3,285 research outputs found

    Persistent currents in normal metal rings

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    The authors have measured the magnetic response of 33 individual cold mesoscopic gold rings, one ring at a time. The response of some sufficiently small rings has a component that is periodic in the flux through the ring and is attributed to a persistent current. Its period is close to h/e, and its sign and amplitude vary between rings. The amplitude distribution agrees well with predictions for the typical h/e current in diffusive rings. The temperature dependence of the amplitude, measured for four rings, is also consistent with theory. These results disagree with previous measurements of three individual metal rings that showed a much larger periodic response than expected. The use of a scanning SQUID microscope enabled in situ measurements of the sensor background. A paramagnetic linear susceptibility and a poorly understood anomaly around zero field are attributed to defect spins.Comment: Journal version. 4+ pages, 3 figures. See http://stanford.edu/group/moler/publications.html for the auxiliary document containing additional data and discussion (Ref. 29). Changes w.r.t. v1: Clarified some details in introduction and regarding experimental procedures, shortened abstract, added references and fixed some typo

    A Terraced Scanning Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Susceptometer with Sub-Micron Pickup Loops

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    Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs) can have excellent spin sensitivity depending on their magnetic flux noise, pick-up loop diameter, and distance from the sample. We report a family of scanning SQUID susceptometers with terraced tips that position the pick-up loops 300 nm from the sample. The 600 nm - 2 um pickup loops, defined by focused ion beam, are integrated into a 12-layer optical lithography process allowing flux-locked feedback, in situ background subtraction and optimized flux noise. These features enable a sensitivity of ~70 electron spins per root Hertz at 4K.Comment: See http://stanford.edu/group/moler/publications.html for an auxiliary document containing additional fabrication details and discussio

    Limits on Superconductivity-Related Magnetization in Sr2_2RuO4_4 and PrOs4_4Sb12_{12} from Scanning SQUID Microscopy

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    We present scanning SQUID microscopy data on the superconductors Sr2RuO4 (Tc = 1.5 K) and PrOs4_4Sb12_{12} (Tc = 1.8 K). In both of these materials, superconductivity-related time-reversal symmetry-breaking fields have been observed by muon spin rotation; our aim was to visualize the structure of these fields. However in neither Sr2_2RuO4_4 nor PrOs4_4Sb12_{12} do we observe spontaneous superconductivity-related magnetization. In Sr2_2RuO4_4, many experimental results have been interpreted on the basis of a px±ipypx \pm ipy superconducting order parameter. This order parameter is expected to give spontaneous magnetic induction at sample edges and order parameter domain walls. Supposing large domains, our data restrict domain wall and edge fields to no more than ~0.1% and ~0.2% of the expected magnitude, respectively. Alternatively, if the magnetization is of the expected order, the typical domain size is limited to ~30 nm for random domains, or ~500 nm for periodic domains.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    An EUV Study of the Intermediate Polar EX Hydrae

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    On 2000 May 5, we began a large multi-wavelength campaign to study the intermediate polar, EX Hydrae. The simultaneous observations from six satellites and four telescopes were centered around a one million second observation with EUVE. Although EX Hydrae has been studied previously with EUVE, our higher signal-to-noise observations present new results and challenge the current IP models. Previously unseen dips in the light curve are reminiscent of the stream dips seen in polar light curves. Also of interest is the temporal extent of the bulge dip; approximately 0.5 in phase, implying that the bulge extends over half of the accretion disk. We propose that the magnetic field in EX Hydrae is strong enough (a few MG) to begin pulling material directly from the outer edge of the disk, thereby forming a large accretion curtain which would produce a very broad bulge dip. This would also result in magnetically controlled accretion streams originating from the outer edge of the disk. We also present a period analysis of the photometric data which shows numerous beat frequencies with strong power and also intermittent and wandering frequencies, an indication that physical conditions within EX Hya changed over the course of the observation. Iron spectral line ratios give a temperature of log T=6.5-6.9 K for all spin phases and a poorly constrained density of n_e=10^10-10^11 cm^-3 for the emitting plasma. This paper is the first in a series detailing our results from this multi-wavelength observational campaign.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    GALEX Detection of Shock Breakout in Type II-P Supernova PS1-13arp: Implications for the Progenitor Star Wind

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    We present the GALEX detection of a UV burst at the time of explosion of an optically normal Type II-P supernova (PS1-13arp) from the Pan-STARRS1 survey at z=0.1665. The temperature and luminosity of the UV burst match the theoretical predictions for shock breakout in a red supergiant, but with a duration a factor of ~50 longer than expected. We compare the NUVNUV light curve of PS1-13arp to previous GALEX detections of Type IIP SNe, and find clear distinctions that indicate that the UV emission is powered by shock breakout, and not by the subsequent cooling envelope emission previously detected in these systems. We interpret the ~ 1 d duration of the UV signal with a shock breakout in the wind of a red supergiant with a pre-explosion mass-loss rate of ~ 10^-3 Msun yr^-1. This mass-loss rate is enough to prolong the duration of the shock breakout signal, but not enough to produce an excess in the optical plateau light curve or narrow emission lines powered by circumstellar interaction. This detection of non-standard, potentially episodic high mass-loss in a RSG SN progenitor has favorable consequences for the prospects of future wide-field UV surveys to detect shock breakout directly in these systems, and provide a sensitive probe of the pre-explosion conditions of SN progenitors.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Ap