Deutschland einheitliche, an das Resistenzprofil angepasste Standards der empirische Antibotikatherapie gibt, ist unklar. Studiendesign und Untersuchungsmethoden Es wurde an deutschen UniversitĂ€ts- und berufsgenossenschaftlichen Kliniken, jeweils in den Fachbereichen OrthopĂ€die und Unfallchirurgie, eine Umfrage zur empirischen Antibiotikatherapie bei pyogener Spondylodiszitis durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Umfrageergebnisse wurden auf das Resistenzprofil der Erreger von 45 Spondylodiszitispatienten, die zwischen 2013 und 2020 in unserer Klinik behandelt wurden, angewandt. Dadurch wurden potenzielle SensibilitĂ€ts- und Resistenzraten fĂŒr die angegebenen antibiotischen Therapien errechnet. Ergebnisse Von den 71 angefragten Kliniken antworteten insgesamt 44 (62,0 %). Sechzehn verschiedene Antibiotikatherapien wurden als jeweiliger Standard berichtet. Darunter wurden 14 verschiedene Kombinationstherapien als Therapiestandard angegeben. Die am hĂ€ufigsten angegebenen empirischen Substanzen, nĂ€mlich Amoxicillin-ClavulansĂ€ure oder Ampicillin/Sulbactam (29,5 %) und Cephalosporine (18,2 %) zeigten in Bezug auf das zuvor veröffentliche Resistenzprofil hohe potenzielle Resistenzraten von 20,0 % bzw. 35,6 %. Die höchsten potenziellen SensibilitĂ€tsraten wurden durch die Kombinationen Vancomycin + Ampicillin/Sulbactam (91,1 % sensible Erreger), Vancomycin + Piperacillin/Tazobactam (91,1 % sensible Erreger) und Ampicillin/Sulbactam + Teicoplanin (95,6 % sensible Erreger) erreicht. Eine dieser Kombinationen wurde von drei Kliniken (6,8 %) als Standard angegeben. Schlussfolgerung Die deutschlandweite Umfrage zur empirischen Antibiose bei pyogener Spondylodiszitis hat eine große HeterogenitĂ€t der Standardtherapien ergeben. Eine Kombination aus einem Breitspektrum-ÎČ-Laktam-Antibiotikum mit einem zusĂ€tzlichen Glykopeptidantibiotikum kann sinnvoll sein

    Ferritin-Mediated Iron Sequestration Stabilizes Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α upon LPS Activation in the Presence of Ample Oxygen

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    SummaryBoth hypoxic and inflammatory conditions activate transcription factors such as hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α and nuclear factor (NF)-ÎșB, which play a crucial role in adaptive responses to these challenges. In dendritic cells (DC), lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced HIF1α accumulation requires NF-ÎșB signaling and promotes inflammatory DC function. The mechanisms that drive LPS-induced HIF1α accumulation under normoxia are unclear. Here, we demonstrate that LPS inhibits prolyl hydroxylase domain enzyme (PHD) activity and thereby blocks HIF1α degradation. Of note, LPS-induced PHD inhibition was neither due to cosubstrate depletion (oxygen or α-ketoglutarate) nor due to increased levels of reactive oxygen species, fumarate, and succinate. Instead, LPS inhibited PHD activity through NF-ÎșB-mediated induction of the iron storage protein ferritin and subsequent decrease of intracellular available iron, a critical cofactor of PHD. Thus, hypoxia and LPS both induce HIF1α accumulation via PHD inhibition but deploy distinct molecular mechanisms (lack of cosubstrate oxygen versus deprivation of co-factor iron)