3,316 research outputs found

    Vasopressin in vasodilatory shock: ensure organ blood flow, but take care of the heart!

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    Supplementary arginine vasopressin infusion in advanced vasodilatory shock may be accompanied by a decrease in cardiac index and systemic oxygen transport capacity in approximately 40% of patients. While a reduction of cardiac output most frequently occurs in patients with hyperdynamic circulation, it is less often observed in patients with low cardiac index. Infusion of inotropes, such as dobutamine, may be an effective strategy to restore systemic blood flow. However, when administering inotropic drugs, systemic blood flow should be increased to adequately meet systemic demands (assessed by central or mixed venous oxygen saturation) without putting an excessive beta-adrenergic stress on the heart. Overcorrection of cardiac index to hyperdynamic values with inotropes places myocardial oxygen supply at significant risk

    Left ventricular rotation: a neglected aspect of the cardiac cycle

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    Purpose: To describe the mechanics and possible clinical importance of left ventricular (LV) rotation, exemplify techniques to quantify LV rotation and illustrate the temporal relationship of cardiac pressures, electrocardiogram and LV rotation. Materials and methods: Review of the literature combined with selected examples of echocardiographic measurements. Results: Rotation of the left ventricle around its longitudinal axis is an important but thus far neglected aspect of the cardiac cycle. LV rotation during systole maximizes intracavitary pressures, increases stroke volume, and minimizes myocardial oxygen demand. Shearing and restoring forces accumulated during systolic twisting are released during early diastole and result in diastolic LV untwisting or recoil promoting early LV filling. LV twist and untwist are disturbed in a number of cardiac diseases and can be influenced by several therapeutic interventions by altering preload, afterload, contractility, heart rate, and/or sympathetic tone. Conclusions: The concept of LV twisting and untwisting closely linking LV systolic and diastolic function may carry potential diagnostic and therapeutic importance for the management of critically ill patients. Future clinical studies need to address the feasibility of assessing LV twist and untwist as well as the relevance of its therapeutic modulation in critically ill patient

    The relationship between extravascular lung water and oxygenation in three patients with influenza A (H1N1)-induced respiratory failure

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    Zusammenfassung: Diese Fallsammlung berichtet über die Korrelation zwischen extravaskulärem Lungenwasser (EVLW) und dem arteriellen Sauerstoffpartialdruck/fraktionierten inspiratorischen Sauerstoffkonzentration (PaO2/FiO2) Quotienten bei drei Patienten mit schwerem Influenza A (H1N1)-induziertem Lungenversagen. Alle Patienten erlitten eine ausgeprägte Hypoxie (PaO2, 26-42 mmHg), mussten mit dem Biphasic Airway Pressure Mode (PEEP, 12-15 mmHg; FiO2, 0,8-1) mechanisch beatmet werden und wurden in 12 stündlichen Intervallen in die Bauchlage gedreht. Alle Patienten waren während 8-11 Tagen mit dem PICCO® System monitorisiert. Während der mechanischen Beatmung wurden ingesamt 62 simultane Bestimmungen des PaO2/FiO2 Quotienten und des EVLW durchgeführt. Es zeigte sich ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen dem EVLW und dem PaO2/FiO2 Quotienten (Spearman-rho Korrelationskoeffizient, -0,852; p < 0,001). Bei allen Patienten war eine Abnahme des EVLW von einer Verbesserung der Oxygenation begleitet. Die Serumkonzentrationen der Laktatdehydrogenase waren bei allen Patienten erhöht und korrelierten signifikant mit dem EVLW während des Intensivaufenthaltes (Spearman-rho Korrelationskoeffizient, 0,786; p < 0,001). Zusammenfassend erscheint es, dass das EVLW bei Patienten mit schwerem H1N1-induziertem Lungenversagen erhöht ist und dabei eng mit Einschränkungen der Oxygenationsfunktion korrelier

    Re-thinking resuscitation: Leaving blood pressure cosmetics behind and moving forward to permissive hypotension and a tissue perfusion-based approach

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    Definitions of shock and resuscitation endpoints traditionally focus on blood pressures and cardiac output. This carries a high risk of overemphasizing systemic hemodynamics at the cost of tissue perfusion. In line with novel shock definitions and evidence of the lack of a correlation between macro- and microcirculation in shock, we recommend that macrocirculatory resuscitation endpoints, particularly arterial and central venous pressure as well as cardiac output, be reconsidered. In this viewpoint article, we propose a three-step approach of resuscitation endpoints in shock of all origins. This approach targets only a minimum individual and context-sensitive mean arterial blood pressure (for example, 45 to 50 mm Hg) to preserve heart and brain perfusion. Further resuscitation is exclusively guided by endpoints of tissue perfusion irrespectively of the presence of arterial hypotension ('permissive hypotension'). Finally, optimization of individual tissue (for example, renal) perfusion is targeted. Prospective clinical studies are necessary to confirm the postulated benefits of targeting these resuscitation endpoints

    Influenza A(H1N1) infection and severe cardiac dysfunction in adults: A case series

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    Zusammenfassung: HINTERGRUND: Während die virale Myokarditis und das Herzversagen anerkannte und gefürchtete Komplikationen einer saisonalen Influenza A Infektion sind, liegen bislang nur wenig Informationen über ein durch das 2009 Influenza A(H1N1) Virus induziertes Herzversagen vor. METHODEN UND HAUPTERGEBNISSE: Diese Fallsammlung fasst den Krankheitsverlauf von vier Patienten mit 2009 Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion zusammen, welche an unserer Klinik im Zeitraum von November 2009 bis September 2010 behandelt wurden. Alle Patienten präsentierten sich mit einer schweren kardialen Funktionsstörung (akutes Herzversagen, kardiogener Schock oder Herzkreislaufstillstand im Rahmen eines Kammerflimmerns) als das führende Symptom einer Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion. Zwei Patienten waren mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit kardial vorerkrankt, und drei benötigten eine Katecholamintherapie, um die hämodynamische Funktion zu stabilisieren. Mit Ausnahme eines Patienten der vor der Diagnosestellung der Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion verstarb, wurden alle Patienten mit einer antiviralen Therapie mit Oseltamivir und supportiver Intensivtherapie behandelt. Ein Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrom infolge der Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion trat bei einem Patienten auf. Die Herzfunktion normalisierte sich bei zwei Patienten und war bei einem Patienten noch bei Krankenhausentlassung eingeschränkt. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: Eine Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion kann mit einer schweren kardialen Funktionseinschränkung assoziiert sein. Diese kann sich sogar als führendes klinisches Symptom darstellen. Während einer Influenza Pandemie kann eine genaue Anamneseerhebung Grippeähnliche Symptome hervorbringen und sollte auch bei kritisch kranken Patienten mit akutem Herzversagen eine Diagnostik auf H1N1 Infektion veranlasse

    Adverse cardiac events during catecholamine vasopressor therapy: a prospective observational study

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    Purpose: To determine the incidence of and risk factors for adverse cardiac events during catecholamine vasopressor therapy in surgical intensive care unit patients with cardiovascular failure. Methods: The occurrence of any of seven predefined adverse cardiac events (prolonged elevated heart rate, tachyarrhythmia, myocardial cell damage, acute cardiac arrest or death, pulmonary hypertension-induced right heart dysfunction, reduction of systemic blood flow) was prospectively recorded during catecholamine vasopressor therapy lasting at least 12h. Results: Fifty-four of 112 study patients developed a total of 114 adverse cardiac events, an incidence of 48.2% (95% CI, 38.8-57.6%). New-onset tachyarrhythmia (49.1%), prolonged elevated heart rate (23.7%), and myocardial cell damage (17.5%) occurred most frequently. Aside from chronic liver diseases, factors independently associated with the occurrence of adverse cardiac events included need for renal replacement therapy, disease severity (assessed by the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II), number of catecholamine vasopressors (OR, 1.73; 95% CI, 1.08-2.77; p=0.02) and duration of catecholamine vasopressor therapy (OR, 1.01; 95% CI, 1-1.01; p=0.002). Patients developing adverse cardiac events were on catecholamine vasopressors (p<0.001) and mechanical ventilation (p<0.001) for longer and had longer intensive care unit stays (p<0.001) and greater mortality (25.9 vs. 1.7%; p<0.001) than patients who did not. Conclusions: Adverse cardiac events occurred in 48.2% of surgical intensive care unit patients with cardiovascular failure and were related to morbidity and mortality. The extent and duration of catecholamine vasopressor therapy were independently associated with and may contribute to the pathogenesis of adverse cardiac event

    Concomitant arginine-vasopressin and hydrocortisone therapy in severe septic shock: association with mortality

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    Purpose: To evaluate the association between concomitant arginine-vasopressin (AVP)/hydrocortisone therapy and mortality in severe septic shock patients. Methods: This retrospective study included severe septic shock patients treated with supplementary AVP. To test the association between concomitant AVP/hydrocortisone use and mortality, a multivariate regression and Cox model (adjusted for admission year, initial AVP dosage and the Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment score before AVP) as well as a propensity score-based analysis were used. In both models, intensive care unit (ICU) and 28-day mortality served as outcome variables. Results: One hundred fifty-nine patients were included. Hydrocortisone was administered to 76 (47.8%) at a median daily dosage of 300 (200-300)mg. In the multivariate logistic regression model, concomitant use of AVP and hydrocortisone was associated with a trend towards lower ICU (OR, 0.51; CI 95%, 0.24-1.08; p=0.08) and 28-day (HR, 0.69; CI 95%, 0.43-1.08; p=0.11) mortality. The probability of survival at day 28, as predicted by the regression model, was significantly higher in patients treated with concomitant AVP and hydrocortisone compared to those receiving AVP without hydrocortisone (p=0.001). In a propensity score-based analysis, ICU (45 vs. 65%; OR, 0.69; CI 95% 0.38-1.26; p=0.23) and 28-day mortality (35.5 vs. 55%; OR, 0.59; CI 95%, 0.27-1.29; p=0.18) was not different between patients treated with (n=40) or without concomitant hydrocortisone (n=40). Conclusion: Concomitant AVP and hydrocortisone therapy may be associated with a survival benefit in septic shock. An adequately powered, randomised controlled trial appears warranted to confirm these preliminary, hypothesis-generating result